361. Truly Madly Deeply

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~Take Me Home~

Liam: (His POV)

"Should I put coffee and granola on a tray in bed and wake you up with the words that I still haven't said and tender touches just to show you I how feel or should I act so cool like it was no big deal?"

Today is Y/N's birthday and I have it all planned out, except I still haven't decided how I was going to wake her up. I was trying to top what she did for my birthday, but I just couldn't decide. "I could wake her up with her favorite, coffee and granola," I thought to myself, "or I could just pretend like it's no big deal, I could also tell her I love her, I've never said that to her before, or maybe I could-" my thoughts were interrupted by a sweet voice. "Liam? Why are you up so early?" Y/N asked. "Who could sleep on such a special day? Happy birthday!" I said. "Aw, you remembered," she said sitting up in bed and reaching over to hug me. "I could never forget. I love you Y/N," the words just sort of spilled out of my mouth and now I was nervous. "I love you too Liam," she responded.

Zayn: (His POV)

"Wish I could freeze this moment in a frame and stay like this. I'll put this day back on replay and keep reliving it, 'cause here's the tragic truth if you don't feel the same, my heart would fall apart of someone said your name..."

My best friend (and crush) Y/N and I were at her flat for our weekly movie night. The previews were on and both Y/N and I were on our phones. All of sudden she started smiling, then that smiling turned into jumping on the couch and squealing really loud. "Calm down," I laughed as she sat back down. "Guess what!" She screamed. She was so excited she didn't even let me say 'what?'. "Brandon just asked me out!" she yelled. My smile faded. "Brandon from highschool?" "Yes!" "I don't think he's a good choice," "And why is that?" she asked getting defensive. "He has cheated on every girl he's dated," I said. "Well why do you care?" "Because you're my best friend and I love you as um... more than a friend," she just stared at me. "I have for a while, but that was probably a bad time to tell you because I've just ruined a perfectly good friendship," I shifted awkwardly. "Zayn Javvad Malik, you have had a crush on me for a while and you didn't tell me until now? I thought we were suppost to tell each other everything, but," she paused, "I can't exactly get mad, I've had a crush on you for a while too," she told me. I smiled. I leaned over and gave her a quick kiss, this would certainly be a day to remember.

Louis: (Your POV)

"I hope I'm not a casualty. I hope you won't get up and leave, might not mean that much to you, but to me it's everything, everything..."

Louis was head over heels for you. In his eyes you were just absolutely perfect. You were kind and funny. You didn't mind doing favors for him, the boys, or their girlfriends. One day you were all in the hotel room just laughing and having fun. "I'm starving," Niall whined rubbing his stomach. "How about some Nandos?" Harry asked. "The nearest one is 45 minutes away," Liam said. Niall groaned. "I don't mind going and getting it," you said. "You don't have to, love," Louis said. "I really don't mind," you said. "If you say so," he replied smiling. You walked over the the room with your bed in it and began to put on your shoes on. "She's so sweet isn't she? I don't even know why she does all these things, she just does," you overhear Louis say. Later that night when you and Louis were snuggled together in bed, you whispered,"I do it because I believe if you do nice things, good things will happen to you," "What?" he asked. "Earlier today you said you didn't know why I did so many kind things, that's my answer," "Well is it working?" "I have you don't I?" He smiled and kissed your forehead.

Harry: (His POV)

"Truly, madly, deeply, I am foolishly completely falling, and somehow you kicked all my walls in, so baby say you'll always keep me truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you..."

Y/N's laugh filled the room and all the other boys' laughs did too. I couldn't help but stare at her. She's so pretty and smart and funny. Her eyes sparkle no matter where she is. Her hair falls in just the right places and she gets along well with other people. When papparazzis crash our dates she doesn't get mad, she finds a bright side to it all. Everybody thinks we're perfect together, and even when she gets hate she doesn't let it bother her or get her down. "Didn't your mum ever teach you not to stare?" Louis asked quietly. "Sorry I couldn't help it," I whispered back. "It's called love my boy," "I don't care what it's called, I'm just happy to call her mine," I said looking from the engagement ring on my finger to the beautiful girl who'd soon be mine forever.

Niall: (Your POV)

"Like all those days and weeks and months I tried to steal a kiss, and all those sleepless nights and day dreams where I pictured this. I'm just the underdog who finally got there, and I am not afraid to tell it to the world..."

You and Niall had grown up together. You weren't always friends though. You were both put on the same co-ed little league team in kindergarten. You thought boys and girls shouldn't be on the same team, and so did he. You became best friends when he stood up for you while you were being bullied. In 1st grade he kissed you on the cheek and told everyone he knew about it. After that he kept trying to kiss every day for a year. In your teenage years you were known as the popular one and he was known as the not-so-popular one. When you turned 14 he developed feelings for you. He was planning on asking you out, but you had already gotten a boyfriend. Eventually he started dating Holly, but they broke up when he entered the X-Factor. He was there for you when your cruddy boyfriend broke up with you. He fixed what was broken for you. Even when you tried to push him away he stayed because he wanted to prove how much you meant to him, and it was all escalated from there. Now here you were, taking the biggest step in your life; marriage. The music played, the doors opened, and you started to walk. At the end of the aisle stood an eager Niall excited to finally call you (Y/N) (Y/M/N) Horan. He had dreamed about this moment time and time again, and he wasn't ashamed to say it.

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