A Case Study of Tears

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Was it just Solar or did everyone look immensely better after crying?

And so his time and effort was once again occupied by experimenting with humans and finding out if his hypothesis was correct or false.

For this study, he'll recount three instances (along with a bonus one) and come up with a conclusion so he could get some sleep.

Case 1: Blaze

Blaze was an emotional guy, that much was established. He instantly reacted to things depending on his emotions and state of mood. He was quick to anger and judgment, always lashing out and having to be held down in order to listen to reason.

Although, a curious thing Solar noted was that he rarely cried. If anything, the emotions he constantly showed were anger, disbelief, joy, elation, and irritation. There was no trace of sorrow or despair. Granted, he did act whiny and bratty but that was when he wanted something.

Now, there was a time on the early hours of the morning (why does everything major and secretive happen at these times, seriously?) when Solar was close to finishing an experiment and went downstairs for a drink when a gust of cold air blew on him.

He found out the back door was left open, which was a rarity since Quake always made sure the doors were locked. Further exploration gave enough evidence for Solar to deduce that someone apart from him was awake and carelessly left the door open.

When he went outside, that was when he saw Blaze huddled in on himself, tucked into a fetal position and looking so tiny and pitiful that Solar just had to reach out. What was even more astonishing was when Solar reached him, Blaze didn't hesitate to cling to him and bawl his eyes out, full-out sobbing and crying and just basically be a mess for everyone to see and hear.

Luckily no one saw them, Blaze continuing to blabber apologies and wheeze and sniff. His face wasn't pleasant. Even under the dim light of the crescent moon, Solar saw how the tears slipped out his eyes to trail down his cheeks. He saw how his nose ran and how his face was all red and blotchy.

Yet when he had calmed down and the shaky breaths receded, Solar couldn't help but notice how he looked a thousand times better. Yes, there were still tear tracks and his skin was sticky but the tranquil smile on his face and how he somehow looked glowing was saying something than words could ever do.

They never talked about that time and they continued on like normal the next day. But Solar took to heart that amazing discovery and told nobody else, as it should be.

Case 2: Thunderstorm

Now, this was a tricky one to see. Unlike the situation with Blaze, he had stumbled upon it and had no intention to see it. But after that he became interested to see how the strong ones would show vulnerability, which was something Thunderstorm didn't allow anyone to see, not even his brothers.

Yet again, life had a way of springing surprises on him since he had gotten a chance to see just how Thunderstorm broke down his barriers to have a good cry.

It was after a rough and grueling mission that lasted three days. The siblings were tasked to protect a planet of cute little creatures from this pirate alien that wanted their species since he wanted to experiment with them or make them his army. It was also speculated he had illegally gotten a power sphere so they'd have to rescue the bot as well.

During their stay, they had befriended a little guy that was warm and cheery and all around a pleasant guy. He was brimming with such positivity that even Thunderstorm was taken with him.

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