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"No, you said 'last time' five hundred thousand times ago and I'm sick of holding up your stupid things like I'm a stand or some shit."

"I asked you beforehand and you gave me your consent! What's there to be furious about? I respected your boundaries, didn't I?"

"Ey ey ey what's all that noise? I'm tryin' to watch something! Mind arguing outside or somewhere else where the TV ain't around?"

Yep, another day in the Boboiboy siblings household.

I'll leave you guys to guess on who said what but frankly, I'm staying silent and watching their one-sided arguments unfold. These three are in a group known as the hotheaded trio. The name stands for itself so I don't need to explain.

They're easy to tick and annoy. They lash out with whatever's nearest to them or what comes to mind first. Api uses physical means like punches and instant facial expressions to show emotion. Petir is more of a silent brooder complete with death stares and life-threatening lightning bolts. Cahaya retorts with facts and knowledge and it's hard to win an argument with him since he's a genius and an idiot rolled into one.

And when they strike, boy you're in for an emotional ride. Or physical, depending on who you're fighting with. It's hard to miss them and there's not a day which goes by you don't hear either of them complaining or talking over each other or exploding.

Sometimes you'd hear Petir curse. Often you'd hear Api thrash around if something doesn't go his way. Always you'll hear Cahaya muttering to himself or tinkering away in his lab.

It's annoying, all the noise. I'm a simple guy; I require basic necessities, adequate attention, and a pastime. That's it. But apparently, even something like silence is too much to ask for. Ah what the heck it's almost impossible if you're someone who lives in a house with seven hormonal teenage boys, a floating robot sphere, and a grandfather who runs the most famous cocoa shop.

Go figure.

What I do notice however aside from their similarities are the subtle contrasts they all have from each other.

Petir had never been a talkative guy, only communicating through non-verbal cues like clenching his fist, scowling, or outright tossing you to the dumpster. I can confirm this because Angin annoyed him one too many times and Petir hauled him in the nearest dumpster. He's one to constantly show his irritation and he's got a sharp tongue. Once, he reduced a middle-aged woman to tears because of her fake designer purse.

Api was certainly one to strike using force, fueled by emotion (specifically if it's anger). He'll say some profanities here and there and you're likely to sport a bruise lasting a week or two. This I also know because I saw a kid who angered my twin and he retaliated with a swift punch. The kid up till now still has a shiny bruise on his temple. Api's dumb I'll admit so words aren't a strong forte of his. He makes up for it with a well-timed kick anyway so he's good.

Cahaya... well, depends on his mood and the level of ire he has. Most times he'll shut you down with his words (in which no one really cares to listen to) and there are instances he'll have no patience and just attack using either his powers or anything he's holding. So word of warning: you don't want to anger the scientist when he's sleep-deprived clutching a newspaper and vial of chemical. Just don't. And between you and me, Cahaya isn't one I want to antagonize.

So there you have it: my observations on a certain trio nobody asked for. But still, it's good to speculate.

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

"Ugh no! There's no way I'm gonna set myself up as a guinea pig. Hands off my body, bub."

"See? Even the idiot firecracker don't want any of your shit."

"Hey what'd you call me?!"

"All I'm asking for is a test subject. If you don't survive I'll just donate your body to science."

"Shut your trap I said I wasn't agreeing to anything! Why's a simple 'no' too hard for you to understand, eh?"

"No, I'm not being unreasonable. I'm trying to persuade you, you dumb bag of bricks."

"And I said no! Bleh!"

"Api, you're such a brat."

"HA? Well if you think that Petir, then you donate your body to science!"

"Hey why's the attention suddenly on me?"

"Isn't that what you crave, Petir? C'mon the girls will love it."

"What's that gotta do with anything? Stay away!"

You know what, bottom line of discussion: they're all stubborn and hard to reason with.

And I'm hungry so see you never.

Just a dive into Ice's characterization and how he sees the hotheaded trio we all know and love. Sorry the update's late AAAAAAAAA but lmk what you think in the comments! I'd love to read your thoughts :>>

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