College AU

216 10 7

This is what I imagine the BBB siblings' majors to be:

Thunderstorm – sports science

Quake – economics

Cyclone – patisserie and gastronomic cuisine

Blaze – tourism management

Ice – marine biology

Thorn – botany

Solar – computer science

And these are the links I used as reference:



Solar flipped a page of his thick tome, adjusting the round spectacles over his eyes and frowning slightly over the words.

Quake shuffled by with a pot of coffee, yawning and placing it on Solar's side of the table.

Without looking up from his study Solar said, "Thanks, Quake."

"No problem," Quake said, rubbing tired eyes—the result of countless nights staying up to do some late-night reading and studying. Another yawn ripped through his mouth and he almost stumbled had he not placed a hand on the table to steady himself.

Solar took this time to tear his gaze away from his textbook to cast a worried look toward the third brother, lowering his glasses.

"Don't you want to sleep just a minute? You look like you haven't slept in months."

Quake waved the suggestion away, standing upright and smiling slightly.

"I've got economics in a few minutes," he said. "Cy and Blaze should be coming back from history."

As if on cue, the front door burst open and Blaze walked in with a scowl on his face, throwing his bag on the floor and collapsing on the chair next to Solar, laying his head on his shoulder and whining loud.

Quake and Solar shared a look before the former sighed and asked, "What happened now, Blaze?"

Blaze's scowl melted into a sad pout, thrashing around in a fit before releasing a sob. Solar removed his spectacles to peer closer at his brother.

"What is it?"

"Ugh the prof wanted us to submit a five-page report on prehistorical rocks! Can you believe it?" Blaze straightened himself before continuing, "I plan on traveling the world, not squatting around and staring at little pebbles like they're eye candy or something!"

"And where's Cyclone?" Solar questioned. "You share the same class."

Blaze rolled his eyes, leaning back on his chair. He gave a humorless laugh and said, "He missed a paper and so he's being scolded. I didn't wanna wait around since the prof could be heard even outside the classroom."

Again, the door burst open to reveal a crying Cyclone who discarded his bag and bumped into a wall before crashing on Quake, the boy stumbling at the sudden weight and both of them collapsing to the ground. Even then, he held his brother steady while Cyclone shook with sobs.

"AAA Quakey she's threatening me with an F!" Cyclone cried, sobbing harder. Quake smiled ruefully and patted his back consolingly. "Was it my fault I got a horrible cold and the chills?"

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