Chapter 26

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The boys switch their glances over at Y/n and the visitor quickly as soon as Y/n said something. All of them except for Todoroki have a surprise look on their faces.

"W-well that just answered our question..." Deku whispered. Shinso nods at Deku words and Bakugou begins to stare at the father with suspicion. Y/n's tears couldn't stop running down her face, it's been so long since she seen her Dad and since her mom died it feels like she doesn't have any parents. Her Dad showed no emotion as he furrow his brows and literally glares down at Y/n.

"Wipe your tears, we need to talk" He said sternly.

Y/n let out a hesitant sigh and did what he told, The boys (except for Todoroki) behind her let out a choked gasped as they did not expect the dad to say something like that. Deku and Shinso is speechless and Bakugou begins to grit his teeth.

"What the hell?!" Bakugou growled. He said it loud enough for only the guys to hear. "I.....did not expect that to happen" Deku replied. "Her father is a commander, he doesn't show his emotions that easily" Todoroki explained. "How do you know about all of this?" Shinso asked. Todoroki kept his gaze forward as he responds.

"We're childhood friends. I used to....visit her without my father's consent often" Todoroki answered. Shinso made a slight surprise look on his face. Y/n's dad turn his heel and begins to walk away. However, as soon as Mr Aizawa was about to follow the two, Deku taps on his shoulder.

"Can to you for a sec?"

In Aizawa's Office

"What is it that I hear that you've been sneaking out of campus while this situation is going on?!" F/n said sternly. Y/n bit her lip and cursed under her breath.

"Not these teachers snitchin' on me" Y/n exclaimed. "You think they're your friends? They gon' tell me everything about my child" F/n snapped. Y/n scoffs a little but quickly regretted it when she sees her dad staring dead at her like flying daggers.

"Watch yourself" F/n warned. Y/n turns her head away, trying not to lash out at this point. "I didn't raise you to be this reckless" F/n lectured. Y/n looks back up at her dad and sits up straight.

"He killed mom!" Y/n yelled. Her dad looks at her with a serious look on his face. Y/n clenches her hands against the arm rest of her chair. "I was trying to get to the bottom of this!" Her dad's glare gets more sharp, "and what did that get you?!" He yelled.
"Your actions caused someone to get hurt and not only that, you endangered the city by damaging the surrounding areas!" F/n stated. Y/n gets up out of her chair with rage.

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