Ep 34 - The Titanium Ninja

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A million miles away from home, the ninja are still stuck on Delta V. Their top priority, trying to get rid of the blasted green beetles.

Kai growled, "These bugs just keep coming. We are going nowhere."

Jay uses his lightning to zap the bugs, "Nya, there's no way we're getting off this planet. Any last words, my darling?"

The Master of Earth punches them, "Jay, you are weird."


Nya sighed through the com, "Now is not the time for that! Now just don't give up."

Lloyd frown, "My dad was right, I should've never given up my Golden Power. We could have all been home. Now the Overlord has all he needs to become the Golden Master."

His father's voice came through, "Don't say that. I was wrong. You must trust your friends. Trust yourself."

"They've returned with the Golden Weapons. It's only a matter of time." Pixal informs them.

"Search for the power within, then realize the greatness within each other." Those were Wu's final words to the ninja before disconnecting.

(Y/n) stomped on a bug before blowing them away, "Oh so what? We just use our powers to get off the plant." He laughed at his far fet—

"(Y/n)'s right!" Lloyd exclaimed.

"I am?"

"We can get off this planet."

Kai toasted some bugs, "What about your green power, Lloyd?"

Zane shook his head, "It's too far. He'd never be able to keep his focus that long."

Cole sighs, "No one happens to have a build-your-own-rocket-kit handy, do they?"

A light bulb clicked in Lloyd's head, "Whoa. That's it!"

"You have a build-your-own-rocket-kit?" Jay asked.

He shook his head, "No, but we can make one." He ran to the ship. "Arcturus may not fly, but she'll give us all the metal we need. And Zane knows this solar system better than anyone."

The ninja pass to each other what they could do.

"And Kai's Fire could weld the missing parts."

"Cole's manpower could do all the heavy lifting."

"(Y/n)'s wind can help bring the parts."

"Jay has enough electricity and knowledge to make a halfway believable spacecraft."

"Haha. Hey!" Jay whipped his head at (Y/n), glaring at him before looking between the others. "Hey. This could actually work."

Kai smirk, "Let's fire this thing up and see if she'll fly."

They started working on the rocket. (Y/n) collects the parts they need as Cole and Kai put the pieces together, and the other half work on completing the electronics. After they finish making the rocket, Lloyd does one final check once they boarded their newfound ride.







"How are we holding together?"

"Bubblegum and a wish."

Lloyd grin, "Let's go home, fellas."

The makeshift rocket takes lift off.

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