19| Christmas Day Horror

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Christmas morning. I loved it. The pyjamas, presents, hot chocolate, and cookies. And most importantly, the family vibes. This year that aspect was stronger because my family got a whole lot bigger.

We sat in the living room of our mansion in Long Island. I was snuggled up to Theo's side on the floor as we passed presents around. I loved presents so much and this was my first Christmas with my family.

So I was overexcited.

Especially when Theo gave me his presents.

I think I screamed.

I jumped on top of him and hugged him with all my power.

He gave me the best presents ever.

The Song of Achilles was my favourite book ever.

Like ever. Ever.

He got it signed by the author herself with a sweet note.

If I die today, I'll die happily.

"You're the best brother in the whole world!" I told him.

"Fucking playing favourites, little girl." Silas rolled his eyes.

I ignored him. Nothing could ruin this moment.

Theo patted my hair as I stared in disbelief at the copy in my hands. This was now my most treasured item.

"We all knew that Theo was her favourite." Nicolas shrugged.

"Obviously." Amelia rolled her eyes.

We both agreed that Theo was the best. He was understanding, kind, and caring. I know that he'll be an excellent father someday.

"I better be your favourite, princess." Silas warned Amelia.

"Theo for the win!" She grinned while opening her next present.

Silas cursed and I laughed at him. He glared at me while I blew him a kiss.

"My favourite is Hector." Nicolas grinned.

Liar. I could tell by the way he batted his eyelashes.

"You're not getting a new car, Nicolas." Hector spoke while scrolling through his iPad.

He was even working on Christmas.

"Well, then I take that back. My favourite is Leo." Nicolas grumbled.

"You're my favourite too, man."

The twins bumped fists. When I see how they sometimes vibe with each other, I want to have a twin too. Sometimes they could tell read each other's minds or finish each other's sentences.

Fucking insane.

"What about you, buddy?" Silas asked Victor softly.

Victor sat next to dad. Everybody in our family seemed to have an obsession with Victor's curls. Dad was running his hand through them as Victor showed him all the new books he got for Christmas.

"I love you all the same." He answered.

"Come on, Vic, we won't be upset." Nicolas laughed.

Everybody was looking at him. His cheeks were turning red again and I couldn't help but find him adorable. Victor was a year older than men but sometimes it felt like I was his older sister.

"Silas." He replied shyly.

Silas looked like the happiest man on earth. I wasn't surprised to hear that Silas was his favourite. He was always there to help him through a panic attack and he was incredibly sweet towards Victor all the time.

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