loverboy chapter 5. || "Alotta Warmheart?"

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- Um, no, not right now, nor I'm looking for anyone, but you know how girls are, if they fall in love, they fall in love and they just gotta go with it, there's nothing you can do about it. - I said blushing as a tomato. - What about you? - I asked. 

- Nope, I don't have one - he said with a cheeky smile. 

- It must be hard isn't it? - I asked him whilst I stared at the New York skyline. 

- What? - He said. 

- Trying to find someone who will love you for who you are...- I stopped and looked right into his eyes. - And not for the fame - I ended. 

- Absolutely - he stopped - I got big time fucked last time - he said with sad eyes, I knew he didn't wanna talk about it. 

- Oh, I'm really sorry. - I said and looked away again. 

- Plus, the fans are pretty harsh too, so they have to accept my girlfriend - he said. 

- I can only imagine...... - I said and gave space to the silence. - So, talk to me about the lads, are they cool? - I asked to break the tension. 

- They're like the 4 brothers I never had - he smiled while looking at me, I smiled back. 

- That's so cute yet cheesy - I said. I rolled my eyes playfully.

- Well, it's truth though, you need to meet them - he said while looking at me. 

- Yeah maybe sometime - I said and looked away. 

- What about right now? - He smiled with a cheeky grin. 

- Right now?! - I said surprised yet confused. 

- Yep, they're just hanging at the hotel, and I know The Plaza is near here - he said. 

- But I really don't want to disturb them -I said.

- Oh c'mon, they'd be more than pleased to meet you.- Nathan said trying to convince me.

- Nope - I said popping the 'p'. - Not true-.  Nathan took his phone out of his pocket and dialed a number. I stared confused at him. 

Someone picked up. 

- Hey Jay, call the lads together, I'll put you in speaker - he said. 

Jay was one of the members right? He called them, this mothertrucker. 

- Damn you called them - I said in embarrassment. 

- It's alright, you'll see it's ok for you to meet them - he said just when the phone started transmitting the voice at the other end of the line. 

- Whaddup brooooooo - said a bunch of male voices. 

- Practising american accent I can see? - Nathan said, he laughed so did the other guys. 

- So Nath how's the date going? - Said a raspy voice. 

- Shut up Seev we are on speaker! - Said a different voice. 

I giggled and blushed at their conversation. 

- Are you talking her into bed? -. Said a voice with a strong accent. 

- GUYS! -  Nathan screamed. 

What the...? That's pretty disturbing though.  Nathan looked away and I could see he was emabarrassed. 

- Tom did you just hear what I just told Siva or what? - Said the same voice as before. 

- I know, I know, I did it on purpose Jay - the man that seemed Tom said. You could hear how they all laughed. 

Loverboy ~ Nathan Sykes Fanfic.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin