loverboy chapter 10. || "I can make you glad you came."

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 I called a cab and in like 15 minutes I was in my apartment already. I had lunch and then I went straight to my bedroom to open the package that had the pictures. 

- Oh wow, these are so good - I said to myself as I looked the photos. 

No joke, but I felt really pretty, I looked so great in the photos. And the ones with Brad were very good as well. 

The hours passed and I didn't receive a call or a text from Nathan which was pretty weird, or maybe I was a fool for expecting more than him. The day went on pretty fast and it was 6 o' clock already without me even noticing. 

I decided to stand up and take a shower. I blow dried my hair and put a floral dress with some sandals on. I was sitting in the end of my bed waiting for a text or a call when suddenly my phone started buzzing. 

From: Nathan. 

"I'm down :) x" 

I read the message and grabbed my keys and my phone and went down. 

Just as yesterday, there he was, relying on the car waiting for me. 

- Hello - I said, smiled and hugged him. 

- You look stunning babe - he said in that voice that makes me die and I blushed.

- Thanks - I said 

He sat down in the driver's seat and I sat in the co-pilot's one. 

- So how was your day? - He asked starting the engine. 

- Pretty boring though, I only went out to the office to pick up my photos - I told him - what about yours? - I asked him. 

- That's great! I'd love to see them - he said. 

- Maybe later when we come on - 

- Sounds excellent. Well my day was interesting though, we met lots of fans today and did the interview for the radio station - he said. - Please tell me you didn't hear it - 

I giggled - I did! You told me, remember? -  - I know but now I regret telling you... It was so awkward I'm really sorry - 

- Why? - I asked confused. 

- Cause all the lads started to say that I like you and blah blah blah - he told me.  - That's not a problem, friends are always like that - I told him and started thinking - Oh, that's why you didn't text me all day long? Cause you were embarrassed? - I asked and kinda laugh. 

- So you were waiting for my text - he said in a cheeky voice tone - I see.... - He added 

I looked away embarrassed - I didn't say that - 

- But you meant it - he told me and smiled at me. 

I rolled my eyes and smiled. 

- So you know how to get to the Theater? - I asked him. 

- Yep, I learned the address this morning so you didn't have to worry - he said and smiled. 

- Awwww that's so sweet - I told him 

- You're welcome - he said. 

Suddenly, it hit me. Now, our "sightseeing" thing was turning more into dates, but we weren't dating, or were we? My thoughts were killing me until we got to the theater. 

- We're here - he told me and opened my door. 

- Thanks - I said and he nodded. 

He gave out the tickets to a big man that was standing outside the Theater. He checked them out, rip a part and then gave the rest to Nathan. - Thanks - Nathan said. I just couldn't stop staring at my hand on his.  We got inside and we got pretty good seats. The show was amazing. It ended like at 9:30pm. 

Loverboy ~ Nathan Sykes Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now