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As the last rays of sun illuminated the plane cabin, Ashley turned around and allowed herself to have what might be a last look at Nathan. She was wearing sunglasses even though she didn't need then, but because of the night before. She cried herself to sleep and stayed almost up all night wondering what made Nathan act that strange way. She knew him really well, and just by that wild look in his eyes, she could tell something was wrong. 

She couldn't believe what he had told her last night, the words still echoed in her head. You're crazy. You're a drama queen. You have problems and issues. I knew this wasn't going to work because of that.  Talk to me when your trust issues are gone. After that trip, she could've sworn that from now on she wasn't going to care about the things people said about her, but she always had in mind that the she wasn't hurt by the words, since she already knew her own flaws, but she was hurt by the person who said them. She thought Nathan and her could work everything out, because their love was stronger than anything, but she was wrong. 

For a fraction of a second, she made eye contact with Nathan, who was resting his chin on his ahnd and had a finger placed horizontaly over his lips. That time the day before, she'd been kissing them, but now they felt as distant and as foreign as the day the bumped each other in the coffee table. She turned around again, her heart racing up. 

She tried to steady her breaths as the plane made landfall in JFK in New York. She heard as the usual greet of the stewardess ran throughout the plane saying that they were really grateful they'd chosen that airline. She rolled her eyes, as all she wanted to do was run away from that stupid plane cabin in which she'd spent the 9 longest hours of her life. 

Finally, the doors opened and she watched as the passengers from the lines before hers quickly but slowly at the same time evicted the plane. She sighed and looked back with the corner of her eye, and she had to admit it was just to look one more time at Nathan. But he was gone. She hadn't seen him when he walked out of the plane. But his seat wasn't alone. On it, it rested Nathan's blue navy hoodie, the one he'd worn the day they took a walk in Central Park. She quickly made her way towards in and grabbed it. 

Holding on to it, she let just a tear roll down her cheek. It was the only thing she had left from him. The only thing she had left from all those crazy months. The only thing she had left from the love on her life. 


A/N: Oh my God I can't believe it ended! I wanna thank you all so much for your love and support and comments and everything :') here's the link to the sequel! http://www.wattpad.com/story/6440481-over-again-~-sequel-to-loverboy-nathan-sykes

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