loverboy chapter 16. || "Saved by the bell."

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- have a great flight! - said the lady behind the counter whilst she handed me my boarding pass.

Today was the day. Today was the day I was seeing Nathan again after 2 weeks without him. Sounds desperate I know, but the more I'm away from him, the more I feel like I love him, and I don't know if I want to.

I smiled at the woman and nodded, and made my way inside the plane. I sat down and stared blank at the window. My phone buzzed so I got it out.

From: Nathan.

"My flight is taking off now!!!! See you in Ibiza. Xxx p.s: can't wait to se you!!!!"

A smile drew in my face as I read the text, I was finally going to be with him.

To: Nathan.

"Mine is taking off too, see you there! P.s: I'm also excited, have a great flight! Xx"

I sent the message and I closed my eyes thinking about what was ahead of me. I was going to be an extra in the Glad You Came video, I was going to be with my best friend, I was going to be with Nathan AND I was going to Ibiza! Nothing better could ever happen to me, I was opened to creating new memories and moments that I'm sure I'll never forget. I wanted to see the boys perform live as well, and I knew it would be incredible.

I felt the plane taking off of the land as my stomach filled with adrenaline and that extra feeling you get when you're flying.

12 more hours, 12 more hours. I closed my eyes as I counted how the minutes passed and finally fell asleep.


I grabbed my luggage as it passed through the transporting bandage, and even though it was heavy, I managed to roll it as I passed through the transparent doors.

And there he was, checking his phone, probably texting me to see if I arrived. I smiled widely and started running towards him.

- NATHAN!! - I screamed and he noticed me, and a smile automatically drew in his face. He extended his arms and I jumped to him. He carried me and spun me around.

This was definitely one thing I was never going to forget, ever.

- hello babe - he said as he put me down on the floor and hugged me.

- finally - I said looking at him in the eyes and smiling.

- I know. - he smiled back.

I stared at him and when he leaned in for a kiss, I turned my face so that he just kissed my cheek. I put my mouth into a straight line.

- sorry - I muttered.

- for what? - he asked.

- I think we shouldn't kiss in public - I jerked out of his personal space.

- oh yes, hmm, Jayne wants to talk to us about that.... - he said scratching the back of his neck with his free hand shoving in his pocket and his thumb tangled with his belt loops.

- yeah, I imagined that... - I said, bit my lip and looked away.

- wanna go to the hotel? - he asked me.

I watch my arm clock checking for the hour. - I guess I have 2 hours until Mary arrives - I said and held my view up again.

- excellent - he said and put his arm around my shoulder.

When we arrived to the hotel, we found the boys in the reception talking to the man behind the counter. I poked Jay's shoulder twice and he turned around. His eyes widened with excitement.

Loverboy ~ Nathan Sykes Fanfic.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora