loverboy chapter 6. || "Nice to meet you guys."

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I immediately smiled. 

- Hey you must be Ashley, we've been waiting for you - he said - come in! - He backed away so I could pass. 

- Thank you - I said and felt my cheeks getting hot. 

- My name is Siva by the way, nice to meet you -  he said as we walked through a long hallway that led to the main living room. 

- Ashley, Ashely Underwood - I said, nodded and smiled at him. 

- HEEEEEEEEEYYYYY! - I saw how a guy jumped from the sofa and came running to hug me. To be honest, I freaked out cause his jump made him look like a monkey. 

He backed off from the hug to introduce himself, I was still shocked and confused with both of my eyes wide opened. 

- Hey lady, nice to meet you, my name is Tom. Sorry for that, it's just that I was truly excited to meet you, you are really famous over here, the boy won't stop talking about you - Tom said. 

- Tom - Nathan said from the other side of the room, throwing daggers in Tom's direction through his eyes. 

I blushed even more.  

- Hi Tom, I'm Ashely and the pleasure is mine - I said, smiled and hand-shaked him.

A bald boy came around and hugged me, I returned the hug. - Hey I'm Max George - he said. 

- Ashley Underwood - I simply said, staring into his big, deep greenish eyes. 

Then, another boy came, he was curly, tall as Siva, had beautiful blue eyes and kinda smelled like beer. He dried his hands in a towel before he stoke one out to say hi. 

- Hey Ashley, I'm Jay - he said with a huge smiled on his face. 

There was something about his eyes and everything about him that made me feel warm inside. 

- Oh! You were the one cooking, right? I'm so sorry, you didn't have to! - I said while I blushed. 

- Nah don't worry, I love cooking - Jay said. 

- He actually does - said a voice from behind him, that like a second later I knew it was Nathan's. I saw him and returned my eyes to Jay. 

I saw as two lovely ladies stood up the couch and smiled at me, I was dying to know who they were. 

- Hi, my name is Nareesha, nice to meet you - said one that was dark and brunette with beautiful big brown eyes and a huge smile. 

I extended my hand and hand-shaked her. - Ashely, very nice to meet you-

I saw to my other side and saw a blonde girl with beautiful blue eyes and perfect-structured face. 

- Kelsey Hardwick - she simply said and smiled at me. She thrust out her hand to greet me. I took it and shaked it, wondering if my grip was too soft or too tight.  

I figured out they were from the make-up and hair team of the boys, though I wasn't sure, I was too shy to ask. 

- Oh, in case you're wondering, I'm Siva's girlfriend and Kelsey's Tom's girlfriend as well - said Nareesha with a smile spreading on her face. 

Heck, this girl can read my thoughts. Or did I put on a confused face? 

- Awwwwww that's so good to know - I said to them. 

Later, Nathan introduced me to Kevin and Jayne, that were their security director and manager -ish. 

- I'm sorry for the cab thing - Nathan said. 

- Oh yeah, about that... I honestly didn't understand -  I said embarrassed as if I was supposed to know. 

- You know how crazy are papparazzies, they start making rumors from nowhere -  he said concerned. 

Then, it all made sense to me. - Now I see...- I said to him. I felt how my phone buzzed so I got it out, it was a call. The screen said "Mary Herzig". I immediately knew it was my best friend and my university roommate. - Excuse me -  I said to Nathan as I stood up and made my way to the balcony. 

- Mary? - I answered the call and said. 

- AAASHLEYYY! - She said screaming which made me back off the phone a little from my ear. 

- Hey babe! What a surprise! How are you? -  I asked her with a smile on my face. 

- I'm great, thanks for asking, how's New York doing? -  She asked. 

- Great, great, it's amazing here - I said. 

- I might drive down in a couple of days to say hi -  she said. 

- Sounds amazing! Let me know when so you can stay with me - I said and smiled. 

- Okay, okay. So, what were you doing? -  She asked. I didn't know what to say. 

- Ummmm.... I'm just, you know, hanging around -  I said and scratched the back of my neck. 

- You liar, you're with somebody, I can hear the voices -  she said. Damn, she knew me too well. 

- No, no really I'm just hanging around -  I said. 

- Were you in a date with someone? OH ASHLEY! -  She said surprised. 

- WHAT? NO, MARY! I was just visit- - I said but Mary cut me off. 

- Oh, so you are with someone, actually. -  She said. 

- Fine, you win, but it's JUST a friend -  I said and rolled my eyes. 

- Omg I can't believe you're actually dating someone? Who's the lucky boy? - She asked. 

- As I said, it's just a friend - I said annoyed, she could be really intense sometimes. 

- Could you at least say his name? Pleaseeeeeeee? - She begged. 

- No - I said straight. 

- You know I won't stop until you do - she said with a childish voice. - C'mon you know you can trust in me- 

- Ugh I hate you for making me do this - I said and sighed, I could hear her "yay" at the other side of the call. - His Name is Nathan, we used to study together in secondary school, l and I bumped into him at Starbucks yesterday, that's all - I said. 

- What's his last name? Sykes, right? - She laughed out loud. I think it was a joke but, how did she know?! 

- H-how do you know? - I said with my jaw dropped. 

- Oh Ashley it was only sarcasm - she said still laughing. - But wait, are you telling me you're with Nathan Sykes right now!? - She said surprised. 

- Oh, no, no, no. His name is Nathan, Nathan....- I looked away trying to find a good lastname - Sun....seed - I said and slapped my forehead with my hand because it sounded so stupid. 

- Nathan Sunseed? - She asked confused. 

- Yeah, we have weird lastnames in England - I say - look I've gotta go, I'll call you later... Bye I love you - I said and hanged up the phone, I didn't wanna have that type of conversation with her. 

I sighed and put my phone in my shorts and went inside the room. 

- Who was that? You look pissed - Nathan asked 

- Just a friend, nothing important - I replied. 

- So... Are you hungry? Jay prepared a vegetarian and a carnivore dinner - he said. 

I looked weird at him. 

- He's vegetarian - he said, understanding my gestures. 

- Oh... - I said and he nodded. - Right now I'm not hungry but if you lads are, let's just eat -

- Ok, let me tell the other ones - he said. 

10 minutes later we were all sitting in what seemed a mahogany table eating. 

- I still don't understand how your steak is so good and you're vegetarian - said Tom with his mouth full of meat. 

- I got used to it - Jay said and winked at him. 

- So... Ashley, why won't you tell us how you know Nathan - said, Max, I guess, I still didn't know them too well. 

- Oh well, basically we studied together at secondary school back at Gloucester - I said taking a bite of steak. 

- Are you from there? - Asked Kelsey. 

- Yep - I said - proud british lassie here with american roots, from my grandma's behalf. -  I smiled. 

- what happened to your accent? -  Asked Siva - thought you were american! -. 

- I've been living out of England for like 7 years, and I got used to american accent, but sometimes my british side comes out - I said. 

- Wow that's great - Nareesha said. 

- and you're 18 like Nathan? - Jayne asked me. 

- No, I'm turning 18 this year in November - I said. Jayne nodded and smiled. 

- So, who's the one that is irish? - I asked. 

Siva raised his hand, I widened my eyes. 

- Which part? - I asked. 

- Dublin - he said. 

- Awesome - I smiled, - and where are you guys from? I know Nathan's from Abbeydale, so as my mom, but I don't know the rest of you - I asked the other ones. 

- I'm from Nottingham - said Jay. 

- Bolton - I heard Tom say. 

- Manchester - Max said. 

- Go Manchester United! -  I shouted and laughed, so as the other ones. 

- Nah, I'm all about Manchester City - Max told me - My biggest dream was to play football there, I even heard they were going to sign me in. 

- No way! - I said surprised. - Wow, it must have been a difficult decision wasn't it? - 

- Yes, my two true loves, football and music, but something told me I had to go with music - he said and I smiled. 

- Congrats on Glad You Came by the way, is it your first no. 1 single? - I said. 

- Thank you - said Tom who was going to say something but Jay started talking. 

- Actually, it's not. A year ago we had a huge hit with called All Time Low - he said. 

- Oh yes, I listened to it yesterday, in fact, I bought your album on iTunes and the single, you guys are excellent - I said. 

- Thank you - Siva said and let his incredibly white teeth show through his lips. 

- What about you? Why did you move out of Gloucester? - Asked Jayne. 

- Oh, cause I went and finished high school in Mexico, also cause I had some issues at school - I said. 

- Bullies? - Kevin asked. 

- Yup - I said staring at my food, remembering everything, again. I was actually embarressed and didn't wanna talk about it, since Nathan was there.  

- Why didn't you defend her, Nathan? - Asked Nareesha. 

- Cause ummm - he cleared his throat - cause I was actually that bully - 

They all seemed to stop eating and stared surprised at Nathan. 

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