loverboy chapter 21. || "Let's be friends... for now."

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The plane ride to New York seemed like an eternity. I already missed him, but I knew this was the right thing to do. I needed to focus on my job or otherwise they were going to fire me. I wasn't that happy to be in NYC again, to be honest, I was kind of tired to be surrounded by skyscrapers and buildings everywhere, but once again, I needed this. 

A sigh escaped me when I opened the door to my apartament. Everything was the way I left it: my bed was still unmade and the flowers Nathan gave me the day we went together to the Statue of Liberty, that were in a glass jar in the table of my dining room were now withered. Everything seemed natural. It was a rainy and cold day in The Great Apple, perfect to cuddle up in bed and just rest my mind. I walked to my room and let myself drop in bed. My phone had been buzzing since I left Ibiza, probably the guys or Mary trying to talk to me. I wouldn't answer. I need to get away from them. 

So, I came here to, as I said before, clear my head and heart, but one thing was clear to me: I couldn't deny my feelings for Nathan. I loved him, I did, and a lot. But I was taking a risk while being with him: I didn't know if he changed, I didn't know if he really loved me the way he says he does and I get mountains, well, not mountains but Himalayas of hate since I'm with him. Is he worth it? I still don't know and I'm going to find out while I'm here.

I fought the urges of picking up my phone when I looked at the screen and it said Nathan was calling. I wanted to be in his arms, but at the same time I didn't want to. I gulped down the tears when I remembered something: I will probably not see him again until December. Even if I decide to stay with him, we both have tight schedules. 

I haven't talked to Jay or Mary. I didn't care about Jay, because since I met him I knew something weird was going on with him, but Mary... Mary was my "best friend" and I could never expect something like that from her. Nathan said he was dizzy, and I believe in him, but I bet Mary has no excuse for kissing him. All Mary and I have gone through together raced through my mind, and at that point I wanted to throw up because I didn't know if all that time she was being genuine with me. 

I couldn't take it anymore, so I decided to talk the only person who will never fail me: my mom. I picked my phone out of the table and dialed her number. She still lives in the UK with my brother and dad, and I only see them in holidays when I travel there. I defenitely miss them a lot. 

- hello, mom? - I asked when the phone stopped ringing. 

- ello darling - she said with her british accent. - how are you? - 

- I'm.... fine. - I sighed. 

- don't tell porkies Ashley, I know it's not true. What happened? - she asked concerned. 

- well, mom I'm calling you because I have type of a love affair. See, ummm, remember Nathan Sykes? The one who used to bully me in secondary school? Well I met him the other day here in New York, he apologized for everything and it turns out we started going out. I traveled to Ibiza with him and anyway long story short, Mary and him kissed, he apologized and said it was a mistake but I needed some time on my own and I'm back in NYC. The thing is that I'm confused mom, and I don't know what to do. - I said and took a deep breath.

- okay, first of all, you haven't called me in three weeks and you almost conquered the world! Have I missed anything else? - she asked me in a funny voice tone. 

I giggled. - no mom, apart from that, everything's normal. - 

She laughed. - Look my dear, I love you very much and you know I only want the best for you. And in this case, I can not help at all. See, in things like this the only help that you can trust is in yourself. I can't tell you who you should love or hate. I know it sounds cliché Ashley, but listen to you heart. It will tell you what to do. Follow your heart, not the world. It will get you much further in life, trust me. - she said. 

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