loverboy chapter 14. || "guess who's in L.A?"

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I got back to my house with a huge smile on my face, knowing the reason behind it. I started packing up all the stuff I needed for a week out in L.A. I laughed as I remembered this thing I read the other day, "women usually pack at least 20 items that they're not going to use when traveling." A shot of happinees filled my body as I pictured myself with him, just where I belonged. I unmade my braid and put my PJ's on, and got comfortable in the warmth of my own bed. I closed my eyes, but the smile wouldn't leave my face, like the sun won't leave on summer, or the snow won't be missed on December, just like that, we both fitted perfectly with each other. 


The next morning I felt how my ears throbbed at the sound of the alarm clock. I opened my eyes as the sunlight slid through the curtains of the window that kept the clarity out of my sight. A yawn escaped out of my mouth as I fought my way to the bathroom, where I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I came out of the room just to enter to another one, where I started dressing up and getting ready for the day ahead of me. I chose comfortable clothes, because I was going to be sit on a chair all day long. Another yawn escaped from me as I hovered my way to the kitchen. 

The peculiar and distinctive sent of coffee traveled through my nose as I opened the pot in which I'd put it. I poured it on the coffee machine and turned it on. It was only 5 in the morning, that's why I was so sleepy. I inspected my refrigerator looking for the milk, which I found on one of the shelves that were behind the door of it. I grabbed a bowl and a box of Cheerios from my pantry, then I poured the milk into the bowl and added the cereal. I looked at my reflection in the spoon as I grabbed it, wondering if my face was as chubby as it looked like in the silverware. I ate my breakfast as quickly as I could and drank the cup of coffee which indeed woke me up and made me more aware of everything a little more. I went back to my bedroom and grabbed my baggage as I double-checked everything mentally. 

Clothes? Check. PJ's? Check. Underwear? Check. Bath items? Check. Passport? I have it on my purse. Purse? Check. Phone charger? It's plugged in the bathroom, my phone is still charging. Make-up? Check. 

I packed everything, I thought, guess that's it. 

I unplugged my phone's charger and phone and put them both in my purse. I also grabbed my camera and went out. As I expected, the taxi Sean sent was there waiting for me. 

 - goodmorning sir - I said to the man who was in the pilot's seat. 

- goodmorning lady, do you want to put your luggage in the trunk of the car? I guess it would be more comfortable for you. - he asked with a twist of kindness in his voice. 

- no, I'm okay with it. - I said, just wanting to arrive to L.A already. The driver nodded and started the engine. 

I'd say that the whole ride itself was awkward, but not this time, since I was clearly daydreaming about everything. I wanted to text Nathan something clever about my surprise, that left him wanting to know more, but again, the words "clever" and "me" don't work good in the same sentence, so I just texted him a stupid thing. 

To: Nathan. 

"Up early today. I have a feeling that today is going to be a great day. Text me back when you can :) x" 

I jerked before I sent the message, embarrassed of myself since I couldn't think of nothing better to sent him. We passed through the Brooklyn Bridge, which gave me a good sight of the Statue of Liberty. The chicken noises Nathan made when we where there as he was mocking at me made my whole body shiver. All of a sudden, the inner Ashley that have been missing in action for the last week and a half woke up. 

Look at you! Traveling for the guy who made you want to die years ago, wow, such a lovely scene we got here, I heard as my conscience spread the tought all over my brain. And you know what? Itwas right. It seemed like a bluff to think that I was going to do this for him, when years ago, in fact, he made me want to die. A shy giggle escaped from my lips when the driver announced we were in JFK. 

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