loverboy chapter 33. || "three strikes and you're out."

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On the weekend of that week, Nathan proposed we going to UK, since it was really easy to do from Paris: you just took a train that crossed over the English Channel and arrived directly at London's St. Pancras station. He said he wanted to meet my family, and even though he was the one who should've been nervous, he wasn't. In this case, I was the one that was nervous. 

My family was a little old-styled and I didn't know if they were going to approve of Nathan. My mom always sounded happy when we talked over the phone about Nathan, but I didn't know if she was faking it. And let's not talk about my dad, I don't even want to imagine what he will say if Nathan holds hand with me, probably "get your hands off my daughter you bloody bastard." Just thinking about it made me want to barf. 

Anyway, so my head was filled with these hopeless thoughts as Nathan and I rode the Eurostar to England. The plan was to leave on Friday and return on Sunday and since the train arrived at London and not Abbeydale -where my family lived at-, Nathan said that we could take another train. 

When we finally arrived at my house, I stopped Nathan from knocking the door. I looked right in the eyes at him, and tried to gulp down even though my throat did not want to open up. Even before I could speak, he stroke his thumb across my cheek as he cupped it with his hand. - are you nervous? - he whispered, near my face. 

I felt a warmth sensation all over my body. I sighed. - no it's just that I'm not sure about this. What if we just leave and don't tell them we came? You can meet them at any other opportunity. - I said and bit my lip, facing the floor. 

He tapped my chin up, forcing me to face his eyes again. - Ashley, no matter what happens I will always love you, okay? - I nodded, though I wasn't sure of that. He kissed me on the lips when I felt the door opening. 

I pushed Nathan back slightly and turned around to face the door. My heart dropped when I saw the serious look on my dad's face. I smiled nervously as he stayed like that for a second, then his face turned into a happy smirk, like mine. - Ashley! - he exclaimed and hugged me, kissing me on top of my head as he did. I inhaled his sweet manly accent. 

- I missed you pa - I told him, still in his arms. 

- missed you too darling. - he stroke my cheek with his thumb. I smiled. Then he looked away at Nathan and the serious look returned to his face, his arms crossed. I was nervous again as I looked at Nathan, his hands shoved in his pockets and his thumbs intertwined with his belt loops. - so who's this young man? - 

I bit my lips and shifted on my feet. I opened my mouth to speak, but Nathan started first. He held out his hand and with a huge smile on his face, he said: - I'm Nathan Sykes sir, it's a pleasure to meet you. - 

My father stood there, his arms crossed and the serious look still on his face. His eyes traveled from Nathan's toes to the tip of his head, like evaluating him. Finally, he focused on his face again, Nathan's arms still out for him to shake it. Out of nowhere, my dad flashed a big smile and shook Nathan's hand strongly. I watched how their connected hands made their way up and down, up and down, up and down. I felt kind of relieved, since my father only shook hands with the people that he liked. - I'm Robert, Ashley's father. It's my pleasure to finally know you. Ashley's mom has been talking to me about you for a long time now - 

Nathan flashed a smiled across my way. Why did it mean anyways? "See? There's nothing to worry about". If it didn't mean that, my father made it really clear as he said: - Ashley, why so tense? Calm down darling! You look stiff! - Nathan and him both laughed. 

I smirked nervously. Maybe my father was being like this because Nathan was my first boyfriend and he didn't want to screw things up. He told us to enter and we did. 

Anyways, so the day passed and I don't know how but I fell even more in love with Nathan: he managed to be close to my mother, they looked like mom and son, and he talked business and football with my father. I guess the fact that they were accepting him made me feel more comfortable, made it feel just right. I was falling were I was supposed to. 

So on Sunday my mom had this wonderful idea of inviting Nathan's parents and sister over to have lunch, and I told her that his parents were divorced, but she didn't seem to care. I asked Nathan how he felt about it and he told me: - well hey I'm their child, and they should be able to coexist for me, I mean. Why am I even saying this? They're best friends I swear, they decided that their marriage wasn't going to affect their friendship. - 

- smart decision. - I commented. 

So they did. Harry and Karen and Jess, that were Nathan's parents and sister (in that order), came to our house to have lunch, and it wasn't much of a problem since they lived close by. 

To my surprise, everybody got along good and I just couldn't be happier. I particularly got along with Jess, Nathan's sister. I mean, how you can't get along with her? She was just the cutest girl ever. Well, she wasn't that much of a girl since she was 14 years old, almost 15, but you understand. The point is that she was really into fashion, and I could talk to her about the designers I've met and she would be really astonished, and I just felt joy about making people happy. 

At a point on the evening, I felt the urge to excuse myself from the table and go to the bathroom, so I did. When I was watching my hands, someone knocked on the door so I said just loud enough for the person that was outside to hear me: - I'm coming! I'm just washing my hands. - I waited for an "okay" or something, but the answer took more time than I expected. 

- it's me, Nathan. Open up. I need to talk to you in private. - he said through the little space that was left between the wood door and the mark of the door 

I stared at the door. What did he have to tell me that was so important that he couldn't wait for me to get out of the bathroom? Maybe the things between out families were going so good that they were bad. I knew it was too good to be true. I bit my lip and stared at the door. I opened it up and a hurried Nathan came in a locked the door behind us. 

Loverboy ~ Nathan Sykes Fanfic.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu