loverboy chapter 30. || "Au Revoir New York."

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Ashley's POV (Point of View)

I woke up to Nathan planting soft kisses on my neck, though it sent numerous shivers along my back, I felt the immediate urge to stop him right there. I smiled and opened my eyes, the blinding light that entered through the curtains making my eyes hurt right away. - Nathan, please stop... - I managed to say between little laughs. 

- good morning, babe. - he stopped his actions for a minute and looked deeply into my eyes, a warm smile shining between his lips. I melted. Though I told him to stop, he kept on kissing my neck, which made me rest my head back on the pillow again. 

I sighed, my brain sending chemical reactions through all my body. - Nathan... - I moaned. He heard me, and I guess he was proud of what he made me feel, because his kisses started to intensify, until he landed on my lips. He kissed me and I felt how he smiled within the gesture, which made me smile as well. It was so good to be back with him again. I couldn't be happier. 

We pulled back, but we still were millimeters away from each other. - I love that your face is the first thing I see when I wake up. - I told him and blushed immediately. I looked away because I could tell he was looking at me with that "and why didn't you say that before" face, his eyebrows raised. 

- I love that you love it. - he said and started kissing me again, making me go bananas. 

- Nathan, okay please stop now. I don't want to..... - I said, but my voiced trailed off throughout the sentence. I blushed even more. 

- you. - he kissed my neck. - don't. - he planted another one. - want - and another one. -to. - and another one. - what? - AND another one. - you don't want to what? - he said the sentence complete. 

I giggled and pushed him back gently. - okay Sykes, lay off. - I rolled my eyes playfully. 

He shrugged. - fine, Underwood. - he stood up from the bed and arranged his sweatpants. - come're, - he said, extending his left arm for me to take it. When I did, I hopped off the bed. - I have a surprise for you. - he whispered in my ear. 

I honestly didn't know where we were going even though I know New York more than he does. We were going down Broadway Ave. and I swear that I was still fascinated by the weird beauty of this city. I know it was a concrete jungle, but something about this place was so.... weird, magically weird. It's usual to feel stuck here surrounded by skyscrapers and winded people, because I feel sick of it too, but suddenly, when I was back with Nathan, everything seemed to glow. Or maybe this city sucked and I was just exaggerating it, because that was one of the effects of being in love: exaggerating the beauty of things. Being with Nathan made everything better. It was if like I could feel again with him, because I was a lonely soul until I bumped into him that summer afternoon in an Starbucks.

The taxi stopped and I tried to guess the place he was taking us to. It could be anywhere, though, because the taxi might've parked there since the sidewalk was all cramped up with cars. 

Nathan got out of the car and opened up my door in the other side, which I thanked him for. I inhaled the cold air, making my lungs froze for a second. Fall was almost here, and summer is almost gone. Soon I'll have to start college again....

Nathan held my hand and I came back to reality: it was the first time I went out with him, everyone thinks we're not together as a couple. Not even Jay. Oh, I hope Jayne isn't mad about it. I felt uneasy as we walked down the street, because everything was going to be back: the hate and love of the fans, the mixed emotions and the rush of being persecuted by papparazzis. I wondered what the tabloids where going to say about us: "Nathan Sykes struck by model" or "Romance blossoms in the Big Apple". Just by thinking about that, I felt sick to my stomach. 

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