loverboy chapter 22. || "Nathan talks to Jay."

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I woke up the next morning because of my phone. It was ringing, which meant someone was calling. I picked it up without looking at the ID. 

- hello? - I said in a sleepy voice tone whilst rubbing my eyes. 

- Nathan? Is this you? Where the hell are you mate? You should've woken up 30 minutes ago! We're waiting for you. - said Tom. He was mad, you could notice that in his voice. 

I looked at the alarm clock that was placed in the table in the hotel's room. 7:45. I slept 45 minutes more than I should have. I widened my eyes. - Shit - I cursed under my breath. - I'm sorry Tom you're right, be there in 5! - I said and hanged up the call. 

I immediately rose from bed and ran to the bathroom. I did all my daily stuff, and gulped down fast a glass of water which I thought was going to be my breakfast for that day. But don't worry, I'm already used to this. I usually -well, not usually, always- sleep late in days of work. I always feel bad for the guys, because we arrive late at wherever place we are going for my fault, which gives the band a pretty bad reputation of not being punctual. So, yeah, I'm used to just having a glass of water for my breakfast and doing all my daily routine in 5 minutes. 

I pushed the elevator button and waited impatiently waited until the doors of it opened. When they did, I hopped inside of it and pushed the first floor button. The guys where sitting on the white sofas of the lobby, all stomping their shoes in the floor wiating for me. Jay looked away when he saw me, which reminded me that I still had to talk with him. I had no idea when, but I had to. 

- thanks God you're here! - Jayne said and let out a sigh of relief when she saw me. - We can't afford ourselves to be late for the souncheck! - 

- but it's only 8 am? - I stated, but asked at the same time, confused. 

- God, Nathan! Do you even listen to what we say? We told you today's concert is going to be at noon! - Jayne told me desperated. 

Definitely. I was the one who gave the band a bad reputation. - oh yeah, I totally forgot. - I said in embarrassment. 

- of course you did! Ever since you've been with Ashley you can't pay attention on anything else but her! - Jay said, mad. It was the first thing he said to me since he kissed Ashley. 

I gave him a sharp look, whilst my hands curled up into fists and my jaw tensed. My nostrils expanded as I breathed in hard. I couldn't control myself, I wanted to kick him until my own knuckles where bleeding. I launched forward, but Siva held me and stopped me. Jay put both of his hands extended next to his head and said: - wow, calm down popstar! - and laughed away. Tom and Max grabbed him into the van that was going to take us to our destination. 

- Nathan, I'm going to need you to calm down, okay? Be a man! You need to talk this out with Jay and solve it with words, not fists. - Siva told me with both of his hands placed on my shoulders. 

Even though I was too concentrated giving a harsh look to Jay who inside the van whilst Siva talked, I heard him. - what's his problem? Has he been in love before or what? He clearly hasn't. He doesn't know that all you think about when you're in love is that special person. - I said, referring to his previous comment. 

- I don't know mate, but that's not my problem or yours. Do you want this band to stay together? - Siva asked, I nodded. - Okay, so do me and the guys. You have to talk. - 

I sighed and relaxed my body a little bit. - yeah, you're right. Anyway, I was going to talk with him today, Ashley told me I should... - I told Siva. 

- oh, see? That's great! Even Ashley wants you two to talk. Nobody wants Jaythan to split up. - He said and punched me playfully in the arm. I smirked at him. Siva was right, I didn't want to lose my best friend in this world. 

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