loverboy chapter 26. || "please don't be dead."

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- Nathan? what are you doing here?! - I exclaimed and pulled Brad immediately away from me. 

- why the heck are you kissing my girl? - Nathan said angrily and everyone turned around. I wanted to die right there. This couldn't be happening, not again. - who is this guy Ashley? - he pointed at Brad and then looked at me. 

- who am I? I am dating her, in case you didn't know. - Brad said and walked towards him. 

Nathan looked back at me with sad eyes. - dating him? what does he mean Ashley? - he asked. 

My head started to ache, my palms where sweaty and I was trembling. I opened my mouth but no words came out. I tried again. - I.. I.. - nope. I couldn't even talk. 

- so? - Brad said and gave me a we're-waiting-for-an-answer look. 

- Look Nathan, he kissed me, okay? I tried to push him off of me but I couldn't. And Brad, I-I don't know what to say to you but... I just went out with you because I didn't want to be rude. - I said really quickly, which usually happens to me when I'm nervous. I was hoping they both understood.

- oh, so you did kiss her? - Nathan said getting face-to-face with Brad. - rule one: no one messes up with my girl you moron. - 

Everything turned into slow motion when I witnessed what I was afraid the most: Nathan's fist sank into Brad's face, knocking him to the ground. Nathan held his view out to me with a broken gaze and my stomach twisted. I didn't see it ending up this way. It was much better in my mind: Nathan and I having dinner in my house with the snow outside, me grabbing both of his hands and saying: "hey, remember when I left Ibiza? I went out with this guy named Brad to get over you but nothing serious happened between us." and he saying: "it's ok Ash, I don't care because now you're with me". But yeah, definitely this was not the way I wanted him to figure out about Brad. 

I mouthed the words "I'm sorry" to Nathan but I guess he didn't listen because Brad got up and punched Nathan hard in the stomach, making his back arch in pain, and then he hit him in the face, splashing blood around his fist. 

Nathan dropped to the ground. - No! - I managed to say, though my throat was so constricted that I'm afraid it might've sound more as a whisper than a normal exclamation. I wanted to run towards them, but a costumer grabbed me by my waist and stopped my from walking to them. I held the tears in and managed to focus my vision. 

What I saw next shook the liquids out of me: Nathan trying to stand up with a hand in his stomach and the other one grabbing a table near by for stability, his face wincing in pain. As soon as he gathered all his strength to counter attack and held his fist back, Brad kicked him hard in the stomach again, knocking Nathan out of balance. He punched his jaw and Nathan's face fell back, his eyes going blank. I heard his skull hanging with the glass behind him, but I don't remember seeing the window shattering, because I was really focused in his face. 

Please don't be dead. 

Then everything seemed to regain its normal speed again and my ears started to hear everything around me. People were gasping and some of them even screaming. They were all shock and stunned. Brad stood up near Nathan's body and he was breathing in hard, sweating from the fight. An employee took the risk and came close to him and patted his back. Brad turned around with big nostrils from breathing in so hard and his fists clenched in the sides of his body. The employee was much shorter than him and wasn't as muscular as Brad, which left him no hopes if he had to confront him. The little man backed from him and held up both of his extended hands in the air as if saying "I don't represent a potential opponent". Brad cleaned the sweat out of his mouth and stared directly into the man's eyes.

Loverboy ~ Nathan Sykes Fanfic.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora