Chapter 32. Frenemies

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Ragna was still driving his Blood Runner to his Destination, Although he was quite curious about Donnie's relationship with April, so he just asked him.
Ragna: So what's the deal with you and April?
Donnie immediately blushed when he heard Ragna say that
Donnie: Oh uh... She's just a friend.
Ragna: Really? Because you two seem very close.
Donnie: Um, can you drop the topic?
Ragna: Fine.
Donnie: So, Where are we going anyway?
Ragna: We're paying a visit to Bradford. Or should I say... the Azreal Rip off a visit.
Donnie: Wait Azrael Rip-off?
Ragna: It's the nickname I call Bradford.
Donnie: Don't tell me you two are friends.
Ragna: We're just Frenemies. I trust him because Celica told me he's a good person.
Donnie: Who's Celica? Wait are you talking about the girl with auburn hair and has a robot with her? She's a friend of the foot clan?!
Ragna: Yes and Yes.
Donnie: Why are we going there exactly?
Ragna: I need to speak to him about something.

When Ragna arrived, he got off his Blood runner as he heads toward Bradford's place with Donnie following him,
Donnie: Ragna I don't think this is a good idea,
"Cram it Smartass! If you think it's a bad idea, you can just wait outside!" Ragna snapped
Ragna walks up to the door and starts banging on it with his fist
"Hey, Azrael Ripoff! Open up Damnit!" Ragna said as he banged the door
There was no response
Having no patience Ragna kicks the door open.
"Looks like no one's here," Ragna said to himself
Ragna lays down on the desk looking up at the night sky
"It's been a whole month now since I've been to this place, I wonder if I'll be able to get back to Kagutsuchi once this is all over," Ragna said to himself.
"What do you think you're doing here?" Dogpound asked as he came out from the shadows
Ragna: About time you showed up.
Bradford: You better have a good reason for barging in.
Ragna: I didn't come here to fight you, I wanted to speak to you in private
Dogpound: Fine. But make it quick,
Ragna: I just wanted to tell you about Nu,
Dogpound: Do you mean that Murakumo Unit?
Ragna: Yeah, How much do you know about her?
Dogpound: Not much, But Stockman calls it his new weapon.
Ragna: And does he realize how dangerous she is?
Dogpound: How is she dangerous?
Ragna: Ever heard of the Black Beast?
Dogpound: No I have not.
Ragna: It's a monstrous creature that's made of a high concentration of seithr and it requires a Murakumo unit and the Azure Grimoire to create it. If it's created then all of New York will be wiped out! Make sure that your boss doesn't send her after me.
Dogpound: I'll make sure of it.
Ragna: So, about Celica?
Bradford: What about her?
Ragna: she told me you've been getting along with her a lot right?
Bradford: Yeah What about it?
Ragna's Mind: Guess you weren't joking after all Celica.
Ragna: Well if she trusts you, Then so do I.
Bradford: But that doesn't make us allies.
"I Know, Just consider us Frenemies. Well, I gotta go, Got a meeting with Gramps" Ragna said as he gets up and leave.
Ragna: Just one more thing, Don't even think about coming after my friends.
Bradford: You know I can still do that.
Ragna: Well If you do that, you'll answer to me, understand?
Bradford: Loud and clear.
Ragna left as he scoffed and he slammed the door behind him.
After Ragna left, Dogpound secretly called Kokonoe,
Kokonoe: What do you want?
Bradford: Who are Ragna's allies?
"Why would I tell you?" Kokonoe asked
Dogpound: You seem quite knowledgeable about them, so tell me, who else is working with Ragna the Bloodedge.
Kokonoe sighed in annoyance as she pulled up images of people Bradford did not encounter.
Kokonoe: First, there's Tsubaki Yayoi, First Lieutenant of the N.O.L Zero Squadron, then there's Noel Vermillion she's the former Lieutenant of the N.O.L and also Jin's assistant, Makoto Nanaya works at the Intelligence Department under Hazama at the N.O.L, but she's a double agent for Sector Seven, Jin Kisaragi's the Hero of Ikaruga and Ragna's Brother. And Lambda's my creation. Hakumen, Jubei, Platinum, Celica, and Nu you already know,
Bradford: Perfect.
Bradford calls Xever and gave him the task to hunt down one of Ragna's friends along with the information Kokonoe gave him.
Donnie was waiting outside until Ragna came back out.
Donnie: So what did you two talk about?
Ragna: You remember Nu-13 right?
Donnie: You mean the robot girl that almost killed Mikey?
Ragna: Yeah her, I told him how dangerous she is,
Donnie: Why is she dangerous?
Ragna: I think I know why. You remember the Black beast right?
Donnie: Yeah Tsubaki told the story about it but she never told us how it was created.
Ragna: Oh it's quite simple, You just need a Murakumo Unit and the Azure Grimoire.
Donnie: What happens when the Black beast is created?
Ragna: Well you can say goodbye to New York because it'll be wiped out if the Beast awakens, So I told Bradford to tell his boss not to send her after me.
Donnie: Wow... That's bad news!
"Anyway, I'm heading back to the lair for that meeting with Gramps, You coming?" Ragna asked as he got on his Blood Runner
Donnie: Nah, you can go on ahead,  I'll see you when you get home.
"Ok, See you then," Ragna said as he drove off.

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