Chapter 1. Rise of the Bloodedge

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Ragna wakes up from the fall from the portal Rachel created.
"God... damn it! I swear the next time I get my hands on her..." Ragna said as he got up.
"Where the hell am I," Ragna asked himself as he looked around.
"Could this be the world Rachel was talking about?" Ragna thought to himself.
Ragna decided to find answers to where ever he is. until he saw someone getting mugged.
Ragna took out Bloodscythe and headed to the action.

Ragna: Hey!
Fong: well who do we got here?
Ragna; your gonna wanna get out of here before you get hurt.
Fong: Heh. You must have a death wish punk!
Fong moves in to attack but Ragna kicks him from behind.
Gong: Get him!
The two other men attacked but Ragna saw them coming.
Ragna: Gauntlet Hades!!!
Ragna attacks the grunts with a spinning downward hand swing-slam of darkness,
Fong: You. Let me know your name..!
Ragna: Ragna the Bloodedge.
Fong: Ragna the Bloodedge we'll remember that.
Fong and his men ran off.
Ragna offers his hand to the girl as he helps her up
April: thanks.
"No problem. Who were those guys anyway?" Ragna asked as he puts away Bloodscythe.
"Purple Dragons." The orange-haired girl replied
April: I'm April O'Neil.
"Ragna the Bloodedge" Ragna introduced himself
April: You're not from here are you?
Ragna: I guess you could say that. So where were you headed?
April: I was heading back to my apartment until these guys jumped me.
Ragna: Want me to take you home?
April: Sure.
Ragna and April were on their way back to April's apartment
April: So who exactly brought you here?
Ragna: I got here thanks to an acquaintance of mine.
April: and who is this acquaintance of yours?
Ragna: her name is Rachel Alucard.
April: never heard of her, what's she like?
Ragna: Well she's blonde, has a black dress, and has ribbons that look like bunny ears.
???: Get away from her!
Ragna turned around saw a figure which looked like a turtle, he wore a purple-colored headband with bo staff in hand
Ragna: Who the hell are you?
Donnie: The names Donatello,
Ragna: OK Donatello, What business do you have with me?
Donnie: Are you affiliated with the Foot Clan?
Ragna: Huh? The hell's the Foot Clan?
Donnie: Sorry can't tell you. So if you don't want to get hurt I suggest you step away from April.
April: I don't think he's listening.
Ragna: Time to knock some sense into you. April stand back.
April did as he said.
"Alright. Bring it freak!" Ragna said as he held his hand out.

Ragna: Restriction 666 Released... Dimensional Interference Field Deployed..! Blazblue... ACTIVATE!
Ragna charges at Donatello and clashes weapons with him.
Donatello: Alright, who exactly are you working for?
Ragna: That's none of your damn business!
The two broke the clash.
Ragna: DEAD SPIKE!!!
Ragna released a wave of darkness, luckily Donnie dodges.
Donnie: What the heck was that!
April: His power's unreal!
Ragna: If you like that, then your gonna love this.
Ragna changes his sword into a scythe.
Donnie looks at him terrified like watching a nightmare come to life.

Donnie looks at him terrified like watching a nightmare come to life

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