Chapter 9 Boobzilla

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Mikey and Ragna are sitting on the edge of the roof, Mikey was eating the pizza while Ragna was watching the night sky
'Wanna try some?" Mikey asked as he gives Ragna a pizza slice.
Ragna: Might as well.
Ragna takes the pizza slice from Mikey and eats it.
Ragna: Gotta admit this is quite delicious.
Mikey: see I knew you'd like it!
Just then More foot ninjas appeared behind them and Karai was leading them
Ragna: Who the hell's that?
Mikey: That's Karai, She's Shredder's Daughter, and Leo's secret girlfriend. Just don't tell Leo I said that.
Karai: I see you've made a new friend.
Mikey: I never said you and I are friends.
Karai: I'm not talking to you, I'm talking about... you.
She was pointing at Ragna.
Karai: I believe you and I haven't met each other,
Ragna: Name's Ragna the Bloodedge. got a problem with that?
Karai: Oh.. your the new guy, yeah Fong told me about you.
Ragna: How the hell do you know him?
Karai: I'm afraid that's private matters, now your coming with us.
Mikey: Ragna go! I'll hold them off.
Ragna: Alright just be careful.
Karai: Men, your up, after him!
The foot ninjas ran after Ragna.

Platinum was walking through the sidewalk when she noticed something going on.
Platinum climbs a ladder and once she reached the top she saw Karai and Mikey fighting each other
Luna: Hey Sena... Who's that floozy he's fighting?
Sena: I don't know but she doesn't seem very friendly, but so pretty.
Luna: Grr..! Luna's not supposed to help people we don't know, But if I don't step in, Mikey's gonna be submitted to them boobs forever! Ugh!
Even though she doesn't like Mikey, She had to help him.
Mikey was struggling against Karai.
Karai: Ready to give up?
Mikey: No way!
Karai: Your funeral.
That's when Platinum appeared behind Karai.
"Hey you! Boobzilla! Put the goods away and step back from Mr. turtle guy!" Luna yelled as she pointed at the kunoichi.
Karai: Huh?
Mikey: You again!?
Karai: "Boobzilla!?" Are... are you talking to me?
Luna: Damn straight, Rackula! How dare you try to seduce Mr. Turtle guy with those... those...
Karai: Wait... "seduce?" What are you talking about?
Sena: Luna I think maybe your jumping to con-
"Save your lame excuses woman!" Luna yelled after she removed her cloak and taking out Muchorin.
Platinum fires missiles from her weapon.
Karai dodges the missiles.
As she looks back to see how Platinum got that attack, she was left wide open as Platinum morphs her weapon to a baseball bat and swings at her.
It sends her flying into a brick wall.
Platinum: Is that all you got Boobzilla!?
Karai grits her teeth in anger as she tries a different approach.
Platinum strikes her with a flying surfboard attack
Karai used her blade to clash with Platinum's attack
Platinum then grabs Karai and summons a Massive bell and sends Karai flying.
Platinum then opens an eyelid and sticks out her tongue at the kunoichi as she taunts her.

 Platinum then opens an eyelid and sticks out her tongue at the kunoichi as she taunts her

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Now the kunoichi's eye began to twitch in anger, as she gets up and attacks her.
"This brat's getting annoying." Karai said to herself
Luna: Ready Sena?
Sena: Let's do it!
Platinum: CURE DOT... TYPHOON!
Platinum swings her rod around in a tornado fashion
Karai crashed into a brick wall as Platinum confronts her.
Luna: Ha! how's that Boobzilla!
When Platinum least expects it, She was surrounded by Foot ninjas
Sena: Luna we're trapped!
Luna: Dammit!
???: (Run away...)
Luna: Huh!?
Sena: Who said that?!
Luna: It wasn't me!
???: (Do not try to fight them, Run away!)
Luna: It wants us to run away!
Karai: Men ensnare them! now!
Sena: What do we do Luna?
Luna: Hell if I know!
Just then an attacker takes out the ninjas with ease and then clashed blades with the kunoichi, it was none other than Hakumen
Hakumen: I'll take care of her. Now go!
Mikey and Platinum nods as they ran for cover.
Karai tries to hold her own against Hakumen, but the kunoichi was heavily defeated.
Karai: We'll be back, and tell Ragna the Bloodedge we're coming for him.
Meanwhile, Mikey and Platinum took some time to catch their breath.
Mikey: Whew... that was close, are you alright Platinum?
Sena: I think we're about to... to faaain...
Platinum eyes rolls back into their sockets and she tumbled towards the floor, but Mikey's arm wraps around her saving her from a nasty fall
Mikey: Dudette! Are you ok?
Trinity: I'm fine, forgive us for causing you so much trouble.
Mikey: the child of a moment ago, replaced by an unseen woman?! NO WAY!
Hakumen: Platinum the Trinity. Hmph.
Trinity: It's been a long time Hakumen. A very long time.
Trinity: There are many things I would ask you, but i can only maintain control for a minute or two... and I must speak with Michelangelo. Alone.
Hakumen: Far be it for me to interfere.
As Hakumen treads silently away, the little girl who now calls herself Trinity looks up at Mikey from within the crook of his arm
Trinity: I apologize for the confusion of my appearance. My name is Platinum the Trinity.
Mikey: Trinity huh? Can I call you Trini?
Trinity: I do not wish to be called by that name,
Mikey: But how can you be speaking from this Child!?
Trinity: Michelangelo I have a proposal for you.
Trinity: Please. You, your brothers and Ragna, must defeat the new threat.
Michelangelo: don't worry dudette. We will.
Trinity: thank you.
Trinity's mouth curls into a grateful smile. But even as it does, the light in her eyes dims and vanishes, sucked back into a void somewhere deep within the child. As the last spark of it dies she whispers...
"I'm sorry..."
The moment is over, instead of an ancient hero, the form curled in Mikey's arm is again nothing more than a little girl in a hood and a cape fast asleep..
The child's eyelids twitch once, then twice.
Her eyes fly open, wide with innocence and dismay.
Michelangelo: Oh good! your awa-
Luna: Get you mitts offa me you nasty old perv!
Platinum whacks him on the head knocking him out.
Luna: Geez! I pass out for one lousy minute then ol' party turtle here moves in for the kill!
Sena: Luna! You knocked him out! Finding him's pointless if we can't even talk to him! Oh...
Luna: Well we better look around more, I wanna get used to this place.
Platinum leaves to check out the place she was in.
After the Foot ninjas were dealt with, Ragna came out after defeating the foot ninjas and helps Mikey up.
Mikey opens his eyes.
Mikey: What... happened?
Ragna: You were knocked out,
Mikey: By who?
Ragna: None of that matters right now. C'mon lets head back to the lair.

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