Chapter 47: Baxter's Revenge

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Lambda and Mikey regain consciousness after the Shell Raizer blew up from Nu-13
Lambda 11: Systems rebooted,
Kokonoe: Mikey you alright?
Mikey: Yeah I'm fine.
Mikey: What happened to the Shell Raizer?
Kokonoe: Right now it's getting patched up at the Sector Seven Lab.
Mikey: How long is it until it gets repaired?
Kokonoe: About an hour.
Soon Lambda noticed something,
Kokonoe: What is it Lambda?
Lambda: Threat detected.
Suddenly Baxter appeared with an upgraded robot.
Baxter: I have found you at last!
Kokonoe: Aw... Crap.

Meanwhile, Ragna was driving in the streets when he noticed a giant robot attacking Mikey and Lambda
Ragna's mind: Is that? Mikey!?
Baxter: Say Goodbye!
He saw a motorcycle coming toward him
Ragna jumps off his bike as he prepares a diagonal attack.
Ragna: Belial Edge!
Ragna stabs one of the robot's arms and lands in front of Baxter.

Ragna: Sup Bastard Stockman?"It's Baxter Stockman!" Baxter correctedRagna: What? I got your last name right!Baxter: No matter, what are you doing here?Ragna: Got a question for you, Nu-13's your new weapon right?As soon as Mikey heard Nu-13 shiver...

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Ragna: Sup Bastard Stockman?
"It's Baxter Stockman!" Baxter corrected
Ragna: What? I got your last name right!
Baxter: No matter, what are you doing here?
Ragna: Got a question for you, Nu-13's your new weapon right?
As soon as Mikey heard Nu-13 shivers went down his spine.
Baxter: Yeah? Got a problem with that?
Ragna: Of course I do, do you realize how dangerous she is?
Baxter: Yes I know that she's dangerous... to the Turtles, I mean they can't even beat her.
But Ragna wasn't listening he was picking his ear in boredom.
Baxter: Are you even listening!?
Ragna: Oh yeah I'm listening, I just can't stand the sound of your voice.
Mikey snorted trying his best not to laugh.
Baxter: Why you-!
Baxter fires the missiles at the S-Class Criminal but they were sliced in half as they explode.

Baxter: Why you-!Baxter fires the missiles at the S-Class Criminal but they were sliced in half as they explode

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(Imagine Ragna in the place of Genji)
"Just stand back," Ragna said as he took out Blood Scythe.
Baxter: I failed to capture you last time, But this time, I will correct that mistake!
Ragna: Yeah Yeah, I get it. Let's get this over with.
Baxter continues firing his missiles but Ragna dodged them, he then turned his hand into the claw of the Black Beast as he caught one missile and crushed it,
Ragna then ran straight toward the robot in an attempt to slash it, but it bounced back.
Ragna: What the hell?
Mikey: Dude, that normally works with all robots,
Ragna: Shit. It's gotta have a weak spot!
Kokonoe: Don't worry I'm all over it!
Kokonoe pressed several buttons, to look up Baxter's new robot weaknesses. A few moments later, she found out that the Robot's weakness was energy-based attacks.
Kokonoe: Alright Listen up, I found the Robot's weakness, it may be highly resistant to steel, but it's not immune to any energy-based attacks so if you can hit it with your attacks that involve energy like seithr, you might be able to beat it.
Ragna: In that case, Mikey give me your nunchaku,
Mikey: Why?
Ragna: Just do it!
Startled by Ragna's raised voice, Mikey takes his nunchucks and gives them to Ragna,
Ragna grabbed one end of his nunchaku and empowered it with seithr.
Ragna: Alright Mikey, Let's kick his ass!
Mikey Oh yeah!
Ragna: Blood Kain!
Ragna then starts emitting a black aura around him.
Kokonoe: Lambda, Give them cover.
Lambda: Understood.
Several portals appeared behind Lambda as swords came out of them,
Ragna and Mikey charge toward the robot as Lambda gave them back up by destroying the missiles
Mikey: Booyakasha!!!
Mikey turned his nunchaku into a Kusarigama which was empowered with seithr as it slices off one of the robot's arms
Ragna then turns his sword into a scythe as he jumped in the air.
Ragna: Blood Scythe!
Ragna slices off the other arm leaving the robot armless.
Baxter: How did you figure out its weakness!?
"Oh, we just guessed," Ragna said as he walked over to the armless robot.
Baxter: Wait, can we talk about this!?
Ragna turns his hand into a claw of the Black Beast as he thrusts his hand through the robot's chest
"Screw you," Ragna said before he pulled out his hand and he grabbed the wires causing it to blow up.
A specific device then fell out of Baxter's hands and landed in front of Ragna's feet after Ragna's Blood Kain wore off.
"Guess you won't be needing this anymore," Ragna said as he stabbed the device
Baxter: NO! I worked so hard on getting it repaired!
Baxter looks up as he saw Ragna's edgy look which frightens him.

"Guess you won't be needing this anymore," Ragna said as he stabbed the deviceBaxter: NO! I worked so hard on getting it repaired!Baxter looks up as he saw Ragna's edgy look which frightens him

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Ragna: Get the Hell out of here, before you piss me off even more.
Scared of Ragna's edgy look, Baxter ran off.
"Well, that takes care of him," Ragna said as he puts his weapon away and soon his Blood Kain wears off,
"Ragna you're the best!" Mikey said as he rushed over and hugged Ragna tightly
"Get off!" Ragna said as he pushed Mikey off of him
Mikey: Dude, how did you even find us!?
Ragna: I saw you and Lambda getting attacked by Bastard Stockman while I was trying to find the others.
Mikey: Wait where are the others!?
Ragna: Calm down, they survived the crash.
Mikey sighed in relief.
Ragna: We're going to look for them.
Mikey: But what if that Nu-13 finds them? What if she kills them!? What if she-!?
As soon as Mikey started freaking out, Ragna bonked his head to make him shut up.
"God, quit you're bitching, and get on already!" Ragna said as he got on his Blood Runner.
Mikey pouted before he got on,
Kokonoe: Lambda is going to find Makoto. We'll catch up with you later.
"Good luck," Ragna said.
Kokonoe: Same to you, Lambda prepare for transfer.
Lambda: Initiating spatial transfer
Lambda was then teleported away by the transfer.
Ragna starts up the engine and pressed on the gas as he drove off.

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