Chapter 58. A Creepy Reunion

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Ragna and Raph were on their way back to the lair after Raphael's battle with Hakumen.
Ragna: Let me guess your fight with Hakumen didn't go very well.
"Yeah, and to top it all, my weapons got shattered," Raph said as he showed Ragna his shattered sais.
Ragna: when we get back I'll ask Kokonoe to make you new ones.
Raph: Thanks Ragna.
Ragna: Hey Raph, Maybe next time you should let me handle him,
Raph: Why?
Ragna: He's very powerful. There's no guarantee you'll survive against him.
Raph: And you took him on once?
Ragna: Yeah I fought him before. We Fought each other to a draw.
Ragna looks ahead and saw a couple of Kraang droids blocking his path.
"You gotta be frickin kidding me..." Ragna said before he slams on the brakes.
Ragna: What do you want you Kraang droid shitheads?
Kraang droid: Kraang the one known as Ragna the Bloodedge is a threat to all of Kraang. Kraang must destroy Ragna the Bloodedge.
Ragna: Ah... shit.

The droids were about to fire until a certain Murakumo Unirt dropped down and impaled them with her bladed wings,
Nu: Ragna!
"Oh god..." Ragna said as he face palms himself, he was not looking forward to seeing Nu
Nu-13: Ragna! I've finally found you! Nu's been Lonely all this time.
Ragna: Well this is the last person I wanted to show up right now.
Nu: I thought Ragna was Nu's... That Nu was Ragna's...
"So Ragna... why are you with them?" Nu asked as she referred to the droids
Ragna: Um that's because... I was looking for you but ran into them instead.
Nu: Looking for Nu? Ragna, you were really looking for Nu?
Nu: I'm so happy... I guess Nu and Ragna are connected by fate, no matter where we are! We're connected deep deep down... and we'll never be apart!
Ragna: Hey uh... Nu..?
Nu: But those droids... are in our way. I have to get rid of them. So we can be together!
Raph: Ragna? Why is she acting all creepy?
Ragna: She's always like this.
Nu: Anyone who attacks Ragna is a target.
Soon her voice turned from creepy to emotionless
Nu: Beginning target elimination.
Nu started firing countless swords from the portals she created.
The remaining droids Fire their lasers but the Murakumo Unit blocks them with her blades wings while charging at the droids and slaughtering them leaving the last droid alone
Nu summons one last blank space where a black sword came out.

The remaining droids Fire their lasers but the Murakumo Unit blocks them with her blades wings while charging at the droids and slaughtering them leaving the last droid aloneNu summons one last blank space where a black sword came out

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Nu: Die.
With that last word Nu impaled the last droid with her summoned blade
She then looked over at Ragna with a creepy smile. Her voice was now creepy again.
Nu: Now Ragna, with them out of the way, let's become one.
"I love to but... Igottagobye!" Ragna said the last part fast before he drove off.
Raph: Wasn't that-?
Ragna: Yep, that's the same Murakumo unit that kicked your ass once.
Raph: So how does she know you?
Ragna: she's another person who's after me. She wants to become one with me to become the black beast.
Raph: So how many does that make?
Ragna: About 5.
Raph: Wait hold on let me recap,
Raph Started to recap On how many people were after Ragna ever since he arrived in New York first there was the Foot Clan, then there was the Kraang, then it was Jin, then Hakumen, and Now Nu-13.
Raph: Wow! You've got like 5 people coming after you!
Ragna: Yeah Turns out I'm pretty famous... and not in a good way.
Ragna's mind: Mikey's not gonna believe this.

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