Chapter 2

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Ava's P.O.V

Ugh. Getting ready for a party wasn't my thing. Of course my mom didn't care so I didn't have to ask her for permission. Me and Zoe went shopping and I found a simple dress that was fine for me. It was all black and came up to mid- thigh. It had long sleeves and I paired it with black tights and black converse. I just straightened my hair and did basic make- up, because like many things, make- up wasn't my thing. Zoe was ready and she obviously looked beautiful. She was wearing a golden dress that came up to mid- thigh and wrapped around her curves. She also put on some black tights with red heels. "Soooo... how do I look?" I smiled and said, "You look beautiful. Now let's go. The boys are waiting for us already." Jai was wearing a black button up with skinny jeans and black converse. Luke was wearing a grey button up with a leather jacket and black pants, with black timbers. I remember when we went to go buy our timbers. Both his and mine were black and we bought them just for fun. We got in Beau's car and he drove us to the party. He didn't come because he had plans with a girl that night, if you know what I mean. We got to the house and it was packed. The music ws blaring, there was drunk people both inside and outside and there was people grinding on each other and making out. Get a room please?

I walked to the kitchen with Zoe where the drinks were and grabbed a few beers for the guys and us. I don't really like to drink but I don't want to be a party- pooper so I just drank one. Zoe went to go dance with James and I don't even know where Daniel was so, it was just me, Luke and Jai as usual. We were just standing there and talking so it really wasn't different.

Jai's P.O.V

I was talking to Ava and Luke like always when we came to parties. I was trying to look for Lily though. I guess I was making it obvious because Luke then said, "Jai! Are you looking for someone?" I looked at him then Ava and nodded my head. "Lily. She must be here somewhere." Ava looked at me weird and said, "For what?" Ah shit. I forgot to tell her. She's gonna be mad. "Uhh... okay I like her." She looked at me and said, "And you didn't want to tell me?" She looked hurt and I hated that. "No. I mean yes. Like I was going to tell you but I mean I didn't think it mattered. But yeah, I like Lily."

"You do?" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and it was her. Lily. "Uhhh... yeah." I scratched the back of my neck and gave her a sheepish smile. She smiled and said, "Let's dance." I nodded my head but said, "Wait. Let me just tell Ava something." I turned around to apoligize to Ava but she was walking away with Luke. Fuck. I turned back around and grabbed Lily's hand. I could talk to Ava later. But I hated upsetting her especially since she's been there since day one. I was still happy that I was dancing with Lily though.

She kept grinding on me which in all honestly was kind of uncomfortable. I mean it's not that I didn't like it cuz c' mon I like her but that still doesn't make it any less uncomfortable. After we were done dancing we went to get a drink and Luke and Ava were there. She was holdind another can of beer in her hand. What the hell?! She never drinks. Luke was grabbing her, trying to help her keep her balance. Wait, was she drunk? "C' mon let's go dance..." Lily slurred, grabbing my arm and tugging on it. I gently pushed her off me and said, "Umm... I'll catch up with you later." "Why not right now?" she whyned. "Because I have to check up on my best friend." She rolled her eyes and said, "Oh. That bitch? Why are you even friends with her?" I ignored her and pryed her off me. "She's not a bitch. Now get off me." I turned around and my breath got caught in my throat. "What the hell?!"

Ava's P.O.V

Lily came and I thought Jai would at least turn around and say sorry to me, but I guess I wasn't as important as I thought. I walked away with Luke and we walked to the kitchen. I drank can after can of beer. "Ava. Stop." Luke looked at me with tired eyes. "I thought I mattered to him. He didn't even want to tell me who he liked." Luke looked at me with sad eyes and said, "He's stupid for that." He leaned in and I was so drunk by now that I didn't even know what was going on. His lips connected to mine and I felt a tingling sensation. "What the hell?!" Luke pulled away from me and we both turned. Oh, it was Jai. "What the hell was that?" He seemed angry but I don't understand why. "It was a kiss?" I said with a 'duh' tone. He looked at me and his eyes flashed anger. "Are you drunk?" I shrugged and said, "I don't know. Am I?" I laughed and he glared at me. "Luke, can we please leave. Jai's being mean." I looked at Luke and he nodded. "Carry me?" I gave him a cheeky smile. He laughed and nodded his head. He carried me bridal style and we started walking out but Jai followed us. "I'm leaving with you guys. Since obviously Luke doesn't know how to take care of you." My bubbliness was soon replace with anger. "Well obviously he does since he didn't leave me." I sneered at him and he looked a bit taken back. "Just go back to Lily, Jai. I'm pretty sure she's more important." His eyes flashed pain but I turned my attention back to Luke and said, "Let's leave." We had to walk since Beau couldn't pick us up and Jai and James and Daniel and Zoe were getting a ride from one of their friends. He dropped me off at my house first, but I didn't want to be alone. I sat on the front stairs and started crying. Luke sat next to me and hugged me. "Can you call Jai?" It slipped out of my mouth before I even had time to process it. Luke looked at me with pained eyes and said, "Why?" I shook my head and said, "Can you just stay with me?" His lips curved into a smile and he nodded. I walked into my house, but rushed to the bathroom where I threw up all my insides. Luke grabbed my hair and rubbed my back. Yeah I know, cliche. I groaned and got cleaned up.

Luke left but then came back with a glass of water and pill. "Here. Take this, it will help the headache." I gladly took it and I felt a bit better but I was tired as hell. "Let's go to sleep." I pulled Luke upstairs and he sat on my bed while I changed. Luke turned around and said, "Are you done?" I laughed but said, "Yeah." I layed down and left some space for Luke, but he layed down on the floor. "Luke." "Mhm?" "What are you doing on the floor?" "Uhh... l- laying down?" "I know. But why?" "Because your on the bed." I laughed and said, "You can lay down with me." He sat up and scratched his neck nervously. "Uhh... are you sure?" I laughed but nodded my head. He layed down next to me, but shifted uncomfortably. "Luke, are you okay?" I said laughing. "Yeah... it's just my pants are uncomfortable." "Then take them off." "W- what?" "Take them off, if they make you feel uncomfortable." He ran his hand through his hair but stood up and took his pants off along with his shirt. Abs. Holy fuck. Wait. What? He layed down next to me and his body heat was radiating off him and onto me. What the hell does that even mean? I don't know.

*The Next Morning*

Luke's P.O.V

I woke up but I wasn't in my room. What the hell happened last night? I looked around and I was in Ava's room. She had her head on my chest and her breath was tickling me. I had my arm wrapped around her waist. Ahh... I could be in this position with her forever. Yes, I did have a little crush on Ava but I couldn't because everybody wanted Jai and her to be together. I even kissed her last night, but she was so drunk I doubt she even remembers anything that happened last night. I kissed the top of her head and gently whispered, "Wake up, sleepyhead." She stirred but didn't wake up. "Ava." She opened her eyes and groaned. "Luke! What happened yesterday?" I laughed and said, "Well you got drunk and this happened." Her eyes widened and she said, "Omg! Did we have sex?!" My face began to heat up. "What? No! Of course not!" She sighed in relief and said, "Phew. That's good. I'm not ready to be a mom yet." I laughed and said, "Okok. Calm down." I got up and said, "C' mon. Get changed. We're going out to eat." I put on my pants and shirt and said, "Shower and get ready while I shower and get ready. I'll text you or you text me when your done." She nodded her head and said, "Mkay then." I walked out of her house and headed to mine. I knocked on the door and a sleepy Beau opened it. "Dude. Where were you?" He asked now wide awake. I shrugged and said, "At Ava's. Why?" He shook his head and said, "Jai's gonna be mad." I went upstairs to mine and Jai's room and showered. Once I was done I got out and got ready. Jai was already awake and sat up. "Where are you going?" He looked at me suspiciosly and I wasn't sure if I should tell him I was going to eat with Ava. "Erm.. with Ava..." He looked at me and said, "Why? Did you sleep at hers last night?" I shrugged and said, "Cuz we're hungry. And yeah..." He looked at me and rolled his eyes saying, "Nice to know you stole my best friend." "Me? What the hell? You're the one that left her for Lily. Sorry mate but it was all your fault. Don't try to blame me for something you caused." A look of guilt and pain flashed through his eyes but I ignored it and walked out. Pfft. I wasn't stealing Ava. No matter how stupid and mean Jai was, Ava would always go with him before anybody else. And that guys, truly and utterly sucked. For me.

A.N To see the outfits of the characters just go on polyvore and search 'juliebrooks101'
Ava's outfit is the image on the side, but Zoe's outfit is on polyvore, so if you want to check it out just go ahead and search up my username.

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