Chapter 14

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Ava's P.O.V

I texted Justin asking him if he wanted to come with us and luckily he agreed. I told him we'd meet him there and to get ready by 6 because we'll be eating before we actually head to the club. It was 4 so I decided to wear something more club like without looking like a slut either, tough. I showered again to be fresh. I wore a black off the shoulder black skater dress, with white high platform heels. I put on a light pink lipstick and put liquid eyeliner with light eye shadow. I wanted to go for a more subtle and natural look. I put my hair into a bun and added a cute braided- styled hairband. I walked downstairs since the boys were all ready. They all looked at me and smiled and I returned it.

We began walking outside but I stayed behind with Jai. "You look very pretty", he said smiling. I smiled and said, "Not too bad yourself." He rolled his eyes playfully but laughed. "Ava it feel like we haven't talked in a long time", he said sighing. "But we hung out yesterday silly." He shook his head saying, "But it's not the same. We used to be unbreakable, but now I don't even know." I sighed because he was right. Unfortunately. "Your right but can we not today? Let's just have fun. I need to introduce you guys to Justin." He tensed up and stayed silent. "Do you like him?" I almost choked on my saliva.


"Do you like him?"

"Well I mean I barely met him yesterday so no. I don't like him as more than friends although he is a great guy." He nodded his head and smiled but it seemed like it was forced and there was guilt in his eyes. I must be wrong. I shook these thoughts out of my head and dragged Jai to the car.

*Text from Disneyboy<3* Yup. That's what he put himself as.

From: Disneyboy<3

Hey, I'm here :)

To: Disneyboy<3

Okay we're here as well. Just wait at the entrance.

We got out of the car and I saw Justin standing by the doorway, looking lost. I giggled to myself because his expression was confused. He was wearing a white shirt with buttons at the top and a leather jacket with black jeans. He looked nice. I walked up to him and said, "You look lost." He smiled and hugged me, grabbing my waist. I hugged him and smiled. "C' mon let me introduce you to my brothers." I grabbed his hand and led him to the boys. "Hey! Boys, this is Justin." They all smiled and Justin shook their hands. Jai was no where in sight, though. "Justin, this is Luke, James, Beau, Daniel and there's Jai but I don't know where he's at. Where's Jai?" I turned my attention to the boys. They looked at each other and gave me a fake smile. "He uhh... he went to go get someone."

Beau's P.O.V

Ava looked at us weird but nodded her head and didn't ask anything else. Jai invited Ariana as you probably already thought. He told me he brought her and I don't even know why. His plan was to make Ava 'jealous' because she had brought Justin but that's just going to make things worse. Ava and the rest of the boys along with Justin decided to head inside already. I waited for Jai and her. When they finally came into view I walked inside. I told the lady we were with the rest of the guys and she let us in.

Ava's P.O.V

We were all sat down and were looking at the menu to see what we'd order. I looked up and Beau was walking towards us. When he sat down, Jai came into view and he was with... Ariana? How could he? Wait, what? She gave us a smile and we all forced ourselves to smile at her. James was mad at her because they kind of got in trouble for the whole kiss thing. Jai sat across from me and Ariana from Justin. I was surprised Justin wasn't freaking out, but I was glad too. She was wearing a body tight black dress that came up to mid- thigh and it was a sweetheart dress that showed off most of her chest. Well the little she had. Sorry, I had to. We all ordered our food and it was mostly awkward. I made conversation with Luke and James and Justin. The boys really seemed to like him and even Daniel and Beau joked around with him. Jai was just talking with Ariana and whenever we would try to add him in the conversation, he would just kind of shrug us off and turn back to Ariana. Pretty soon our food arrived so the talk died down a bit. Now, Justin was talking to James. I was talking to Luke and of course #Baniel.

"I don't even know why he brought her. She shouldn't be here because that's going to cause problems." Luke looked a bit upset.
I simply shrugged and said, "Maybe he likes her and wants to hang out with her. But I guess your right. " We switched the topic and pretty soon all of us were done with our food. We payed and went outside. We called a taxi but two people had to go in another one.

"Jai and uhh.... yeah you guys to in the other one." Beau said.
Jai furrowed his eyebrows and said, "Why us? Why don't Ava and Justin go in the other one?" Woah. Okay? What the fuck did I do to him?
"Because, well why am I going to lie? Nobody wants to be in the same car as her-" Beau started, but I interrupted him before he made Ariana feel bad. I mean I don't like her but she'd be embarassed so I saved her.

"It's fine Beau. Me and Justin will go in the other one." I gave Beau a smile and he said, "Well thanks but I'll go with you guys too then. " He walked towards me and Justin. "Me too." Luke and James said before Daniel could say he wanted to come with us, and Jai said, "Oi wow. No need to be dickheads." I shook my head because seriously what was up with him? He was the one being a dickhead.

"C' mon guys. We'll see you guys at the club. Just go with... them." Hey, if Jai was going to be a dickhead towards me and Justin, then why shouldn't I to them? Jai gave me a smile and said, "Thanks Ava." I looked away and took Justin's hand. "C' mon Justin. Let's go." We got in the car and Justin put an arm around my shoulders. We rolled the window down and the boys were staring at us. "You'll survive. C' mon, just get in the car." They groaned like little kids but got in the other taxi and we both drove to the club. When we finally got there the boys quickly scrambled out of the car, which made me laugh. They glared at me but I walked away with Justin and into the club. We all had fake ID's which kind of scared me but the guard let us in. We went to the bar and everybody got a drink.

I pulled Justin and we began dancing. We were having fun and just randomly dancing, until someone shoved me. "Ow. What the fuck?" I turned around and it was Ariana. She gave me a fake smile and said, "Oh. Watch where you dance next time." I controlled myself and ignored her before turning back to Justin. Ugh. Why was she doing this? We took a break and I went with Luke while Justin went with James. I didn't mind because I was glad the boys actually liked him. Me and Luke were just talking, when James and Justin came over so now it was the four of us. We turned to look at the people dancing when my breath got caught in my throat. Jai and Ariana were kissing. Well no, not really. More like making out. For some strange reason I felt something tighten in my chest. Why would Jai do this? That's when Beau came and said, "Hey guys. Why aren't you dancing?" When he saw that we didn't answer, he looked at what we were looking and his jaw dropped. "I can't believe he would go that far..." That far? What? "Go far in what?" Beau looked at me and said, "Jai was jealous that you brought Justin so he brought Ariana to make you jealous, but I didn't think that he'd actually go far as to kiss her." Why would he be jealous? I can't believe he would actually do that. My eyes got watery and the boys noticed because their attention went to me and their expressions went worried. "Ava, what's wrong?"

I wiped a tear that had slipped and regained my composure. I walked up to them and slapped Jai right across the face. He winced in pain and grabbed his cheek, pain evident in his eyes. "I'm glad you got what you wanted." I walked away and pulled Justin with me. We walked out and I texted Beau so he wouldn't worry. He hugged me and I leaned my chin against his shoulder. "I'm sorry you had to see that Justin. I didn't want to ruin your night." He gave me a sweet smile and said, "You didn't ruin it, you made it a hell lot more interesting." I chuckled and smiled. "Thank you." He shook his head and we broke apart. I stared at him and I don't know why but I felt safe with him.

A.N Hey guys! Sorry if it's a bit shitty but I kinda have writers block so I might put this story on hold, but I'm not sure. I want to give you the best and not just update because I feel the need too. I want the chapters to be good. I'm not sure yet, but until further notice I will not be stopping the updates. Did I scare you? No? Okay, sorry. Anyways I hope you guys like it, and bye. Ily and gnite.

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