Chapter 9

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Ava's P.O.V

We finally arrived and I was excited. I couldn't believe that I was finally in L.A. We got off the plane and the boys had this day to rest and stuff but they decided to go to Disneyland instead since they'd be busy the other days until the last one. We were staying at a hotel and let me just say, it was not bad at all. I was sharing a room with Jai, Luke and Beau were together, James and Skip were together and Ronnie had his own room. Lucky bastard. I got into our room and there was only one bathroom, so I quickly opened up my suitcase and made a run for the bathroom. Jai walked in and knocked on the door. "Ava! I need to pee!" "I won't take long! Plus the other boys have bathrooms too." I heard him groan before leaving the room. Yes! I win!  I got in the shower and quickly cleaned my body along with my hair then got out. I changed into some peach denim shorts, a light pink off- the- shoulder crop top and my 'The Little Mermaid' sweater. I just put on some white timberlands and I was ready. Jai walked in but he was already ready. I smiled and said, "Ready?" He noddded his head and we both walked out to be with the others. Everybody was ready so we were finally off. We drove to Disneyland and when we got there, I was trying so hard not to scream or squeal cuz no. Just no. We got down and I immediatly took a picture with my phone. Luke of course had his camera so he started snapping pictures of course. 

Jai's P.O.V

I was going to tell her. I was going to tell Ava that I liked her, that way if I got turned down I'd have these rides to get her off my mind. When we got like inside the actual park, everybody kind of went their own way and I went with Ava. Luke wanted to come, and I gave him the signal, but he either ignored it or he didn't understand even though I was fucking clear. Luckily Beau was actually smart for once and took him away. We went on a couple of rides and it was pretty fun being with Ava. Not that it never is, it's just that she was fun to get on the rides with. I was going to miss this place even though I've barley been here for one day, well not even a day; just a few hours. We got off the little mermaid, which is the one that Ava's been wante to go on since forever. She was smiling and saying how much she liked it and all that stuff. I decided that I'd tell her now because the boys were nearby; I saw Luke and Beau with James just now, so if things got awkward we'd just be with them. 

"Ava?" She looked at me and smiled saying, "What? You've been so quiet lately." I nodded my head saying, "I need to tell you something." I scratched the back of my neck and she smiled. "Why are you nervous? We've known each other since what? I don't even know but the point is that you shouldn't be nervous." I chuckled but nodded my head. "Ava, I- I..." I lost my focus because there was a bunch of poeple crowding, and not at us but at something just a bit ahead. I tried to see who it was, and that's when I caught her. Literally. Ariana fucking Grande fell into my arms. She looked up at me and sadi, "I'm sorry. I couldn't see and yeah, too much people." I nodded my head dazzled by her and completely forgetting Ava. 

Ava's P.O.V

People were crowding around us and I was getting claustraphobic, meaning I couldn't be in this sutiation or I could die. Okay, not die, maybe pass out bur for me it would feel like dying. I was trying to look for Jai and I finally spotted him. By now I was a mess already. "Jai! Jai! Jai! Please!" He turned around looking angry before saying, "Fuck off Ava, I'm trying to help somebody." Woah. Wtf. Where's my best friend. I looked at who he was 'helping' and it was none other than Ariana fucking Grande. I nodded my head as the tears began to fall. I was crying really bad by now because my best friend is a dickhead and because I hate tight spaces. Suddenly I felt two arms wrap around my waist and pull me out from the crowd. I turned around and it was Beau. I hugged the living shit out of him and said, "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you Beau." He nodded his head and then smiled saying, "So where's Jai?" I guess I tensed up at him name because he then said, "Is everything okay?" I shook my head and said, "Between me and Jai? No, nothing is okay. He was about to tell me something but then got distracted by Arians stupid ass Grande. I called him to help me because I'm claustrophobic and he snapped at me like if I was a piece of shit interrupting his fucking 'helping moment' with Ariana. I don't know what's going on with him, but I sure as hell don't want to share a room with that guy, because that guy isn't my best friend." He nodded his head slowly and said, "Okay then well I guess you can room with Luke then." Luke turned around and said, "What?" "We're rooming with each other." He smiled and nodded his head. "Okay then but what about Jai?" I shook my head and said, "I'll tell you later." He nodded his head with a frown, but then smiled again saying, "Okay then, well do you want to be with me and Beau since Jai is 'busy'?" I turned to look at where he was looking and Jai was with Ariana. Their arms were interwined and they were heading our way! Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. 

They finally got to us and to be completely honest, it'd be a lie if I didn't say that Jai looked mesmerized by her. Almost as if he was in love with her. I shook these thoughts out of my head as they neared us. Jai smiled and said, "Ariana, these are my brothers Luke and Beau and this is my friend Ava." Friend? Obviously that fucking hurt. My eyes began to get watery and as much as I blinked them away, they wouldn't go. I didn't want to speak either because my voice would crack, and if I left just like that then I'd be rude and no kidding, I'd probably get shit from Jai foe doing that to Ariana. 

"I- I have to go..." My voice cracked a bit at 'go', but I managed and walked to who knows where. But somewhere as far away from there as possible. I sat down and cried like a fucking wuss. Someone sat next to me and when I looked up it was Luke. He wrapped his hand around my waist and hugged me saying, "It's okay Ava. He's probably like this because he's excited." "So he's a dick when he's excited?" I rolled my eyes and Luke somehow managed to stay calm and said, "Basically." I smiled at his little joke, but then frowned. 

More tears rolled down my cheeks and I managed to choke out, "Of course he'd choose her. I mean why would he ever choose a raisin over a chocolate chip?" 
Luke looked at me and pain flashed through his eyes. "You're not a raisin though. You're more than that and if he's too blind to see that, then that's his loss." And once those words left his lips, he leaned in and connected them to mine. 

A.N Hey guys! Sorry for not updating yesterday :( I wasn't feeling well and I slept the whole day so yeah, but here you go and I hope you enjoy it. I might update twice today because this one was meant to go on yesterday so you guys might get another one later today. Leave comments and votes if you like it and thank you. I love you guys. :)  

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