Chapter 24

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Ava's P.O.V

I woke up in the hospital bed, with an arm draped over my waist. I almost screamed, if Jai hadn't gotten up, undraping his arm over my waist. I gave him a blank look and he just shrugged saying, "Sorry, I fell asleep but the chair was so uncomfortable and I just came and lied down for awhile, but instead I just fell asleep." I rolled my eyes and said, "I have a boyfriend you know." Why I was acting like a bitch? I don't know, but I'm probably on my period. He shook his head and said, "I said I'm sorry Ava." He turned to walk out but I stopped him. "I'm sorry Jai, I didn't mean to say that or mention anything about that." He turned around and said, "It's fine, I shouldn't have done that, like many other things I shouldn't have done." I was about to say something, but he walked out before I could say anything. Meanwhile, Beau was still snoring in the hospital chair.

"Beau." No answer. "Beau." No answer. "Beau!" No answer.

"BEAU WAKE THE FUCK UP BEFORE I KICK YOU!" He jolted up and groaned.

"Beau, call the doctor. I need to get out of here." He obeyed and called the doctor, who soon came with some clothes and soon I was able to get out with a bandaged rib, and some crutches. Let me just say, the crutches were annoying as hell. I kept whyning so Beau literally put earphones on and listened to his own music. He wasn't taking me to my hotel though. I only spend one night in the hospital and in two days it would be Friday. Oh fuck. Friday. I'm going to meet the rest of the crew. Can I even dance?

Finally we arrived and I got out without complaining. I knew this wasn't mine and Zoe's house because it was a bit smaller, but big nonetheless and was all white. It was a mansion and it was actually pretty big from the outside so imagine the inside. Beau opened the gate and as we walked in, it closed. We walked in the house and it was beautiful. It had a big, kind-of spiral staircase and the inside was white as well. It had a pool, and everybody was currently in it. When I walked in everybody rushed out of the pool and hugged me with their wet bodies. Due to the pool, you dirty pigs. I groaned but smiled.

I sat down in the hammock since I couldn't get in and I noticed that Jai wasn't there. I sneaked out and headed upstairs to find a bathroom because I needed to pee. I finally found it and I went inside to do my duties. *Laughing emoji* 'Duties'. Hahahahahaha. I got out after I finished with my duties-hahahahha, sorry. I'm a loser I know:( hahaahahah. It's still funny tho-anyways. I got out and I still looked around for Jai when I think I found his room since it was half-open and there was a shadow. I knocked gently but the person didn't look up or do anything. I walked in and it was Jai. Shirtless. Holy fuck. Abs. Abs. Tattoos. Abs. Tattoos. I know I'm with Justin but hey, a body like Jai's can never go unnoticed.

I was scared to speak and I didn't even know what I was going to say. Damn me. What do I do now? Well I mean he hasn't noticed me so I could walk back out like nothing. I turned around and was a few steps away from the door when I heard his voice. "Stay." It was barely a whisper. I turned around and fuck. He was crying. Uhhh... fuck. He's never cried and looked this bad. I sat down in his bed, next to him and rubbed circles on his bare back. He looked up at me and my heart broke at the sight. He looked...heartbroken? "Can I hug you?" He looked down before I could answer and I engulfed him in a hug. He looked at me in surprise but I nuzzled my head in his shoulder and held on tight to him, afraid to let go because he was making it harder for me to get over him. Ahh... what was this boy doing to me. I can't be with Justin. Not when I like Jai but every time I see Justin, his cute face makes me forget about Jai for a few seconds and I don't know. I stay hugging Jai, until I got uncomfortable with the position. Like my body was in an awkward position and my rib hurt. I gently let go of him, but his hands were still wrapped around my back, tightly. I looked at him and gave him a kiss on the cheeks. He let go of me and gave me a sad smile, before putting his head down. It pained me to see him like this, and not know why he was hurt.

I put my hand on his back and gently whispered, "Jai, please tell me what's wrong?" He looked up at me and shook his head. "I can't." I looked at him before getting up and saying, "I'm really sorry for how our friendship is right now that you can't even trust me. I'm really sorry because I never meant for this to happen or for things to end this way." I walked out, raising my sleeve to wipe away the tear that had slipped down my cheek. I didn't really want to see people so I just texted Beau and Zoe I'd be heading home in an uber or something. I walked out into the chilly air before just sitting down and putting my head in my hands, letting all the tears slipping. What was even going on with me? Everything's been harder to handle and I feel weak and vulnerable. I did not like this, not at all and I was getting sick and tired of everything going on. I decided against calling an uber and decided to walk instead. I didn't really care how long it took me, I needed to be alone. I put on the GPS and just followed the directions back. I stopped by a jelly bean shop and got jelly beans for Daniel and some for me. I finally arrived at the hotel and Zoe was already there pacing around the room. When she saw me, she opened her arms wide and crushed me into a hug. "Ava! Where were you? I thought you said you were coming back here?!" I shrugged and said, "I walked." She gave me a blank look and blinked.

"I'm serious, I actually walked." She shook her head and called somebody. "Yeah.... She's here... She's fine.... She said she walked.... Okay bye." I looked at her and she just said, "Beau." I nodded my head and lied down on my bed. I fell asleep with my clothes still on.

A.N Hey guys. So I'm really tired because we had a walk-a-thon at my school and ugh. We walked. But anyways well yeah, it was not a good day for me today. I really need a hug, like a long one but you can't get everything you want in life so eh. I'm sorry, didn't mean to give off a bad vibe, but I'm just not 'well', I guess. Well bye and ily guys !!! If you ever need some one to talk to, I'm here for you any of you guys. Ok, byeeee. <3

That Golden FriendshipOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora