Chapter 26

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Ava's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning, feeling cheerful because we were moving to our new house! But then the events from last night came flooding back and I felt my chest tighten. But no, I must forget. Forget. Forget. He made his choice and I wasn't going to beg him. If there's one thing I've learned from my mom, is that you never beg anyone. I got up, showered and woke Zoe up. While Zoe was getting ready, Justin came and we just put our luggage in his car. He drove us to the house and when we got out me and Zoe squealed in excitement. This calls for a celebratory party. ;) We chose our own rooms, and let me just say, wow. They were huge. We unpacked our things and just looked around the house. It was huge and beautiful. Justin left after a while and Me and Zoe were bored so we just went swimming. I called Beau and told him to come and bring the rest of the guys. He doesn't know about Jai and me. I also invited Justin, but he said he was busy so he couldn't come. I changed into my bathing suit and put on a pair of denim shorts. I put my hair into a bun, just as I heard the doorbell ring. I opened it up and found five guys with their mouths wide open. "This is your house?" Beau asked me. I nodded my head and chuckled. "C' Mon." They followed me inside with their mouths still wide open. Wait 'till they see the pool. I led them to the pool and their expressions made me laugh. Pretty soon, everybody was in the pool. I was surprised even Jai actually came.

I sat on one of the chairs and Jai sat across from me, very far. I put on my sunglasses and just enjoyed the warm sun. The weather in L.A was bipolar sometimes, so it could either be cold or hot any day. I got tired and wanted to get in the pool, so I got up and decided to take my shorts off. As I was taking them off, I felt like someone was looking at me. I looked up to see Jai staring at me, but when he saw that I caught him staring, he looked away and his face turned red. That's when I realized he was looking at me while I was taking off my shorts, which made me blush. I tried to control myself and finished taking my shorts off. I got in the pool and smiled. It felt very nice and fresh and just really damn relaxing. From the corner of my eye, I saw Jai get up. I looked at him and he was taking his shirt off. Holy cow! Well actually holy sex god! Abs. FUck, I have a boyfriend and I hate Jai! REmember AVA?! I tore my eyes away from his body and went to where everybody else was. We were having fun and I was laughing until Jai came in with Ariana fucking grande. How dare he? What was she doing here in the first place? In my fucking house? When I didn't fucking invite her? What. The. Actual. Fuck.

I glared at Jai but he was just smirking. He knew that this was pissing me off. I looked at Ariana and said, "Get out. This is my house, not yours and I don't really give a fuck if Jai invited you because he could just leave with you as well." She just looked at me and ignored me. Excuse me? Who does this bitch think she is? I took a deep breathe through gritted teeth and spoke nicely again. "Ariana, I said, Get. Out." She looked at me and ignored me again. I rubbed my temple and tried one more time. "Ariana, get the fuck out." She looked at me and laughed! Literally laughed! Then she went back to talking to Jai, who by his smirk was enjoying this. How could he? I tried to be nice, but I'm so done. I grabbed Ariana by the shoulders and said, "Get. The. Fuck. Out! Fucking hell! Leave!" She smirked and simply turned around and kissed Jai! What. The. Fuck.

Jai's P.O.V

Okay, so the plan was to make Ava jealous but she couldn't kiss me. All she could do was hug me and talk, but no kissing. Ava was getting pissed off, I could tell because she kept glaring at me. I was being a dick, I know but what could I do? I like her but she's making things hard for me. We were in the pool and Ava kept telling Ariana to get out but she was ignoring her, until Ava grabbed her by the shoulders and screamed at her. She turned around and kissed me! I was about to pull her off, but suddenly I was slapped in the face and punched in the gut. What the fuck?! I held my cheek in pain and it was Zoe who had slapped me. She had never done anything like that. She looked angry and she was breathing hard. I swear. "Get. The. Fuck. Out,"she said through gritted teeth. I looked at the boys to see if they would say something, but why would they? I deserved it. I was walking out of the pool, followed by Ariana when I heard a loud sob. Ava was in one of the chairs, holding her rib and wincing. She looked like she was in pain and Luke and Beau were right by her. My reflexes made me rush to her and kneel by her side. "Ava! What's wrong?" I was about to put my hand on her knee but she flinched and moved out of the way. Tears were running down her cheeks, but she managed to whisper, "Please Jai, just leave already." I know I was the one who said we shouldn't talk anymore, but I needed to know what was wrong. I looked at her and said, "Please Ava, tell me what's wrong?" She looked up at me and stood up, grabbing her side and wincing in pain. She was walking away from me. I grabbed her arm and said, "Ava, please. Did Ariana hurt you?"

"Jai, please just le-" she stopped and winced in pain. She was about to fall but I caught her, just in time because she had passed out. Beau and Luke pulled her away from me and said, "Jai just leave already." I looked at them like they were crazy and said, "What? No!" Beau pulled me and said, "Jai, just fucking leave! Ariana is here with you remember?" I looked back and Ariana was sitting in one of the chairs, looking at her nails. I didn't really have a choice. I gave in and nodded my head. "Just call me when she wakes up, ok?" Beau didn't say anything and just turned around. I sighed and walked up to Ariana. "Let's go," I said roughly. I took her home and she leaned in for a kiss, but I stopped her.

I drove away quickly and back to Ava's house. I walked in since the door was open and I heard them talking.

"I'm fine guys, she just hurt me because she punched me in the rib, like the one that was healing." That was Ava.

"I don't know what Jai was thinking, in bringing her here." That was Beau.

"If I ever see her again, I will smash her face into little pieces and I won't think twice about doing the same to Jai." That was Zoe. Woah.

I was ready to walk out when I heard Ava say my name.

"I don't know what's been up with him, lately. I tried, I really did but he always does something to mess up the little that we fix and he's making it harder for me to keep on trying-" she stopped for a little and I saw that she was crying. "I miss him. I miss my old Jai. The one who would never think about doing this shit. I miss him, I really do." She wiped the tear away from her eye and said, "But I'm done. I'm done waiting for him. I don't beg." She gave each of the boys a hug and said, "I'm heading to bed to rest, you guys can stay here. We have plenty of rooms." She gave each of them a kiss on the cheek and finally left. I sighed and walked out. She was done with me. I screwed up. More. On Monday she told me not to bother coming. It was Andrea's death anniversary. Of course I remembered; how could I forget such an important date? I know Ava didn't want me to go, but I couldn't not go. It's important for me. Too important. I would never miss anything like that, and Ava can't stop me.

A.N Hey guys! How ya doin'? Well I hope you guys like it and don't hate me for adding the part with Ariana, but she's an important antagonist (Fancy word eyy) and yeah. Well byeee and thx and ily guys and remember to VOTE & COMMMENT PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE !!! <3

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