Chapter 13

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Ava's P.O.V

Jai came back inside after a long time in the bathroom... wonder what he was doing.... Anyways. He came back and I was getting tired so I just fell asleep in his bed. I don't know when he fell asleep but I was tired although I needed to talk to Luke soon because I'm worried about what he needs to tell me himself.

*The Next Morning*

I woke up and decided to get up to shower but I couldn't. Jai's arm was wrapped around my waist and so I couldn't get up. "Jai!" I whisper screamed. He groaned but opened his eyes. "Ava. Go to sleep. It's still early." He closed his eyes again and pulled me closer to him. "Jai. It's late already! C' mon get up!" He burrowed his head in my neck and shook his head. "Just a few more minutes." I shook my head and tried to wriggle out of his tightening grip, but failed. Finally, after a few minutes he got up as well and went to go wash his face since he was too lazy to shower, meanwhile I had to shower because I didn't want to be dirty.

When I finished showering, me and the guys went to breakfast since today they didn't have to leave early. I put on a collared skater dress with white knee high socks, my timberlands and a leather jacket. I put my hair into a nice tight bun with a sequined black bow. It was already our third day and I really didn't want to leave soon. I mean my mom was never home, and all my family was with me right now so there really is nothing to worry about except Gina. She could just move over here but I doubt we'd convince her and Nonna and Nonno. We ended up going downtown L.A to this place called Jacks n Joe. We ordered our food and it wasn't too bad. I mean the waitress kept flirting with all the boys and kept sending glares at me, but I mean the food was great and that's all that really matters here. The boys were then called to go to an interview which left me to do whatever the hell I wanted. I called up an uber since the boys had left with one already. I decided to go to Disneyland again since I was bored and I really wish I had Zoe with me right now. I did go back to the hotel to get my polaroid camera that I had bought. I didn't change since I was comfortable and since the uber was nice enough to wait for me a few miutes while I got my camera, I just told him Disneyland and pretty soon we had arrived.

I walked around and was about to get in line when this guy bumped into me, making me fall on my arse. (It means 'ass') I groaned and rubbed my head. "Ouch." I looked up at him and he wasn't bad. He had light green eyes, black hair and an amazing body. "Done checking me out?" he said smirking and holding out his hand for me to grab since he was already up. I could feel myself heat up and said, "What? No, of course not!" I rolled my eyes and turned to walk away but he grabbed my arm. "Okok I'm sorry." I chuckled and said, "Why do you care? Like I mean, we barely met because we bumped into each other so it doesn't matter, now does it?" He scratched the back of his neck and said, "Well it does because I want your number and your really pretty and the truth is I bumped into you on purpose because well I didn't know what way to approach you and-" I began laughing and said, "Woah. Calm down. It's okay cuz I think you're pretty to. Wait what? I mean like not pretty but like hot. Oh crap. I meant like cute because well if I said you were hot then that would be awkward because we barely met and-" This time he was the one laughing and said, "Ok we both need to calm down." I smiled and nodded my head. "Ok so first of all what's your name?" He looked at me and smiled saying, "Justin. Hburs?" I smiled and looked at him while saying, "Ava." He nodded his head saying, "That's a cool name and very pretty." He winked and I laughed. "Was that supposed to be you trying to flirt?" He pouted but laughed and nodded his head. I burst out laughing and he soon joined me.

We exchanged numbers and hung out for the rest of the day until Jai called me, telling me that him and the boys had news for me. Then I had to leave which I was pretty sad about because I told him that I would be leaving in two days. He said he was sad too but that we needed to hang out one last time before we left. He's really sweet and kind and cute and just wow. I headed back to the hotel, only to find angry- looking boys all glaring at me. "Woah. What's up with the glares?" They completely ignored my question and said, "Why did you take so long? Where were you?" I rolled my eyes and said, "Okay woah. Calm down. I'm sorry jeez and I went to Disneyland." They nodded their heads and said, "Fine, whatever. Anyways we have something to tell you." Suddenly they were all happy and giddy. Wow. Mood swings. (Pun intended ;) Oh yeah listen to their song 'Mood Swings' if you haven't, it's great :p) "Okay then. What?" They were all smiling like crazy and it seemed like they're faces would rip until Beau spoke up and said, "We're moving to L.A!!! Here!!!" He ran up to me and hugged me spinning me around. They were moving here? Omg. I would be alone. Without them. And with Madison. At least I'd have Zoe with me. But I'd be alone. I won't have my boys. I mean I will still have Gina and Nonno and Nonna. I guess Beau noticed my expression because he put me down and frowned. "Ava. Why aren't you happy? Aren't you happy you're going to live with us?" I looked at him with a blank face. Wow. He could've said that before?! "You know, you could've said that before giving me a heart attack about how I was going to be alone without you guys! And how I was going to be alone with Madison. And I would have Zoe but I would miss you guys too much and how-" They boys started laughing and I frowned. "What? I would miss you guys." They all smiled and literally ran to me and hugged the shit out of me. "We would miss you too."

They finally pulled apart and Beau was smiling weird at us meaning he had an 'idea'. "Guys I have an idea." We all groaned but he ignored us and kept talking. "We need to celebrate the great news! So we're going clubbing!" We all thought about it and it wasn't a bad idea. Omg. I could invite Justin so I could tell him the news and introduce him to the boys. I was smiling weird just thinking about him.

"Hey guys!" I wanted to tell them before hand that I was inviting someone.
"Hm?" They all hummed.
"Can I invite someone?" They all looked at me and furrowed their eyebrows without saying anything.
"Girl or guy?" Beau asked. "Guy and his name is Justin. I met him today and he seems cool." Everybody nodded and I heard a chorus if 'okay, sure.'

Jai's P.O.V

She was inviting a guy?! Even after all that we did? Like had fun? Fine, if she was going to play like that then I would too.

Jai: Hello?
???: Hey Jai, what's up?
Jai: I was wondering if you wanted to come to the club with us to celebrate because we're going to live here for a while
???: Oh wow. That's great Jai! And of course I would love too!
Jai: Okay then, well I'll text you the details and the place then. Is that cool?
???: Sure

*End of phone call*

A.N Hey guys! So here's your update and like I said, the next update will be Tuesday. I'm sorry of they're not good, some things are happening but I will try to make them interesting. Well bye guys and ily.

That Golden FriendshipHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin