Chapter 23

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Ava's P.O.V


I ran out of the room, before Zoe could say or do anything and just ran and ran and ran. I was too zoned out to look at where I was going, and crossed the street. It wasn't until I felt a sharp pain and heard a crunch, that I noticed where I was going.

I tried to take breathe, but even that hurt. I saw people rushing to me before everything blacked out.

Everything was spiraling down into a circle of darkness. Am I dying? I'm not sure, but I don't think so. I can feel people moving around me, but I can't move or open my eyes. I'm too tired to do that. Both physically and emotionally.

I can hear Zoe's voice. I think she's talking on the phone. I try to listen more and that's when I hear it. His voice. My heart starts beating rapidly and I can feel the machine next to me beeping loudly and rapidly. Someone grabs my hand and starts talking. "Ava, please don't go. Not when I haven't even told you the truth. I love you-" His voice cracks and I could hear him sniffling. But he loves me? So, all the shit he did, was because he liked me? As much as I want to believe that, I don't and I can't. "Ever since day one, I've liked you. I was blind to realize it and that's why I always said I never imagined me and you as a thing, but now, now it's different. I hate hurting you because you mean so much to me and I can't lose you, not yet. I've hurt you and I don't like Ariana or Lily or Madison, but you. You and me against the world, please don't go." He held my hand and I felt something soft and warm on my forehead. "I love you." I heard his steps and it seemed as if he was walking further and further away.

I heard footsteps and the door being closed. "Hey Ava, it's me Beau, your older brother. The one you made the promise with, remember? About not leaving. Well, please keep that promise because I-" his voice cracked and my heart broke a little more. "I can't deal with these idiots without you. I can't live without my annoying little sister. Please don't go. Don't break your promise. Don't leave... Promise?" It was time for me to wake up. It took all the strength in me, but Beau was right. I made a promise and I wasn't going to break that. I opened my eyes and was blinded by the bright lights. "Pinky." Beau looked at me and blinked. He abruptly got up and hugged me. "Ava! You're awake, I- I'm glad. I didn't want to lose you, not yet." His eyes got watery and I said, "I made a promise and I don't plan on breaking it." We hugged again before he called everybody in, telling them I was awake. All the boys were here and so was Zoe. The one thing I didn't understand was why I was in here in the first place. I took a deep breathe but felt a sharp pain in my rib and winced in pain. Jai rushed to me and grabbed my hand. "Ava, are you ok?" I wanted to be sarcastic and say 'well I'm in a fucking hospital and just winced in pain, so what do you think?' but that would just mean I forgave him and returned to my old self being sarcastic. I pulled my hand away and glared at him. "I'm fine." I said it a bit harsh and held myself from wincing in pain again. I saw the hurt in his eyes, but looked away.

Zoe came and gave me a sad smile. "Ava, I'm sorry." I gave her a small smile and said, "It's fine, it happens to everybody. I mean who knew I would get hit by a car, but why exactly did I get hit? Was I with you?" She looked at me and gasped. "You don't remember?" I shook my head and said, "Remember what?" Her eyes got watery and she looked scared. "Y-your dad," My mind completely froze at those words. "He- he died." I was taken back by the information, when everything that happened yesterday came back to me. I remember the studio with Justin, the running and when I got hit by a car. And my dad being dead. I choked on my saliva and broke into tears. "Where is he?" I needed to go see him. "Back in Australia." I immediately got up and said, "We have to go. I have to go." I ran out of the room, with Zoe and Beau and Jai hot on my trail. Beau and Jai grabbed me but I struggled against their grip. "No! Let go of me! I have to go with my dad! Please.... let go of me..." I felt tired so I stopped and just lay against somebody. I just cried in their chest. I looked up and it was Jai, he had a hurt look on his face, but all I cared about right now was my dad. He left and I didn't even have the chance to tell him that I loved him. I cried and cried until I passed out.

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