Chapter 21

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Ava's P.O.V

I stuck to my plan on leaving to L.A earlier than the boys, so I had to go to their house to at least say bye to Gina and then visit Nonno and Nonna to say goodbye to them. I made Zoe drive me to their house and she wanted to wait for me but I said no, so she left. I walked up to the door and knocked. Usually I would just walk in, but that didn't really seem right, right now. I waited for the door to open, when I turned my attention to laughing coming from somewhere next to me. It was my mom and some guy; probably the guy she was fucking in the bathroom yesterday. The thing that hurt the most was the fact that she was laughing at what he was saying, when all the times that I tried, I couldn't even make her chuckle. She turned and when she saw me, she stopped laughing and was about to say something, but in the nick of time, Beau opened the door. I directed my attention to him and gave him a fake smile. "Hey Beau." He yawned and smiled. "Hey Ava, why didn't you just walk in?" I chuckled and said, "Uhh... I just need to tell you guys something." He nodded his head and walked back in which was another way of saying 'sure, come in', in Beau's language. I turned one last time to my mom and she was staring right back. She gave me a small smile, but I just turned back around and walked in.

I was greeted by Gina who seemed happy. "Ava! Long time, no see." I chuckled, remembering that Charlie had said that last night. "What's up, honey? Came here for Jai?" I shifted uncomfortably when she said that but said, "Actually no, I came here for you." Her expression turned confused and said, "Me?" I nodded my head and said, "Yeah." She nodded her head and said, "Okay then, well spill the beans." I took a deep breathe and said, "Well, the thing is, I decided to leave to L.A earlier than the boys." She nodded her head as if processing the information and said, "Why? Is there a problem between the boys and you?" I shifted uncomfortably and said, "It's not that, I just-" "Don't lie, I know you very well so tell me, what happened between you and Jai?" I looked at her shocked and said, "What?!" I'll admit it, I was a bit taken back by her sudden forwardness.

She just chuckled and said," He was upset when he came last night and when I asked him what was wrong all he said was 'I screwed up, again'. He's only upset and gets drunk when he hurts someone. And I just had a feeling it was you. " I looked back at her, worried. "He was drunk?" I felt guilty and worried that he got drunk, but he was the one who said he regretted it so technically I shouldn't feel this way, but I love him. Wait... Did I just? I love Jai. And not just as best friends. I was just restraining my feelings but I couldn't. I needed to tell Jai how I feel so this nonsense would stop. I guess I zoned out because Gina clapped her hands and said. "Ava!" I immediately went back to reality and gave her a sheepish smile. She shook her head but smiled.

"I'm really going to miss you, but I promise to call and visit." I hugged her and she hugged me back. Honestly, Gina was my mother figure and I wouldn't like it any other way. Unless my mom actually cared about me, of course. "You better, you're the daughter I've always wanted." I pulled back and said, "You have Beau, though," just as Beau walked in. He rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever Edwards." I stiffened when he said that, remembering what I had said to my mom and Beau said, "What's wrong, Ava? I meant it as a joke." He looked guilty, so I recomposed my expression and said, "No, it wasn't you Beau. I'm sorry." He looked at me and said, "You didn't answer my question." I dodged the question because I didn't want to talk about my mom right now. "What?" I tried to look confused. He shook his head and said, "Ava, what's wrong?" I shook my head and said nothing. He asked me again and I hate it when people ask me what's wrong. I don't know why but if something happens with me, I'll keep my act cool and try to act nonchalant but when anybody asks me that question, I crack. He kept asking me until I cracked and I screamed, "I found my mom fucking a guy in the bathroom! That's the problem and now I'm in a fucking fight with my best friend, well even if he still is my best friend." I calmed down and sucked in my breathe, trying to contain the tears threatening to spill out. I looked up and Beau was just looking at me with sad eyes, while Gina just looked shocked. Probably at my sudden outburst, I'm usually calm around her, or maybe the fact that I just screamed out that my mom was fucking a guy in a bathroom. I couldn't take the silence anymore so I simply got up and whispered," I'm sorry, I love you guys and Beau, I'll see you and the rest in L.A. I'm leaving early tomorrow. I didn't want to say goodbye to you like this, Gina. Sorry." I walked out with my head down before Gina attacked me in a hug and said, "It's okay, it's okay Ava. I'm here for you baby girl, and I love you so very much, never forget that." That just made me cry even more. But I dried my tears, pulled away from the hug and mustered up the most realistic fakest smile I could ever do and said, "I won't ever forget. I love you too." She gave me a sad smile and nodded her head, before retreating to her room. I hated hurting people, especially the ones that have always been, and always will be there for me, but sometimes it all gets a little too much. (Shawn Mendes reference;) After she left, Beau came and hugged me. "Ava, why are you leaving earlier?" I pulled apart and said, "Because I need to find a place to live with Zoe." He stared at me puzzled. "Zoe is moving to L.A with me so we need to find a place." He shook his head and said, "Why? There's really no need, you can stay at our place." This time I was the one to shake my head and say, "I can't Beau. Not when I like Jai and he doesn't feel the same way and I'll just make a fool out of myself." He gave me a sad smile and said, "Ava, you guys are best friends, you should tell him how you feel." I shook my head and said, "I can't. He has Ariana and other girls chasing after him, and let's be honest here, Jai isn't Jai anymore." I looked down and I held so much pain saying this, but I didn't want people to feel pity for me, especially not Beau. He's like an older brother and it hurt to see him hurt because of me. Beau didn't say anything because he knew I was right, and there was nothing we could do about it. Jai decides who he is and we have to accept that, even if it hurts. I looked up and gave Beau a sad smile, which I've been both seeing and doing a lot lately. "Well, I'll see you in a few days." I hugged him and stepped out of the kitchen, when I bumped into somebody. "Ow." I rubbed my head and looked up to see Jai, shirtless. My breathing stopped for a second and I almost drooled. Now that the boys were going to the gym and running, they were getting fit. He looked at me and immediately started speaking. "Look Ava, about yesterday, I just wanted to say that I did-" I stopped him and said, "It's fine Jai, sorry for walking out yesterday, but I saved us the awkwardness, right? Oh, and you're totally right, it was a mistake and you should've never done it." He looked at me and again I saw a glint of pain, but I don't even understand this kid, isn't this what he wanted me to say? It was a mistake to him, and now it was a mistake to me. "Yeah, I just wanted you to understand, that's all. So where'd you go anyways?" I looked at him angrily, and dodged his question completely. "What? You think I didn't understand your rejection? What am I, a fucking 5 year old that needs to be told things twice so I understand? I understand when I'm not wanted. I understand because obviously it wasn't enough that my mom didn't want me, so you had to be part of the reject-Ava-even-though-I'm-her-mom-or-best friend, club. I get it Jai, it was a fucking mistake and it meant nothing to you." I looked at him and this time the pain and hurt in his eyes was not enough for me to soften up and feel guilty. I walked towards the front door but turned around before saying, "Oh, and I was with Charlie." I walked out and no I didn't cry. I was just- well mad- mad because this was all his fucking fault. If he hadn't been such a dick lately, then maybe this wouldn't have happened and we would be fine. I call Zoe and tell her to pick me up. I can just call Nonno and Nanna or something, but I'm too pissed off at myself and Jai to say good-bye to them. Zoe asks me how it went and I reply with a simple 'fine'. She doesn't push the topic any further and we head home. I open the door and suddenly I just feel weak to do anything. I lay in bed and listen to the birds chirping outside. Soon I fall asleep, hoping to wake up from this nightmare.

A.N Hey guys! Sorry for the emotional chapter, but it had to be done. Above I put Shawn's song 'A Little Too Much' because I used it as a reference. Well hope you guys like it and byeeee! Ily and thanks. Don't forget to VOTE & COMMENT!<3

That Golden Friendshipजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें