Chapter 5

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Ava's P.O.V

Me and Zoe were currently watching movies and eating ice cream. We were now watching fast&furious7 since she some how got it from some cheap online movie thing and let me just say it's great. We were in the part when Dwayne Jhonson is talking to Vin Diesel about what happened to him, when I heard the doorbell ring. Ugh. Seriously. I looked at Zoe but she was already fast asleep. I guess it was a bit late already but I wasn't really that sleepy. It was 12 a.m. Who the hell would want to visit me?

I got up and opened the door. "Look Ava-" I slammed the door shut. It was Jai and I seriously wasn't in the mood for him right now. I had the Paul Walker feels and this movie was making me sad because he died and I didn't need Jai right now.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Does he not get the message? I opened the door again but when I saw his face, I slammed it shut again. I couldn't bear to look at him. But I had to talk to him so I had to suck it in. I sighed and opened the door with my head down. I peeked up at him and his eyes were red and puffy. He was crying. He had his hands in his pockets and he was looking down as well. We both finally looked up and I winced at his face, the terrible image back in my head.

"Hey..." I said, trying to start up a conversation. "Why are you here?" He sighed and said, "Look Ava. I'm sorry for what happened at the park, I really am but it wasn't at all what it looked like." Typical excuse. "It's fine Jai. I mean why should I care right? I'm just a friend and nothing else. It just hurt because she's a bitch and she's always after me, and just... Well I really thought I meant more to you." He shook his head and said, "That's the thing. You're not my friend your my best friend and you do mean much more than you know to me. I didn't kiss her, she kissd me. She sat on my lap and forced her tongue down my throat. I'd never do that on purpose Ava because I love you and your me best friend." I looked up at him and his eyes were so sincere. I smiled and hugged him. "I'm sorry Jai." "Why?" "For not listening to you." He chuckled and said, "I'm sorry." We finally pulled apart and Jai said, "What are you doing?" "With Zoe. She's sleeping over and she's already asleep. But I'm watching f&f7." He nodded his head and said, "Oh. Okay, well I'll text you tomorrow." He kissed my cheek and walked away. I closed the door and walked back inside. I finished the movie and I was beginning to get tired so I went to sleep.

*The Next Morning*

I woke up but Zoe was no where in sight and her stuff was missing. I saw a note on the floor and it had her messy handwriting. "Hey sorry, I had to go but I'll text you later" It was still very early so I decided to go for a run. I quickly changed into some comfy running clothes and brought my beats along with my phone of course.(On polyvore. Search up my name juliebrooks101). I walked out of the house and just ran a few miles because I got a text from Jai.

From: Jye<3
Hey, wanna go get breakfast with me? xxx

To: Jye<3
Sure, what time? xx

From: Jye<3
In an hour, so get ready xxx

I turned my phone off and ran back home. I took a quick shower and changed into something nice. I changed into a cropped sweater, white capris and maroon converse. I grabbed my phone and texted Jai to tell him that I was ready.

To: Jye<3
Hey, I'm ready x

From: Jye<3
Okay, I'm on my way xx

A.N Hey guys! Hope you like the chapter. This chapter is dedicated to Paul Walker as I recently went to go see Fast&Furious7. He was an amazing actor and we all miss him very much. The next thing is kind of like a little writing memorial for him or I don't even know what to call it, but you don't have to read it.

R.I.P Paul Walker ❤️ Forever in our memory


'No matter where you are, whether it's a quarter- mile away or half way across the world, you'll always be with me and you'll always be my brother'

- Vin Diesel

'If one day the speed kills me, don't cry, because I was smiling'

- Paul Walker

"This was a labor of love. It was in some ways the hardest movie I ever had to do. Because the relationships that you see on film are so real. When the tradegy happened, I lost my best friend. I lost my brother."

- Vin Diesel

Heaven just gained another angel, and even after two years, you're still very much missed and very much loved.👼


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