Chapter 8

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Ava's P.O.V

I woke up bright and early to get ready to leave soon. I took a quick shower and changed into leggings, a black plain cami with a Victoria Secret sweater and black high top wedge sneakers. I brought along my bag with some essentials in it, like my black beats, my phone charger and all that stuff. I let my hair down and aplied only some mascara and eyeliner. I didn't really want to eat somthing heavy so I just ate an apple. I was throwing away the core of the apple when I my phone went off. 


From: Jye<3

You ready? We're leaving soon :) xxx

To: Jye<3

Yeah, I'll go right now :p xxx

That reminds me. Why was Jai mad yeterday? I need to talk to him to see what's up. I got my luggage and all my stuff and took it over. The guys were outside already and with their luggage aswell. "Hey", I said this to make my presence known. They all turned to look at me and smiled. "C' mon. Hand me your luggage so we could leave already." I nodded my head and gave my luggage to Beau. I only had two bags and then the one that I would take on the plane with me. Once all the bags were inside we piled into the car and drove to the airport. 

We finally arrived and boy was I nervous. We all got out and Gina had accompanied us to the airport with Mariam. Ronnie was coming with us since he was like the assistant manager or something like that. But he was also a really good friend of ours and we trusted him. We went inside an checked in, but our flight was still in a few minutes. We all decided to say good bye so it would be easier. I mean it's only for 5 days but anything can happen so yeah. We all lined up so Gina and Mariam could say good bye. Gina was in tears by the time she came to me. She hugged me and I could feel her tears wetting my shirt but I didn't care. I was now crying as well and that's when Gina broke apart and grabbed each side of my head. "Listen Ava, I know your mom isn't here and you want her to be here but just know that I'm your mother and I'm always here for you. I love you and promise to take care of these losers." I chuckled at the last part and hugged her again. "Thanks Gina. I love you too and I will." She smiled and started walking away with Mariam. She turned around one last time and waved her hand with a sad smile. We all waved back. 

'Flight 823 to Los Angeles now boarding'

We walked to the plane entrance and went in. I sat in the window with Jai next to me, James sat with Beau and Luke, and Skip sat with Ronnie. It was still really early so I just put on my beats and played the music. "See You Again" That song always got to me and made me emotional. 

'It's been a long day without you my friend,

and I'll tell you all about it when I see you again.

We've come a long way from where we began.

Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again.

Why do you have to leave so soon?

Why do you have to go?

Why do you have to leave me when I needed you the most?

Cause I don't really know how to tell ya without feeling much worse.

I know you're in a better place and it's always gonna hurt.

Carry on, give me all the strength I need.

To carry on.

It's been a long day without you my friend,

and I'll tell you all about it when I see you again.

We've come a long way from where we began.

Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again.

How do I breath without ya? 

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