Chapter 3

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Ava's P.O.V

Luke was ready so he texted me that he was outside and to get my pennyboard. I was wearing a unicorn tank with black high- waisted shorts and white converse. My pennyboard was clear with purple light up wheels. Luke was wearing a black shirt with jeans and black timbers. He also had his pennyboard but his was clear with red light up wheels. Me and him with Jai got our pennyboards made that way. My wheels were purple, Luke's was red and Jai's was blue. 


Ava's P.O.V

Lily came and I thought Jai would at least turn around and say sorry to me, but I guess I wasn't as important as I thought. I walked away with Luke and we walked to the kitchen. I drank can after can of beer. "Ava. Stop." Luke looked at me with tired eyes. "I thought I mattered to him. He didn't even want to tell me who he liked." Luke looked at me with sad eyes and said, "He's stupid for that." He leaned in and I was so drunk by now that I didn't even know what was going on. His lips connected to mine and I felt a tingling sensation. "What the hell?!" Luke pulled away from me and we both turned. Oh, it was Jai. "What the hell was that?" He seemed angry but I don't understand why. "It was a kiss?" I said with a 'duh' tone. He looked at me and his eyes flashed anger. "Are you drunk?" I shrugged and said, "I don't know. Am I?" I laughed and he glared at me. "Luke, can we please leave. Jai's being mean." I looked at Luke and he nodded. "Carry me?" I gave him a cheeky smile. He laughed and nodded his head. He carried me bridal style and we started walking out but Jai followed us. "I'm leaving with you guys. Since obviously Luke doesn't know how to take care of you." My bubbliness was soon replace with anger. "Well obviously he does since he didn't leave me." I sneered at him and he looked a bit taken back. "Just go back to Lily, Jai. I'm pretty sure she's more important." His eyes flashed pain but I turned my attention back to Luke and said, "Let's leave." We had to walk since Beau couldn't pick us up and Jai and James and Daniel and Zoe were getting a ride from one of their friends. He dropped me off at my house first, but I didn't want to be alone. I sat on the front stairs and started crying. Luke sat next to me and hugged me. "Can you call Jai?" It slipped out of my mouth before I even had time to process it. Luke looked at me with pained eyes and said, "Why?" I shook my head and said, "Can you just stay with me?" His lips curved into a smile and he nodded. I walked into my house, but rushed to the bathroom where I threw up all my insides. Luke grabbed my hair and rubbed my back. Yeah I know, cliche. I groaned and got cleaned up. 

Flashback over

Oh gawd. Luke kissed me and Jai ditched me for another girl and I got drunk. Wow. What an eventful night. I can't believe Luke kissed me and I actually felt something. Ugh. No. I can't even right now. Imagine me with Luke? I don't think so. I can't ruin our friendship over something simple as a kiss. 

I hugged Luke and once again those tingling sensations came back. Oh hell no. Nope. Uh- uh. I shook off those thoughts and got on my penny board. "Where we going?" I asked him. He shrugged and said, "Idk. Does Maccas sound good?" I nodded my head and said, "Sure. Let's go." We skated in silence but it wasn't uncomfortable; it was nice. I really missed Jai though. I mean don't get me wrong, Luke was cool and all but we had these awkward moments wheras with Jai it was never awkward. But I was with Luke now and I'm enjoying my time so I think that it won't be that bad. We finally arrive and we order our food. Once I sit down, I immediatly take a bit out off my burger. I moan in delight and see Luke laughing at me. "Hm?" I say with a confused face. He laughs and says, "Nothing. You just have ketchuo on your cheek." I blush and look down but take a napkin and wipe my face. Luke smiles and finally starts eating his burger. "So, what happened with Jai last night?" Luke stiffens but answers saying, "Well he kinda chose Lily over you and got mad when he saw me uh... kiss you." He blushed when he said this but I just laughed. "It's okay Luke. We were both drunk so we didn't know what we were doing. Plus, we're just friends right?" As much as that hurt to say I couldn't like Luke. It would be wrong of me. Obvious pain flashed through his eyes but he covered it up with a fake smile and said, "Right. Just friends." We got up to throw our food and proceeded to head back home already. 

"Bye Luke. Thanks for everything and last nigth." I waved to him and he waved back with a smile. "No problem." I walked up my driveway while Luke to his and walked in. "Mom!" No response. yay. Alone again. I walked up to my room, bored as hell. I layed on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I can't believe Jai chose Lily over me. I'm not trying to sound like a jelous bitch but it's just that it throws me off. I mean he could've at least apologized or something. But what can I do? I'm just his best friend and nothing more. 

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud* What the hell was that? I looked at my window and *Thump* another rock was thrown at it. Ugh. I got up and went to my window. I opened it and a rock hit me right in the forehead. "Ow!" I rubbed my forehead and looked up to see Jai with a rock in his hand giving me a sheepish smile. I glared at him and said, "What the hell Jai?!" He chuckled nervously and says,"Sorry Ava." I roll my eyes and say, "So.... what's up?" He runs his hand through his hair and says, "I need to talk to you." "Okay." "Alone." "Okay." "Somewhere private." "Okay." He gives me a blank look and I nod my head, "Okay." I finally understand him and say, "Ohhhh. Okay then." He nods his head and laughs. 

A.N Hey guyz. Hope you guys are likigng it and yeah thx and byeee and ily. Ava's outfit is on polyvore so go check it out there if you want. 

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