Chapter 29

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Jai's P.O.V

I grabbed her hair as she threw up all that alcohol that was in her system. When she finished, she brushed her teeth and went into her room to lay down. Instead, she stripped right in front of me. I looked away and blushed in embarrassment. I turned around and she had changed into some short and a big t-shirt. I went downstairs to see of she had an aspirin and luckily she did. I brought her a glass of water and she drank it. She lied down in her bed and soon fell asleep. I was about to walk out, when I heard her say, "Stay." I turned around surprised and said, "Ava, I don't thi-" "Please." I looked at her and she gave me a small smile. I scratched the back of my neck nervously and said, "Are you sure?" She nodded her head and said, "It's fine Jai."I layed down next to her after taking off my shirt and jeans since they were pretty uncomfortable. She wrapped her arms around me, and so did I. She was drunk.

"Goodnight Jai, I love you." I looked down at her in surprise and when she saw me she said, "Weren't you asleep?" I shook my head and she blushed. I knew that maybe she was still drunk, but idk. "What about Justin?" She shrugged and said, "I liked him, but I love you." At this, my heart melted. "I love you too, Ava. I always have." I looked down at her, but she was already fast asleep, which meant she didn't even hear me. Wow, I confess my love to her, but she's fast asleep. I sighed and just hugged her, as I fell asleep.

Ava's P.O.V

I woke up with a pounding headache and with an arm wrapped around me?! I gasped horrified and jumped out of the bed. I looked up and it was Jai. He woke up and rubbed his eyes. "What the? Why are you on the floor?" His morning voice. Oh jeesus lord, help me please. I got up and felt my cheeks heat up. "I-uh-I forgot you slept with me." He frowned and said, "You don't remember anything about last night?" I shook my head and said, "Just until I told you to stay and after that, I don't know what happened." Lies, lies, lies. I remember exactly what had been confessed last night. His frown deepened, if that can even happen and he said, "Oh." I nodded my head and said, "Did anything else happen?" He shook his head and sighed. "No, we just fell asleep." I nodded my head and said, "Well get dressed up so we can have breakfast." He looked at me with shock and said, "You want me to stay for breakfast?" I nodded my head and said, "Yeah, just like old times." He grinned his sloth smile and said, "Yeah, just like old times."

I went downstairs to make breakfast and saw Luke and Beau sprawled all over the couches. I laughed and decided to wake them up. "WAKE UP BEAU! WAKE UP LUKE! C' MON PEOPLE! WAKE THE FUCK UP! ZOEEEEEEEEE! WAKE UP! LUUUUUUUUUKE! BEEEEEEEEEEEEEAU! WAKE UUUUUUUUUUUUUP!" I knew I was being really annoying. Beau groaned and said, "Shut up Ava!" I laughed and said, "C' MON LUUUUUKE! WAKE UP!!!" He got up and also groaned. "Shut the fuck up, Ava!!!" I laughed again and was about to scream Zoe's name again, but she was already walking down the stairs, glaring at me. I opened my mouth and she just said, "Don't even." I laughed and yay! My headache was gone! I walked to the kitchen, with them following me. I just cooked some eggs and we sat down to eat. Jai came down and everybody looked up at him in shock. He just got a plate, served himself some eggs and sat down to eat. He sat next to me and everybody looked from me to Jai. I ignored it but Jai didn't. "What? Stop fucking staring." They all looked away and ate in awkward silence.

Once everybody was done, we all washed our plates and walked into the living room. We sat on the floor, (idk why) and Beau was the first to speak up. "Okay, so are you guys friends or something?" I looked at Jai and he shook his head. "We're not friends Beau, we're best friends." He put his arm around my shoulder and I smiled, giving Beau a thumbs up. Everybody cheered and I chuckled. Back to the good old times. Kind of. I can't believe Jai loved me. It was so surreal. Ya know? We just watched movies and I cuddled with Jai. Yep, this was possible the best day of my life. Jk. No it wasn't. Sorry Jai. After a lot of movies, not really actually, just like 2, the boys decided to leave and shower. They would come back later so we could go eat or something. As Jai was walking out the door, I bit my lip and said, "Uhh...Jai?" He turned his head and said, "Hmm?" "I remember everything about last night. I lied." His eyes widened and before he could say anything, I rapidly said, "Well see you later, bye." I closed the door and sighed, closing my eyes. When I opened them, Zoe was standing there in front of me with her arms crossed and smirk on her lips. "Tell me everything." I sighed and told her everything that had happened last night. She gasped when I told her Jai's confession. When I was done she had a huge smile on her face. "I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!" I just shook my head and chuckled.

I told her to get ready since she took a long time. I went to my room to take a shower because hygiene is important. I blow dried my hair and curled it a bit, before putting on a blue beanie. I put on a dark blue floral plunge front skater dress, with my pink converse and a denim jacket. I did my normal make-up routine, and put on a soft matte pink lipstick. I was ready to go, but now to see if Zoe was ready to go. I went to her room and she opened it looking amazing. She was wearing a sunflower printed dress, with black sandals, a black leather jacket and her make- up was neutral. She looked cute. We were walking down the stairs when I heard the doorbell ring. I ran downstairs and saw Beau, Luke and Jai. Jai was wearing jeans with a blue button up and those boots guys were wearing nowadays. Beau was wearing a black button up with jeans and black vans. Luke was wearing a white button up with black converse. They smiled when they saw us, and I wondered where James and Daniel had been the last couple of days. As if reading my mind, Beau said, "Oh yeah, Daniel is on a date with this girl named Lucy and James went back in Australia due to family issues." I saw Zoe frown at this, but quickly recover and say, "Well I guess we should get going, shouldn't we?" We all nodded and got in the boys' car.

Unfortunately and fortunately, I got seated next to Jai. Great. I heard Jai cough but I didn't dare look at him. He coughed again and I restrained myself from turning. He coughed again and sounded like a dying whale. I guess Beau got annoyed because he sighed and said, "Jai, do you need water, or will you shut the fuck up already?" I put my head down and chuckled, until I felt a nudge. I looked up and saw Jai frowning. "Don't laugh at me." I smirked and said, "Already did, Brooks."

A.N Hey guys!!! How ya doin'? I know I probably sped up the part where they say they like each other, but I really want to work on another story. I already have a plot and the characters, but I want to finish this story first. But I hope you enjoy it and byeeee and ily guys and yeah. Thanks.

That Golden Friendshipحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن