Chapter 35

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*Months later*

Ava's P.O.V

To say I was fine and I had gotten over it, would be a lie. I was not fine and I was still not over it. I still talked to Beau and Luke. James and Daniel? I also spoke to them and I even hang out with Lucy; Daniel's girlfriend. Zoe was with Beau, because it turns out her and James were just best friends? I don't even know. As for Charlie, he was my best friend. He was the one there for me. Justin and I would still talk and he knew about me and Jai.

His name hurt.

I had a job as a lawyer. I was getting paid good and I was successful. I was successful with everything except happiness. I was now with Charlie and we were watching movies. I still talked to Jai a bit. A 'hello' and 'goodbye' was all. So I lied. Me and Jai still did not talk. Not even a bit. I was on Instagram when I saw a picture that caught my eye. It was a picture of a pregnant girl. It was a picture from a fan of the boys'. The girl had a belly and the guy was kissing it. I checked who the fan had tagged and it was Jai and Madison. She was having a baby with him? I blinked and it was still there. I couldn't help but feel jealous and hurt. I wanted to confirm this. I checked Madison's Twitter and it was official.

Maddsters: Big news guys! Me and Jai are having a baby! Yes, it's official.

I checked Jai's Twitter and I was in fact following him.

JaiBrooks1: Great news !!! I'm having a baby!! Oh-em-gee! I'm gonna be a father! @Maddsters <3

He had the same picture linked with it. I smiled sadly and nodded my head. This was a sign to move on. I had to. He was having a baby and it would be unfair of me to still feel this way. When I said that Charlie was my 'best friend', I also meant he was my boyfriend. A few months back, Charlie told me how he felt and I gave him a chance. He knew that I still had a bit of feelings for Jai but he didn't care and that's why I was happy with him. I could be honest with him.


We were invited to a party; Jai and Madison's. I was going because I wanted to congratulate them. Genuinely. I got ready and since Charlie was ready, we headed to the boys' place. When we arrived, Charlie grabbed my hand and smiled down at me. I smiled back and gave him a peck on the cheek. We walked in and everything was loud. We found Luke and Beau and when they saw us they smiled. They knew about me and Charlie. We finally found Jai and Madison. She was talking to some girl and Jai was just standing there, looking bored. We walked towards him and said hi. He turned to us and smiled. "Hey guys! What's up?" We shrugged and said, "Nothing much, but you? Wow. A baby." He smiled and nodded his head. "We just wanted to say congrats." He nodded his head again and said, "Thank you." We were about to walk away when he said, "Congrats as well." "For what?" He pointed at our hands and said, "You guys are together, aren't you?" I nodded my head and smiled. "Yeah, well thanks." He nodded his head and we left. Wow, not bad. I was happy for him.


Jai's P.O.V

Baby. I was going to be a father. I was ecstatic, except the fact that it wasn't Ava's, but Madison's. I needed Ava. Wanna know the truth? I still love Ava. But she doesn't. She's with Charlie. I needed her. I need her. If only she knew that I was still in love with her, but Madison needed me. The baby needed me. I was going to be a good father. I wasn't going to leave him like my dad did with me and my brothers.


Months Later


Jai's P.O.V

Ava's wedding was today. She was getting married to Charlie, not me. I still loved her. My baby, Zac, was one year old already. I wasn't going to her wedding. Not when I still felt the way I felt. I was at home with Zac and Madison when I heard a knock at the door. It was a guy I've never seen before. "Who are you?" He pushed past me and walked inside. "What the fuck? Who are you?!" He looked at Madison and said, "Tell him the truth!" I furrowed my eyebrows and said, "What?" Madison began crying and said, "Ivan don't! Please!" He turned to me and said, "This baby isn't yours. It's mine. She lied to you." I looked at Madison and said, "Is this true?" She nodded her head slowly and I groaned. Fuck! I didn't have time to be mad right now. I checked the time and I would still be able to make it. She was probably barely getting ready.


Ava's P.O.V

I was getting married today! With Charlie! I truly did love him. But my thoughts always averted to Jai. Zoe and Lucy were going to be my bridesmaids and they were going to wear beautiful aqua dresses. I was going to be wearing a white one. Duhhhh! Sorry, I'm just really nervous and happy. I put on my heels before so I wouldn't have a hard time putting on the dress, and then put the dress on. My mom was here with BF and I honestly wished dad was here to see me become a wife. Beau was going to be the one to bring me to Charlie. Everything was all set. I told the girls to leave so I could calm down, and they listened. I heard the door open and it was Jai. I didn't think he'd show up. He looked at me and gave me a sad smile. "You look beautiful Ava." I smiled and thanked him.

"Ava, look I know I fucked up everything by sleeping with her in the first place, but the baby isn't mine. I just-I need you back. Just please give me another chance." He was on his knees and I would've gave in to him, if I wasn't going to get married. I couldn't do that to Charlie. He didn't deserve that. I went through hell when I found out about Jai cheating on me, and then the baby. I got fucked up. Charlie was the one for me, and he didn't deserve this.

I helped Jai up and he gave me a worried look, yet there was still a glint of hope in them. I didn't want to hurt him, but he hurt me. Multiple times already and Charlie... I don't want to hurt Charlie. Not after everything he's done. Not after the feelings that I truly do have for him.

"Listen Jai, I forgive you-" He interrupted me by hugging me, but I continued,"-but I'm getting married today. Please don't be selfish right now. Charlie has been there for me since everything. I'm sorry Jai. I truly loved you."

I felt something when I said 'loved'. Did I really not love him anymore? Nope! Can't be thinking that right now.

He pulled apart and tears were streaming down his face. The sight was enough for me to run and hug him and say everything would be fine and that'd we'd be together, but I couldn't. "Loved? You don't love me anymore?" His voice cracked and he was just looking at me with tears streaming down his face. I closed my eyes and shook my head. "Look at me, Ava." I shook my head again with my eyes still closed. He sighed and said, "Fine. Please don't pull back." I was about to ask for what, until I felt a pair of lips on mine. I quickly opened my eyes, and then closed them, reminiscing how this had happened before. We pulled apart, and I looked at him before saying, "Leave. Please Jai." He nodded his head and said, "I love you," before walking out . I tear slipped from my eye, before saying, "I think I love you, too."

And that was the last I ever saw of Jai.

The End

JKJKJKJKJK!!! Hahahaha. Well yeah this is not the end okay? I repeat, this is not the end!!! Ummm... just a question, Jai or Charlie?

Chava... or Java.... ehhh I suck at ship names. Well yeah, byeeee and thx for the reads and ily guys!!! Just one more chapter left btw!!! 😁😭😭😁😂

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