Chapter 22

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Ava's P.O.V

It was early in the morning when Zoe came to wake me up and tell me that we were leaving. Everybody knew I was leaving, and even though they were gonna see me, they still decided to come drop me off. Gina was first coming by herself, but then the boys decided they wanted to come. I groaned and got in the shower. I got out and quickly dried my hair, before putting it into a messy bun. I changed into some brown chino joggers, a peach-colored tank top and my white converse. I took a denim jacket and my brown/patterned backpack. I put my sunglasses inside and my beats along with a phone charger and my camera. I put in a few more essentials and I was ready. I walked out and soon enough Zoe was ready as well. Me and Zoe were going in her car because the boys were going to come a bit later since they didn't really want to wait for a long time. Dicks. But I would probably do the same, but still. Dicks. We drove to the airport at 5:30 but our flight was at 7. I told Zoe that we could come like at 6 or something but she said no and kept nagging me, so I gave in. We waited for an hour until it was finally 6:30. The boys arrived with Gina and I was relieved. I thought they wouldn't make it. My smile faltered when I noticed that one certain person wasn't there. I looked around but nope. Not here.

Beau came up to me and gave me a sympathetic smile. "Stop it, Beau." He looked at me before faking confusement and said, "What?" I shook my head and said, "I don't like it when people give me their pity. I don't need it." I got up to walk away but he pulled me back and hugged me. "I'm sorry, ok? I just don't want to lose you." I pulled away with my eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean lose me?" He shrugged and said, "I mean, not physically but emotionally. I don't want you to lose your happiness because of him. I- I can't lose you, Ava. Your my little sister and I don't know, I just- I don't want to see you hurt." His eyes got watery and I hugged him again. "I can't lose another person." I knew who he was talking about so I just hugged him tighter until it seemed like he finally calmed down. We pulled back and I looked at Beau and gave him a smile. A genuine one. I wiped away a tear with my thumb, leaving my hand on his cheek and said, "Don't worry, Beau. You will never lose me. I will always be here. I promise." He held out his pinky and said, "Promise?" I smiled and said, "Pinky." We walked back to others and sat down. We were all talking and having fun, but I couldn't help and think about Jai.

"Flight 485 to L.A is now departing. Tickets have to be given at the entrance, so be ready with all the information needed." Zoe got up and said, "Okay, well c' Mon Ava. That's us." I bit my lip and put my hand under my things. "Umm... can we just wait a few more minutes?" She looked at me weird before nodding her head and sat back down. She separated from the group and said, "You're waiting for him aren't you?" I bit my lip again and nodded my head. I put my head down and said, "I'm sorry, you're right, we should leave already." She gave me an unsure look and said, "You sure?" I nodded my head and said, "Yeah, I won't let Beau down. He's right, Jai can't take my happiness away from me." We both got up and hugged each and every boy, a small hug since we'd see them again soon, but I hug Gina the longest. With that done, I sighed and me and Zoe walked towards where the tickets were being collected. I turned back one more time, hoping to see him but I don't. I shake my head to myself, and give the lady my ticket. We walk in and sit in our seats. I got the window seat and I was just staring outside. I can't believe he didn't come, but at the same time I understand. I put on my beats and sunglasses, not caring if I look like a girl tool. Soon, I'm asleep.

*Hours pass because I'm too lazy to add any details throughout the flight*

I woke up to Zoe shaking me. "C'mon Ava. Let's go." I groaned but got up. I put on my sunglasses again because they had fallen off and I looked terrible. We headed to our hotel, because I was trying to find an apartment or a house. I mean I actually had a lot of money saved so we could probably buy something next to them but we still searched somewhere else.

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