03 ➹ always her

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MY MOM WAS the most beautiful women I've ever seen

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MY MOM WAS the most beautiful women I've ever seen.

Her hair was vibrant no matter how dark, her smile made my dad smile which made my brother smile which made me smile. Her eyes always looked at me lovingly, she never; strike, hit, beat, spit, yelled or even raised her voice at me. She was everything, until she was all but nothing.

Despite the Catholic church and my Nonna, I could never wrap my head around why people who never deserved to die would die. Why God would do this to her, put her through pain before death.

At least let it be something quick. I used to pray for it to be quick, not so brutal you could begin to see her bones beginning to stick out, her face pale, her hands shake when trying to make her scones.

I don't think about it much though. I attend my confessionals, go to church like the good little catholic son I am. Well, was.

Everything pretty much fell apart after that.

Her funeral came and everyone attended Maria Cathan's funeral. Who wouldn't? She was a saint, and then she became one.

I used to think she was perfection, before she came along.

She ruined everything.

She showed me everything.

Her nose scrunches up when her eyes fall on to the continents of the sandwich, I just offered to her. I'm trying to be nice, I just saw her drop her lunch onto the floor. "I don't eat bacon." She says, shaking her head, and her two plaits shake too.

"What?" It feels like a crime, I mean bacon? I understand cauliflower, I hate cauliflower. But why won't she eat bacon?

She nods at my expression as if she was almost used to it. "My daddy says I can't go near it at all...well, the Quran says that." She clears up. I'm going to need to talk to this Quran person and soon.

"You're joking!"

"Nope, I'm not even allowed to taste it at all. Like, I can't even kiss someone whose eaten it!"

I looked at the sandwich, then back up at her. It was in the trash before she could say anything else.

Bacon was never good anyway.

I'd gone home that day and stupidly admitted it too Reid, who was two years older than me which placed him at eight.

"Aww little Luca has a crush." He teased.

"No, I don't!" I so did.

"Look at your cheeks, you so do!"


Mom turned around her cheeks flush as she settled a vase full of flowers down at the kitchen table the same place, she did every day. Dad bought her new ones all the time, he traveled a lot and even when he wasn't home, he'd get them delivered to her.

"Italiano Luki." She insisted, not only not wanting our family to be 'Americanized' but on top of that not wanting uncle Marco making fun of her for raising us in the states and not back in Sicily.

"Mammina!" [Mommy]

"Sì tesoro," she smiled, bending down to my height. A sleek grin had already worked its way onto her face informing me she's gauged our conversation. "Chi è la ragazza fortunata? che ha conquistato il cuore del mio cuore." [Yes treasure] [Who is the lucky girl that has won the heart of my heart?]

"Mammina!" I'd whined, not wanting to be made fun of any more than what I already experienced from Reid.

"Tsk, I'm only joking, come here Reid." Reid trudged over to where she was waiting for his punishment, and mom turned away from me to face him.

He looked at the floor, kicking his shoes together, she smiled at him trying to keep her face stern. "You little bug!" she'd flicked his nose and he'd grinned up at her, even as she tickled him. "Stop making fun of your little brother."

"Mom," he giggled, trying to detach himself from her torturous embrace.

Dad had been watching the scene unfold from the doorway, staring at mom with the look in his eye that always seemed to be around when she was.

"Come here old man," she'd gestured finally noticing him, or maybe she had all along. I never knew.

"I'm younger than you." He stated, even if it was by a couple of months dad would rub it in every chance given.

"See boys that's the trick, you marry an older woman, and she will be the love of your life."

I asked for her birthday the next day.

Mom died on her and dads wedding anniversary eight years later.

Annabeth joined us soon after that.

I found out about the Reid situation when I was sixteen.

It had been going on for far longer.

Everyone found out about Annabeth's 'situation' with me roughly two weeks ago, I don't know if dad really believed it. He'd come in my room at some point during the night of the first day it was leaked, sitting at the edge of my bed.

I'd stirred at the feeling of my mattress dipping before opening my eyes. There are two perspectives that unfold next. I would like to say I kept my composure despite the figure that had randomly appeared. Dad will tell you I screamed myself into fear even after it resonated it was just him.

Choose my perspective.

"Is it true?" I looked at him, thinking of Reid how he'd made me take all the blame. All the scrutiny from the media. I think of the business how it's beneficial for the scandal to fall on my name instead of his – how better this all would've been if it were really me. I think of mom, how she would cry if she'd found out how fucked we'd all gotten.

"Is what true?"

"Non comportarti così." [Don't act like that] 

"No." I couldn't really see paint dad out in detail because of the darkness, but I could see how genuinely distraught he looks at the fact of me possibly confirming it.

"If it is true Luca, you know you can tell me. I won't be angry at you, if that's what you're scared of."

"Dad, no I'm telling you it isn't me." I knew I fucked up the second he drew back a little.

"What do you mean, it isn't you?"  Fuck.

This was all her fault.

Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her. Her.


Too bad I loved her just as much as I wish I'd despised her instead.


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