Chapter 1

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"So what do you have set up for your last semester Valerie?"

I sighed, answering my friend Anna without looking up from my book, "just a few electives. Including Literature with Evans."

Anna squealed, "oh! I've heard great things. You must have impressed him. He doesn't let just anyone into his class."

I rolled my eyes, "I don't understand the big deal with him? Why is he so great?" I looked up at my friend who I considered far more attractive than me. She was everything guys always wanted, tall and skinny with long legs and long blonde hair. It certainly made me feel insecure when I first stepped into my dorm freshly out of high school where I barely had any friends. I was little less than average height for a girl, only around 5'4" with brown hair and I certainly wasn't as skinny as Anna. I had wide hips and thick thighs; certainly not what college boys wanted. They all wanted tall, perfect Anna. Anna had people coming and going all the time. But despite our differences, we were now great friends, even sharing an apartment together while we worked on our master's degrees.

Anna scoffed, "have you seen Professor Evans?"

I shrugged, "no. Why?"

"He's hot! With two t's. And from what I've heard, lots of girls have tried to get him to sleep with them, but apparently he has a rule of not sleeping with students. Which is super disappointing. You'll know when you see him."

I rolled my eyes; she made it seem as if I might have a chance with him if he did sleep with students. I set my book down, standing up, "whatever. I'm going to Tommy's for a bit."

"Have fun." I watched Anna wink as I put on my shoes to leave. I shook my head as I left. Tommy was one of the only other friends I made when I came out here to college. He lived a few apartments down from Anna and me. We had a unique relationship; close friends that slept together when we weren't dating anyone else. And I was never dating someone else. When I arrived at his door, I knocked and let myself in like I always did. My eyes were quickly assaulted by him on the couch with a half naked girl, "oh god!"

"Val! Get out!"

"I'm sorry!" I covered my eyes, backing out of the apartment. I shut the door behind me, resting my head on the door. I sighed, going back to my own apartment, much to Anna's chagrin.

"Tommy had a girl, didn't he?"

I nodded, "did you know he was dating someone?" I annoyingly put on my jacket, we usually let each other know when we were seeing someone so this very thing didn't happen.

Anna shrugged, "I don't know. But he hooks up. You can't think you're the only girl he hooks up with."

"Yeah. I guess not. I'm going out." I didn't wait for a response as I left the apartment. I walked a few blocks to a bar I went to sometimes. I sighed, taking off my coat as I sat on the stool.

"Val. Usual?"

I smiled at Kyle, the normal bartender, "yeah. Thanks." He was a few years older than me, shaggy brown hair and big puppy dog brown eyes. I always thought he was hot, but just another guy to not notice me.

He nodded, smiling as he poured her a glass of whisky. "Have you eaten today?"

I laughed, shaking my head, "how'd you know."

He winked at her, "I know you well enough by now. I'll get you a burger."

I nodded, "thanks." I pulled out my phone, flipping through one of the endless dating apps when I heard the man speak up next to me.

"You look far too young to have a usual at a bar."

I laughed, looking at the man, instantly blushing at seeing how attractive he was. Neat, dark hair with a neat beard and pale blue eyes, "well I'm 25. I know I look younger. I'm working on my master's so, sometimes I need a drink to deal with pompous, megalomaniac professors who think they own your lives while you're in school."

He laughed, fiddling with his own glass. "Megalomaniac, that seems a bit harsh." He smiled, enjoying her blush as she drank. He extended a hand towards her, "I'm Chris by the way."

I accepted his hand, "Valerie."

He nodded, laughing as he sang, "stop making a fool out of me. Why don't you come on over Valerie."

I groaned, "as if I haven't heard that before."

He laughed, "do you ever go out by yourself and look across the water?"

I shook my head, ignoring him as Kyle set food in front of me.

Chris laughed, "okay. Okay. Sorry. So you're working on your master's you said? In what?"

"I have a bachelor's in writing and communication. I'm in my last semester for my master's in philosophy."

He shook his head, laughing, "why?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. Why not? I had to take a few extra classes, but I didn't mind. I like learning. All I have left are electives. So this semester should be pretty easy." I paused for a moment, "at least that's what I'm hoping for anyways." I laughed softly as I looked back at him smirking.

He nodded, "okay. And what are you planning on doing with this?"

"I want to be a journalist. Maybe write a book someday? I enjoy writing."

Chris smiled, "I'm sure you'll be a great writer." He saw his phone light up, making him sigh, "well. I have to go." He stood up, putting on his jacket, "I look forward to seeing you again Valerie."

I nodded, smiling, "sure. Nice to meet you." I watched him walk to Kyle at the register before leaving the bar. I went back to my phone as I ate my dinner. When I finished, I went to pay.

Kyle shook his head, "the guy you were talking to paid for you already."

"Seriously?" I shook my head as he handed me a piece of paper.

"Told me to give you this too."

I looked at the note on the paper with his phone number.

Don't go making a fool out of me.
Call me Valerie

I shook my head, laughing as I put the note in my jacket. "Thanks Kyle. See you later."

Kyle smiled, "later Val."

Professor Series - Chris Evans 💙Where stories live. Discover now