Chapter 11

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"Wow. Valerie, you look great!"

I smiled at Tommy as I met him at the restaurant for our date. It was still a little chilly so I went with black booties and a short red lace dress with my leather jacket, "don't sound so surprised Tommy."

He laughed, "of course not. You're always beautiful Val." He pulled out the chair for her as she removed her jacket before sitting down. He sat across from her as he watched her, "I know we already know each other well, but I'm a little nervous."

I shook my head, placing my hand on his on the table, "don't be nervous Tommy." I smiled as I watched him nod, suddenly regretting accepting his invitation for dinner. He didn't have a chance, not compared to Chris who I actually wanted to be with. Tommy was sweet, but there really was no competition even if my quasi relationship with Chris was only sex.


"Helen. How are you? Who has the girls?"

I sat at the table across from my now ex-wife as she sat down.

"I'm good Chris. They're at home with Greg."

I nodded, "so things are serious then?" Greg wasn't so bad, I had met him a few times. It was still weird thinking about another man being in my daughter's lives though.

Helen nodded, "they really are." She watched him for a moment, "and you? Are you seeing someone Chris?"

I sighed, not sure how to answer, "sort of? It isn't that serious yet."

She laughed, "but you want it to be? I can see it all over your face Chris. How long have we known each other?"

I groaned, "it's complicated."

She nodded, looking at the menu, "not dating a student are you?" All she heard was silence, making her look up at him to see him avoiding her gaze. She leaned towards him, "Chris! You're not serious! How old is she?"

I groaned again, "like I said. It's complicated. And she's 25 in her last semester. Just have to survive a few months."

She laughed, looking back at the menu, "right. Just be careful Chris."

I sighed, nodding as I flagged down the waiter to order. When she walked away I saw Valerie sitting with that boy across the restaurant, making me groan. She was supposed to be only mine.

Helen watched him, following his gaze, "is that her? On a date with someone else?"

I nodded, not taking my eyes off Valerie. I sighed, looking back at Helen, "well I can't technically take her out on a date. So."

She shook her head, "so? So what? So you're going to let her date other men instead of letting her in? You can have dates and let her know she's wanted without having to take her out in public." She sighed, "you need to learn to relinquish a little control Chris. It was one of the reasons we didn't work out. You always have to be in control. Don't let your need to control the narrative of your relationship keep you from being with someone you are obviously in love with."

I shook my head, laughing, "I'm not in love."

Helen laughed, "you keep telling yourself that."

Was she right? Was I in love with her? I was certainly jealous seeing her out with someone else.


As we finished dinner, I stood up with Tommy, walking in front of him. As we walked I watched someone stand up, almost running into them; my heart almost jumping out of my chest as I saw who it was. I looked to see him with an attractive blonde woman. "Chr... Professor Evans."

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