Chapter 25

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I sat in the living room of the apartment a month before graduation, writing when I heard Anna come into the apartment. I looked up to see her with two coffees, "one of those for me?"

She laughed and nodded, "yes." She sat a cup on the table and looked at Valerie's computer. "About done?"

I nodded, "yes. I've gotten contacted by a publisher in New York."

Anna squealed, sitting next to her on the couch, "really? Look at you, 25 with your first novel under your belt. Have you let Chris read it?"

I shook my head adamantly, "definitely not. Maybe after it's published."

Anna laughed, "seriously? You aren't going to let him read it? I mean, haven't you gotten inspiration from him?"

I blushed, "maybe. That's why I don't want him to read it. What if he hates it?"

Anna shook her head, "he won't hate it. He loves you. And it's a work of fiction, right?"

I nodded, "I mean, I've taken some things from real life. But for all intents and purposes, it's all fiction."

She laughed, "good." She shrugged, "then I don't see a problem. Also, I'd like to know which parts are taken from real life. Because I have questions."

I laughed, "shut up." I shook my head as I drank my coffee and went back to writing my book. I only had the last chapter to write, and I wasn't sure how I wanted it to end.


A week later I got up to leave Chris's class when he motioned me to his desk. I looked to see a few stragglers still around, "you're getting brave Evans."

He smiled as he shrugged, "we only have a few more weeks. What are they going to do? Fire me? Not let you graduate? Please."

I laughed, leaning against his desk as the class emptied. "So. That book," I hesitated, "it's been picked up by a publisher in New York."

"What?! Are you serious Val?"

I smiled at his enthusiasm, "yes. I just wrote the last chapter, which is what they were waiting on."

He nodded, "okay? What's the problem? Why aren't you more excited?"

I shook my head, "oh no, I'm beyond excited Chris. My first published novel, hitting shelves this summer is more than I could have ever imagined."

He smiled, crossing his arms, "so what's the problem then?"

I sighed, "I started writing it after I met you. And the best writers take things from their real life, right?"

He hesitated, nodding, "I guess. Why?"

I looked at the ground, "it may be about a college aged girl that falls in love with her professor."

He laughed, stepping towards her, "is that so?"

I nodded as I felt him rest his hands on my waist.

"And how does it end?"

I laughed, "well, do you want to read it?"

He nodded, "obviously."

I pulled away, pulling the printed-out book from my bag. I set it on his desk, "let me know what you think." I hesitated, watching him, "it needs a foreword."

He smiled, "really? You want me to write one?"

I laughed, "read it first. And then you can decide if you want to. I love you. I have to go."

He nodded, kissing her on the cheek, "ok. I love you. I'll see you this weekend."

I nodding as I left him alone in the classroom. I turned back to see him sit, already reading. I groaned as I left the room.


A few days later I let myself into Chris's house on a Friday he had alone in the house. I followed noises into the kitchen where I found Chris cooking dinner.

He looked up and smiled when he heard her enter, "hello love."

I hesitated, seeing the book on the counter, "hi. Did you finish it?"

He laughed, turning to face her, "I did. And I wrote you a foreword."

"You did?" I picked up the paper on the top of the book, "thank you Chris. It means a lot to me."

He shrugged, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind as she read it, "it meant a lot that you wanted me to write it."

"Who else would I want to write it, Chris?" I put the paper down before I turned around to face him, placing my arms around his neck, "so what did you think?"

"It's fiction right?"

I nodded, smiling, "for legal reasons, yes."

He laughed, "I loved it. In the end she moves with him to the new city."

I groaned, "I know. We just discussed it's fiction though, Chris."

He sighed, "shame." He rested his forehead on hers, "I love you and I want you to move to Boston."

I nodded, "I know. I love you too. But I'm moving to New York first."

He stood up straight, "first?"

"I want to do something on my own Chris. Without you, without my father. Just me. Give me this and I will move to Boston next summer."

He smiled, "you promise?"

I nodded, "we won't be that far from each other. We can spend weekends together when we can and holidays. Please."

Chris nodded, "okay. My birthday is next week, the 13th. Promise me you'll move to Boston by June 13th of next year."

"I promise Chris. Boston." I squealed as I felt him pull me to him urgently, his tongue quickly finding mine as I moaned. I laughed, pulling away, "you're going to burn dinner."

He groaned, "fine. After dinner I'm taking you upstairs."

I nodded, "that a threat or a promise?"

He laughed, "both."

Professor Series - Chris Evans 💙Where stories live. Discover now