Chapter 8

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"Where have you been?"

I stopped as I entered the apartment later in the day to see not only Anna, but Tommy waiting as well. I removed my jacket, placing it on the hook, "you're not my mother Anna. What are you doing here Tommy?"

Anna stood up, "I woke up and you weren't here this morning, so I thought you were with Tommy."

I shrugged, "I was with a guy. I'm allowed to do that, right? Date?"

She squealed, "you're dating someone?"

I shrugged again, thinking about what he said about it having to be only sex. "Not exactly. But I spent the night at his place last night."

"You're dating someone? Is that why you turned down my date?"

I groaned, seeing the look on Tommy's face, "I'm sorry. It just kind of happened. It's not serious."

He smiled, "so can I take you out? Please?"

Chris said he wanted the sex to be exclusive, but didn't say I couldn't go on a date. I nodded, "sure Tommy. How about Tuesday?"

He nodded enthusiastically, "okay! I'll see you then."

I laughed as he kissed me on the cheek before leaving the apartment.

"Okay. Now that he's gone, are you going to tell me about the guy?"

I shrugged, "just a guy I met at a bar."

She shook her head, "and? Come on Val! You have to give me something! How old is he? What does he look like? What does he do? Is he good in bed?"

I laughed, "he's slightly older than me, he's hot. He's an attorney and yes. Can I go now?"

Anna side eyed her friend, "fine. For now. But I expect more if you keep seeing him."

I rolled my eyes as I went to my room, changing into my own clothes before I plopped on the bed. I sighed, thinking about Chris and the fact he wanted it as just sex. If I could do just sex with Tommy all this time, then surely I could do only sex with Chris. Right? I groaned, crawling under the blanket, Chris was different. I wanted it to be different with him.


Later that night I sat in my usual spot at the bar as Kyle set a burger in front of me, "thank you Kyle."

He leaned on his arms on the counter towards her, "you're most welcome Valerie."

I watched him hesitate in front of me before I heard someone sit next to me.


I smirked, shaking my head, "you again."

Chris laughed, "that's what I was going to say. What are you doing here?"

I shrugged, not looking at him, "I like the burgers here. You?"

He sighed, "well. I get a bit bored at home by myself sometimes. And the girl that left my house earlier has not been messaging me back."

I looked up at him, "just trying to stick to your only sex rule. Sir."

He groaned, lowering his voice, "I want it to be more Val. But it can't be. Not right now. And I beg you not to call me sir in public."

I giggled, looking back at my food, "why?"

He leaned towards her ear, "because it makes my cock twitch. I haven't stopped thinking about you since you left."

I smiled, "that sounds like a you problem. Sir."

He growled quietly, looking at his glass, "come back over. I need you in my bed."

I sighed, thinking for a moment. I knew I was the one with all the real power. I looked up at him, smirking, "no." I watched him, knowing that he wasn't used to hearing the word no.

"I can find someone else if you don't want to."

I shrugged, "so can I." I giggled as I watched him clench his jaw and I finished my food. I laid money on the counter for my food and his drink, leaving the bar. It wasn't long before I heard him behind me, making me shake my head as I laughed.


I turned to face him as I continued to walk backwards, "what can I do for you?"

He growled, grabbing her arm as he pulled her into the alley. He dragged her behind the dumpster so they were out of view from the street, "why are you acting like this?" He pinned her against the wall with his hands on either side of her.

"Like what? Sir."

He moaned, "get on your knees Val. Now." He smiled when she didn't put up a fight as he unbuckled his pants, pulling his aching cock from his pants. He didn't have to say anything as she urgently took him into her mouth, "fuck. Good girl." He grabbed her hair, gripping it firmly as he held her head on his cock before releasing her. He felt her continue to suck and stroke aggressively as he didn't release her hair. "I'm going to hold you onto my cock and count slowly to five and release you. Okay?"

I moaned, "mmm hmm."

He moaned at the vibrations of her moaning on his cock as he held her in place as his cock hit the back of her throat, "1...2...3...4...5." He released her, breathing heavy before returning back to what she was doing. "I'm going to cum and you're going to swallow it all. Moan again so I know you understand." He felt her moaning on him, "fuck!"

I felt him pulsing as I tried my best to swallow as he released. As he finished, I removed him slowly as I sucked on the tip, making sure he was done.

He groaned, "fuck. Stop." He pushed her off his now over sensitive cock as he held out a hand to her.

I giggled, looking up at him as I grabbed the hand he held out. I leaned back against the wall as I watched him put his cock away, fixing his pants.

"Kind of a shame you don't have a gag reflex."

I laughed, "you want me to have one?"

He shrugged, leaning on the wall again as he pressed his body against hers, "that was even better than I imagined. And I'm sorry." He brought his hand to her cheek, "it has to be just sex. For now. But, it's up to you to choose to play the game Valerie. And I really hope that you do. You have no idea how much I do."

I smirked, wrapping my arms around his neck as I pulled his lips to mine. I heard him moan as I quickly parted his lips with my tongue, turning the kiss aggressive as I felt him pull my body to his. I pulled away, out of breath as I stood watching him, "I enjoy the game. Just don't expect me to be easy."

He laughed, "oh, I don't. Come home with me?"

I shook my head, pushing him away, "I don't think so. Let's not cross lines. Just sex. You've gotten it, you can go now."

He groaned, "come on. I want to sleep with you."

I started to walk away as I shook my head again, "if your bed is lonely then get a girlfriend Professor Evans. You've made it clear that isn't me."

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