Chapter 20

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I let myself into Chris's house on Wednesday to find it mostly dark. "Chris?" I removed my jacket and shoes and heard the piano in the other room. I walked into the sitting room to see candles on the piano and tables, and Chris on the bench. I sat next to him as he began to sing.

🎵 It's the way that you blush when you're nervous
It's your ability to make me earn this
I know that you're tired
Just let me sing you to sleep
It's about how you laugh out of pity
'Cause let's be honest, I'm not really that funny
I know that you're shy
Just let me sing you to sleep
If you need anything
Just say the word, I mean anything
Rest assured, if you start to doze
Then I'll tuck you in
Plant my lips where your necklace is closed
It's those pills that you don't need to take
Medicating perfection, now that's a mistake
I know that you're spent
Just let me sing you to sleep
It's your finger, and how I'm wrapped around it
It's your grace, and how it keeps me grounded
I know that you're weak
Just let me sing you to sleep
If you need anything
Just say the word, I mean anything
Rest assured, if you start to doze
Then I'll tuck you in
Plant my lips where your necklace is closed
While you were sleeping, I figured out everything
I was constructed for you and you were molded for me
Now I feel your name, coursin' through my veins
You shine so bright, it's insane, you put the sun to shame
If you need anything
Just say the word, I mean anything
Rest assured, if you start to doze
Then I'll tuck you in
Plant my lips where your necklace is
If you need anything
Just say the word, I mean anything
Rest assured, if you start to doze
Then I'll tuck you in
Plant my lips where your necklace is closed

"Chris." I couldn't help the tears welling as I crawled into his lap, straddling him on the bench.

He grunted as she planted her lips against his, turning the grunt into a moan. He felt her unbuckling his pants, "now?"

I moaned, nodding as I pushed my underwear to the side under my dress as I lowered myself onto him urgently, "right now."

Chris moaned as she rocked back and forth on him, "you haven't even opened your present yet."

I giggled, "this is all I need." It wasn't long before we both climaxed and I heard him laugh as I got off him, "what?"

He shook his head as she stood up, fixing her dress. He stood up, fixing his pants, "nothing. If I had known the reaction it would elicit, I would have played for you much sooner."

I laughed, "shut up. Food?"

He nodded, laughing, "follow me."

I followed him into the kitchen where he had pasta already plated for us.

"Sorry. Might be a bit cold now. I didn't expect sex already."

I laughed, sitting at the table as he poured us wine, "it's fine. And you're welcome.

He laughed, placing a box on the table in front of her, "this is for you."

I shook my head groaning, "I didn't get you anything Chris."

He shrugged, "it's fine. Just open it love."

I sighed, opening the box to find a necklace with a small gold chain and a small square gold pendant with 'i love u' engraved on it. "Aww. Chris. I love it."

He smiled, grabbing it from the box as she lifted the hair off her neck. As he clasped it, he leaned down, kissing her neck, "I'll plant my lips where your necklace is closed."

I moaned softly, pulling his lips to mine. "I love it. Thank you."

"Good. Eat. You need your energy for when we retire to the bedroom."

I laughed as I began to eat.

He sighed, "so. About tomorrow."

I groaned, "ugh. Chris."

"I know. I asked Tommy if he would say he was your boyfriend. You guys already know each other and have dated sort of. So if you're asked, he's agreed to say you guys have been dating for a while."

"You talked to Tommy?" I set my fork down, watching him. "Why?"

He shrugged, "you said you trusted him. And I trust you, so. I thought I could ask him, and he agreed."

"That was sweet of him. Are you nervous about tomorrow?"

He shrugged, "yes and no. I mean I've never been in this position before. But I know for a fact no one would have proof. So, I'm not terribly nervous."

I nodded, returning to eating as we heard an urgent knocking on the door. I followed Chris as he went to answer, seeing his girls at the door.

Helen led the girls inside, "I'm sorry for ruining your date, Greg cut himself at work, and I have to go to the ER. Can you take the girls?"

Chris nodded, noticing a ring on her finger. He grabbed her hand, but she pulled it away quickly.

"We'll talk about that another time." She leaned towards Valerie, "it's nice to officially meet you, Valerie."

I nodded, looking from Chris to her as I shook her hand, "same." I watched her leave as quickly as she had appeared.


I smiled at the girls as they removed their coats, "hi girls."

Chris smiled, "looks like I get three Valentine's this year."

Bailey grabbed Valerie's hand, "are you daddy's girlfriend?"

I looked at Chris for help.

"If she was, would that be okay?" He knelt down to be at eye level with them both.

Both girls nodded, and Britney answered, "of course daddy. We love Valerie."

I smiled, feeling as if my heart would burst, "you girls want to watch a movie while daddy does the dishes?" I led them both into the living room, sitting between them as they chose a Disney movie to watch. "I'm gonna go see if your dad has any ice cream. I went into the kitchen to find Chris cleaning up.

"I'm really sorry our night got interrupted."

I shrugged, "it's fine Chris. You have kids. I know that." I pressed my body against his, placing my hand on the nape of his neck, "aren't you glad we had sex already?"

He laughed, nodding, "oh yes. I love you."

I nodded, resting my head on his chest, "I love you too." I looked up at him, "you told your ex-wife about me?"

He nodded, "of course I did. We are still friends and promised the other would always know when someone was going to be around the girls."

"Okay." I rested my head back on his chest. He had been telling his family all about me but I couldn't tell anyone about him.

Professor Series - Chris Evans 💙Where stories live. Discover now