Chapter 3

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I sat in the front row again on Wednesday as I watched Chris enter the room. I saw him half smirk at me as he set his stuff on his desk, returning back to Professor Evans mode. It made me wonder who else got to see the other side of him. We still had ten minutes before class started when I looked up to see Tommy enter, kneeling in front of my desk. I looked up to see Chris glaring at us as I looked back down at Tommy, "what are you doing in here?"

He shrugged, talking quietly, "I had to walk past this class anyways. I wanted to see if you wanted to have dinner with me tonight."

I shrugged, "I don't know. You can come over if that's what you're asking. And you could have just texted me."

Tommy groaned, shaking his head, "no, it needed to be done in person. Have dinner with me, on a date Val."

I sat for a minute; Tommy had never expressed interest in taking me out on a date before. I looked back up at Chris and saw him watching our interaction with his jaw clenched. If I didn't know any better I would think he was jealous. I looked back at Tommy, "I'll think about it. I'll call you after class."

He smiled and nodded, standing up to kiss her on the cheek before rushing out the classroom.

I laughed, shaking my head as I watched Chris stand up, coming to my desk and setting a piece of paper on it. I looked at it as he went back to his desk: Keep your boyfriends out of my classroom. I tried to contain my blush as I looked up at him avoiding my gaze as he started class.

Chris sat on the edge of his desk, looking out over the class, "let's talk about the subtly of sexual innuendos in literature. Can you think of a passage that may have sexual context clues without being overly sexual?"

I thought for a minute before pulling out the Brontë book I was reading. I raised my hand this time as I waited for him to call on me.

He crossed his arms, "what do you have for me, Ms. Wilson?"

I cleared my throat. "This is from Shirley, by Charlotte Brontë:
'Put back your hair.' For one moment, Shirley looked not quite certain whether she would obey the request or disregard it: a flicker of her eye beamed furtive on the professor's face; perhaps if he had been looking at her harshly or timidly, or if one undecided line had marked his countenance, she would have rebelled, and the lesson had ended there and then; but he was only awaiting her compliance — as calm as a marble, and as cool. She threw the veil of her tresses behind her ear." I looked up to see another amused look from him as another girl spoke up.

"I don't get it, how is that sexual?"

I looked at Chris and saw him waiting for me to respond, "well it's up to interpretation, as most literature is. But he's come back to her as she is an adult now, and he tests her. Will she submit to him, will she play this cat and mouse game with him? She watches him and sees he isn't commanding so much as testing, giving her a chance to say no. She responds to his desire with her own by throwing back the 'veil' as it were." I watched Chris as he listened to me answering the question, "she's consenting to their game."

The girl huffed, "I still don't get it."

I laughed as Chris stood up from his desk.

"Well let's not ruin your innocence then." He turned to Valerie, "thank you Ms. Wilson." He looked back at the class, "it is an example of one, interpretation; and two, how we don't always need to be explicit in writing in order to get a point across."

At the end of class, I left the room, coming back a moment later to talk to Chris. I heard him on his phone.

"This is sort of last minute, I have plans Kate."

I heard him sigh as he turned to face me, locking eyes with me.

"Fine. I'll figure something out." He hung up the phone, "Ms. Wilson, what are you doing back here?"

I shrugged, pointing to his phone, "problem?"

He sat at his desk, "my normal babysitter is sick and I have plans tonight."

I leaned against his desk, "you have kids?" I noticed he never wore a wedding ring.

He nodded, hesitating, "I have twin 10 year old girls. I share custody with their mother."

I shrugged, "I could watch them if you want. I'm an excellent babysitter and I'm CPR certified. I can get you references if you like."

He hesitated, "it's not that I wouldn't trust you, I just don't like mixing my work with my personal life Ms. Wilson."

"Must you always call me Ms. Wilson?"

He smirked, standing up, "at school, yes. Must you always have boys in here fawning over you?"

I laughed, "it was just the once, and he wasn't fawning."

He crossed his arms, "one day out of two isn't great odds Ms. Wilson. And he was fawning."

I stood up straight so we were inches from each other, "if I didn't know any better I would think you're jealous Professor Evans."

He scoffed, "of that boy? Please." He shook his head as he rolled his eyes. He watched her for a moment, "I have a date tonight. Could you watch my girls for me?"

"You had me until date."

He smirked, "now who's jealous?"

I laughed, "is that your admission that you were, in fact, jealous?"

He shook his head, "definitely not."

I sighed, nodding, "I'm happy to watch your girls."

He nodded, "thank you. You have my number. Text me and I'll send you my address."

"Yes sir." I giggled as I watched him clench his jaw before grabbing my arm.

"Don't do that."

"Do what?" I shrugged, walking backwards out of his room as I watched him shake his head. As I left I pulled out my phone, testing Tommy. >I'm sorry. I have plans tonight. Rain check?<

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