Chapter 7

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I woke up in the morning on my stomach, feeling the sting on my bottom from the night before. I groaned as I felt Chris starting to stir awake.

"What's the matter?"

I leaned up on my elbows, looking at him, "my ass hurts." We both laughed as he moved the blanket down, rubbing it softly.


I giggled, "are you?"

He shrugged, "you enjoyed it though, didn't you?"

I moaned softly, resting my head back on the pillow, "I did. Never thought it would be something I enjoyed. But I have to admit, it was hot."

He smirked, "good. You'll probably feel it for a few days. That just means you're guaranteed to think about me."

I giggled, "that was already a guarantee Chris."

"Come here."

I rolled to face him as he pinned me under him. I felt him hard already as he ran his fingers up my thigh to my waist, up to my breasts. His touch was like fire everywhere, making me moan. He touched me softly, his fingers barely grazing my skin as he ran his thumb around the areola of my right breast before rubbing the nipple.

He brought his hand up to her chin, leaning his lips against hers, softly as he felt her run her hand to the nape of his neck, pulling him to her. He heard her moan softly before he pulled away, laying on his back. He pulled her to him, "come here."

He was trying to get me on top, but that made me self conscious. Most the guys I had been with didn't like it. I shook my head, "I didn't think guys liked it."

He grabbed her waist, pulling her onto his chest, "boys might not, but I assure you, men do. I do." He watched her lean back, straddling him as she lowered herself onto him, "that's it. Good girl. You can put your hands on my chest to brace yourself."

I felt him grab my hips, guiding me the way he liked until I took over doing it on my own.

He noticed she was shy as he looked over her body, "you're beautiful Val, you don't have to hide." He smiled as he watched her own confidence grow as she guided her hips on him, making them both moan. "Good girl. Look at me and don't stop."

I moaned, nodding as I felt him bring his hands up to my breasts.

He ran his thumbs over her nipples softly at first before rolling them between two fingers, making her moan loudly. He nodded, "I need you to cum on me love."

I nodded, moaning as I grabbed his wrists, "don't stop." It wasn't long before the stimulating of my nipples sent tremors through my body and I gripped him firmly as I started to orgasm.

He gripped her waist, keeping her steady through the orgasm as he felt his own erupt. He panted, "keep going."

I moaned loudly until I couldn't hold myself up anymore. I felt him pull me to his chest, holding me before rolling me onto my back. I felt his tongue urgently find mine before he pulled away, "you can't kiss me like that unless you're ready to go again."

He laughed, rolling back to his back next to her. "Well I certainly need some time first." He stood up from the bed, "I'm gonna take a quick shower and make breakfast, "stay here in bed as long as you like." He motioned to his dresser, "I found some leggings and there's a shirt of mine for you."

I nodded, laying back as he covered me back with the blanket. I watched him walk to the bathroom naked, wondering how I got here in the bedroom of such an extremely attractive man. When I heard him shut off the water, I got up to see him drying off in the bathroom. I caught his gaze from the mirror as he smirked at me.

"Enjoying the view?"

I nodded, moaning softly, "oh yeah." I squealed as he pulled me to him, kissing me urgently again as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He pulled away, smirking, "take a shower. I'm gonna make breakfast."

I waited until he left before turning on the water, showering quickly before getting dressed in the clothes he left me. I tied his shirt to the side, highly aware that you could see my nipples through it, but I shrugged, knowing he would like it anyways. By the time I made it downstairs. He was just plating some eggs with bacon and toast. I sat gently on the stool at the counter as he set coffee in front of me and I noticed him wearing only jeans that just hugged his hips, "that's just rude."

Chris laughed, sitting next to her, "is it?"

I shook my head, "so you're divorced? We haven't really gotten much time to talk."

He chuckled, "true. And I'm separated. Working on the divorce now. But as you can see, we have separate places. She moved out a while ago."

I nodded, "why didn't it work out?"

He shrugged, "we met young, got married young. When it came down to it, we grew apart. No one's fault. The split was amicable. She's even dating someone now." He watched her, "and you? The boy from my class?"

I laughed, "oh. That's Tommy. We aren't dating. But he did come to ask me out that day." I hesitated for a minute, "we are friends that enjoy a certain amount of benefits when we aren't dating someone. Actually if he hadn't been having sex already, I never would have walked into the bar and met you."

"Well. I'm glad he was then." He chuckled, "and Kyle? At the bar?"

I shrugged, "what do you mean? There's nothing going on there. I go in sometimes. He pours me drinks and feeds me when I forget to feed myself."

He shook his head, "I don't think you realize the impact you have on men. He likes you. I saw him watching you the entire time I was there."

"What? No way. He's never said anything." I heard him laugh as he continued to eat his breakfast, "and your wife? You have sex like we did last night with her?"

"No way." He shook his head adamantly, "she's a very vanilla sex person. Which is fine. I enjoy vanilla sex too. But sometimes it's nice to spice it up."

I felt myself blush as he winked at me. "And how old are you? You said you met your wife young and you have 10 year old girls."

"I'll turn 33 in a few months."

I looked at the piano in the other room, "and will you play for me?"

He laughed, "maybe. Sometime."

I hesitated, watching him, not wanting to come across insecure. "And us? Are we just having sex?"

He watched her, turning to face her on the stool, "do you want it to be just sex? I mean, I can't really take you out while you're my student."

I shrugged, "sure. I know." I didn't want to tell him I wanted it to be more than just sex. But it seemed to be what he wanted, "whatever you want."

He watched her look back down at her food as her confidence diminished. "Hey. I'm sorry. But for now, it has to be just sex." He grabbed her hand to make her face him, "we can't be seen together. I may be only a few years older than you, but I'm still your teacher and I could get fired."

I nodded, "I know." I felt him pull me off the stool, positioning me between his legs as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I want you Val. That's all I know for now. That's all it can be. For now."

Professor Series - Chris Evans 💙Where stories live. Discover now