Chapter 23

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I sighed, entering the restaurant with Chris and his daughters as we were greeted by my dad, Karen, and Alice. I was glad that Chris didn't seem to be intimidated by my dad. He intimidated most guys I dated and brought to meet him. He was 6'4" and basically a brick wall. I watched him shake hands and introduce his daughters as my father approached me.

"Why you so nervous little one?"

I groaned, "I don't know. I'm not normally so nervous for you to meet guys I'm dating."

He smiled, nodding as he pulled out the chair for her next to Chris. He leaned down to her ear, "that's because you've never been in love before."

I blushed, looking at Chris to see him smile at me. I knew he was right; I had never been in love before. Everything about Chris was new territory for me. I felt him squeeze my thigh as I heard Karen.

"So how did you guys meet each other?"

I sighed, "well technically, we met at a bar." I looked at Chris, "he thought he was charming with Amy Winehouse jokes."

"Who's Amy Winehouse?"

I laughed, looking at my younger sister. I was about to say something when Bailey spoke up.

"She sings the song, Valerie. Daddy plays it on the piano."

I looked to see him blush as he nudged her.

Dave chuckled, "so where are you from Chris?"

"I'm from Boston."

Dave nodded, motioning to them, "and how do you expect this to go, long term if you live out here?" He looked at Valerie, "I assume your plan still is to move back to New York."

I nodded, "it is. And we're just taking things one step at a time. No need to rush into anything."

Chris looked at his daughters and back at Dave, "I'm discussing the possibility of moving back to Boston."

Britney looked up from her phone, "you're moving to Boston?"

Chris shook his head, "not unless your mother does too. It's just something we're discussing. Would you guys be okay with moving to Boston?"

Britney looked at her sister and back at her dad, "we'd see Grandma Lisa all the time?"

Chris laughed, "of course you would."

The girls both smiled and nodded. I leaned towards them, "girls, put your phones away while we're at dinner." I smiled as both girls nodded and put them away. I looked up at Alice who had a guilty look on her face, putting away her own phone as she mouthed 'sorry'.

Dave cleared his throat, standing up, "I'll be right back."

Karen leaned towards Valerie, "it's a lot more to being a stepmother than you may think. It certainly wasn't that easy for me. And she was clingy."

I started to say something but felt Chris's hand on my thigh.

"She's never been asked to step in as their mother, they have a mother. The girls love her as she is."

Karen scoffed, "well Valerie certainly wasn't as easy going."

"Mom!" Alice shook her head as she looked at Valerie. "I'm sorry Val."

I shrugged, "it's fine."

Chris placed his hand on her back, seeing her upset but not wanting to cause a fight.

"We both love Valerie. And she makes our dad happy."

I looked across at Britney who was smiling at me, "thanks girls. I love you guys too."

Karen motioned to Chris and Valerie, "so you said you technically met at a bar. Why did you say technically?"

Dave sat back at the table, "Chris is one of her professor's."

I groaned but he shook his head.

"It's fine Val. Like I said, you are an adult, and I trust you know how you feel."

I nodded, smiling, "thanks daddy."

Karen scoffed, "never would have pegged you for a sleeping with the teacher for a grade girl."

"Hey!" Dave and Chris both spoke in unison as Chris hit his hand on the table.

"I've never met anyone as clever or intelligent as Valerie. I'm not really sure you have any idea about what kind of girl Valerie is." He shook his head, "not girl. Woman. She's smart and strong and quick as well as beautiful. And I love her."

I blushed, shaking my head as I squeezed his thigh, "thank you Chris." I looked up at my father to see him smiling as well.

Dave nodded, "well she is my daughter, and I can see how much they love each other. And he's only her teacher for what? A little more than 3 more months? That's plenty of time to get to know each other better."

"Thank you daddy."


I sat up on the bed later after Chris put the girls to bed. "Are they asleep?"

He nodded, sitting on the bed next to her, "so Karen, huh?"

I laughed, "she's never been fond of me. I didn't have a mother as a small child, so I was ecstatic when my dad started to bring her around. But I guess she didn't want a kid, at least not someone else's. Alice and I have always gotten along well though."

He sighed, "I'm sorry Valerie."

I watched him hesitate, "what is it?"

He nodded, "well, spring break is coming up next month. I plan on taking the girls to Boston. I wanted to know if you wanted to come with me."

I laid back on the bed, "you want to take me home to meet your family?"

He nodded, laying on his side next to her, "I do. I've met yours."

I groaned, "yeah. But that wasn't planned. It just kind of happened. What if they hate me?"

He laughed, "you've already met Scott and he loves you."

I scoffed, "something tells me Scott is the easiest to please."

"Well, you're not wrong. But I know he went back and told them about you and they want to meet you."

I sighed, "aren't I supposed to go to some beach somewhere and spend a week drunk? Not flying to Boston for family bonding."

He laughed, "well I can keep you drunk if it will make it easier for you."

I shook my head laughing as I pulled his lips to mine. He pulled away, watching me. "Okay. I'll go. For you. But my father is right, what are we going to do long term Chris? Is there a long term?"

"Shh." He brought his finger to her lips, "let's just take it one step at a time. Okay?"

I groaned, nodding, "okay."

Professor Series - Chris Evans 💙Where stories live. Discover now