Chapter 21

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I sighed, walking to the Dean's office as I watched Chris exit. He held the door open for me, half smiling as I entered but I could he was angry.

"Ms. Wilson. I assume you know why you are here?"

I sighed, "not really. No, Mr. Hawkins."

He leaned against his desk, "well, it has been brought to our attention that you might have been engaging in a relationship of sexual nature with a teacher."

I scoffed, "that is ridiculous. I'm dating Tommy Harris. Everyone knows that. We've been dating for a while." I leaned towards him, "I am a straight A student who has never once been in trouble since being here. Why would I jeopardize that now in my last semester? Least of all for a teacher?"

He sighed, "well someone said they saw you leaving the bar together a few weeks ago."

I scoffed again, knowing exactly who it was now. He was really so jealous; he went to the school? He didn't even go here. I sighed, "if you're talking about Professor Evans, he encountered me drunk at the bar. He made sure I got home. That's it."

"And him hitting on you?"

I laughed, "not exactly. He left me his number before we knew he was my teacher. I never even used the number and when I showed up in class and realized he was my teacher we both discussed to forget it ever happened. Which we did. I don't understand. Do you have any sort of proof that we are dating? Or dated?"

"Have you ever been to his house?"

I sighed, "yes. Once. I watched his daughters for him while he went. On. A. Date. With someone else." I made to enunciate each word. "Obviously. If we were together, why would I be babysitting his kids while he dates someone else?" I stood up, "now Mr. Hawkins, unless you have any actual proof of anything, I'm going to go."

He sighed, "okay. You're free to go Ms. Wilson. But we'll be watching you."

I rolled my eyes, "be careful you don't watch too closely Mr. Hawkins or else they'll think you're stalking a student." I left the office before he could say anything else, and I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest.


When I returned to my apartment, I found Chris talking with Anna and Tommy, "Chris? What are you doing here? I just came from the Dean's office. How are we supposed to say we aren't dating if you show up here?"

He groaned, "I'm sorry. I had to see you. Do you know who it was?"

I removed my coat, "oh yes. It was Kyle from the bar. He must have been jealous. I'm sorry Chris."

He sighed, shaking his head, "I thought so. Don't be. They don't have any actual proof."

I shrugged, "that's what I said." I looked up at him, "promise me you won't go to the bar and confront Kyle."

He groaned, rolling his eyes. "I won't. I know that would be a bad idea. What exactly did you say?"

I sighed, "I said I'm dating Tommy and have been for a while. And that they have zero proof we were dating or ever dated. And he asked if I had been in your house, and I said once to babysit your girls." I shrugged, "and I said why would I offer to babysit your girls for you to go on a date if we were in fact dating?"

Chris laughed, "you never make anything easy for anyone do you?"

"No." Anna and Tommy spoke in unison, making everyone laugh.

I shrugged, "I'm sorry Chris." I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him as I heard simultaneous groaning and woo-ing behind me. I laughed, turning back to look at Tommy and Anna.

"I thought you were my girlfriend."

I laughed, hitting Tommy in the arm, "thanks for helping us."

He sighed, "you're welcome. I love you. And you're happy. So." He shrugged, "what else was I supposed to do."

I nodded as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "I know. I love you too, Tommy. You're going to have to walk me home from class now."

He smiled, "I can do that." He smirked at Chris, "maybe some PDA."

Chris clenched his jaw, "watch it."

I laughed, wrapping my arms around Chris's torso as I looked up at him, "he's teasing you."

He groaned, "I know. Hey, I need to have lunch with Helen and Greg on Saturday. Can you take the girls for a few hours? They've been wanting to spend time with you anyways."

I shrugged, "of course I can. What do you guys need to talk about?"

He sighed, "I think they're engaged. And I thought maybe I could talk to them about Boston."

I smiled, trying not to look too happy, "really?"

He nodded, "don't know unless I ask, right? And Boston is a hell of a lot closer to New York than California is."

I nodded, "it is. I love you. You know that?"

"I do. I love you too." He kissed her on the nose before pulling away. "I really should go though. You're right, I shouldn't have come here." He looked up at Anna and Tommy, "thanks guys."

They both only smiled and nodded as he left. When the door shut, Anna squealed, "oh my god! You guys are so cute! And he's totally in love with you, it makes me sick."

I laughed, "thank you?"

She laughed, "no no. I'm happy for you."

Tommy nodded, "we both are."

"Aww. I love you guys." I pulled them both into a hug as I heard Anna giggle.

"Just invite us to your wedding."

I laughed, "shut up Anna."

Professor Series - Chris Evans 💙Where stories live. Discover now