Chapter 30 - Final

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~~2 months later~~

"Are you ready little one?"

I looked up at my father, "as ready as I'll ever be."

He chuckled, "nervous?" He pulled a flask from his jacket, "need a little liquid encouragement?"

I laughed, "nervous, yes. And no. I can't have any of that."

"Can't? Why can't you?"

I looked up at him, waiting for it to hit him.

Dave smiled, "really?"

I nodded, "I found out a couple days ago. I haven't told anyone yet. So don't say anything."

He nodded, "I won't. I can't wait."

I laughed, "me either daddy. I'm going to tell Chris at the reception."

He nodded, "okay. Let's go." He put the flask away before holding out his arm for her to take as he guided her to the big double doors as they opened to the aisle.

I looked up to see Chris waiting at the end of the aisle, smiling. I tried to keep my heart from beating out of my chest as I whispered to my father, "don't let me fall daddy."

He gripped her hand tighter, "never little one."

I saw Scott wink at me as I made it to Chris, standing in front of him. I didn't hear most of what was said, being lost in Chris, and waiting until I heard the words I wanted to hear.

'I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.'

I smiled as I watched Chris lean in, closing my eyes as I felt his lips make contact with mine, eliciting a small moan as I felt him pull me to him for a moment before pulling away.

At the reception I heard them announce the first dance song as I watched Chris walk up to me, holding out his hand. He led me to the dance floor as music started to play, making me laugh, "this is what you chose for our first dance song?"

He laughed, nodding, "it's our song, is it not?"

I nodded as 'Valerie' started to play, "it is." I looked up at him, "Chris I have to tell you something."

He nodded, "okay? Should I be worried?"

I laughed, shaking my head, "no no. I'm pregnant Chris." I watched him the smile spread across his face, "are you happy?"

"Are you kidding? I'm ecstatic."

I laughed as he lifted me off the ground, spinning me around before setting me back on the ground.

He looked at everyone watching them, "we're going to have a baby!"

I groaned as I felt my face turn red as everyone cheered, "always embarrassing me."

He laughed, "you see it as embarrassing, I see it as spreading the love."

I laughed, "I know. I love you too."

While we were eating, Alice and my father came up to us. I could tell Alice wanted to say something, "what is it?"

Alice smiled at them, "I was accepted to Harvard, so I'll be moving here in the next few weeks. I was wondering if I could stay with you guys until I found my own place."

I looked at Chris who only shrugged before I turned back to Alice, "of course you can!"

Chris smiled as he watched her get up to hug her sister, "she can help with the girls and the baby." He laughed, "and as often as Scott comes and goes from the house, he practically lives there too. Family is always welcomed."

"Hey! I heard that."

I laughed, looking at Scott pretending to be offended, "we love having you around Scott. You're my favorite brother."

He laughed, "that doesn't mean a lot when I'm the only one."

I laughed, winking at him, "how about favorite Evans?"

"Hey! Husband right here."

I nodded, winking at Scott again, seeing him laugh.

****The End****

Professor Series - Chris Evans 💙Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora