Chapter 28

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~~5 months later~~

I sat in my favorite local bookstore in New York, reading an excerpt from my book to a room full of people. It was mostly women, which was completely expected but exciting all the same. My book had done so well in the targeted demographic, I was being asked to write a sequel. Once I finished my reading, I sat at a table, signing books for fans. A girl that looked to be a few years younger than me came up to me.

"I love your book. I was wondering how much of it was based on real life. And if you're going to write another one? What happened with her and the professor after the end of the book? Do they get married? Kids? We need to know."

I laughed, looking down at the book, "what's your name love?"

"Oh. Sorry. My name is Tiffany."

I nodded, signing her book, "as far as your questions go, I might write a sequel, yes. It is a work of fiction though."

Tiffany took her book back after it was signed, "I heard you dated your professor and that is what the book is based on. What happened there? How did it work out?"

"Those are all valid questions, Val."

I looked up at the familiar voice behind the girl to see Chris, making me squeal. "Chris!" I stood up, leaping into his arms as I felt him pull me into a kiss much to the amusement of the people waiting in line. I laughed at the everyone watching us, making me blush, "what are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming until tomorrow."

Chris shrugged, smiling, "remember when I told you that you would know?"

"Know? Know what Chris?" I heard gasps around me as I watched him fall to one knee in front of me, "Chris!"

He brought a finger to his lips, "shh."

I giggled and nodded as he opened the ring box to more gasps. I felt my face redden with embarrassment at everyone watching us.

"Valerie Marie Wilson. I've been completely enamored with you for the past almost year since I walked into that bar and sat next to you. Even if you did call me a megalomaniac."

I laughed, feeling tears stinging my eyes as he continued.

"I watched you with your whisky and cheeseburger as I began to sing to make you smile. You're brilliant and beautiful and I want you to be all mine forever. So, Valerie. Don't go making a fool out of me, marry me."

I laughed, shaking my head as I knelt in front of him, "I love you. Of course I will."

He nodded, smiling as pulled her lips to his urgently as people cheered. He laughed, pulling away as he pulled the ring out of the box, sliding it slowly on her finger.

I looked down at the ring and recognized it as the ring my mother wore before she had died. My father used to keep a box of things that belonged to her and when I was younger, I would look through the box when I missed her. I looked up at Chris, "you went to my father?"

He nodded, using his thumbs to catch her tears, wiping them away, "I did. He insisted I use this ring. Is it okay?"

I nodded, "it's perfect, thank you."

He smiled, "I love you Valerie."

I watched him stand up, holding a hand out to me. I grabbed it, standing with him, "I love you too." I looked around at everyone watching us, "I'm not done yet."

He laughed, nodding, "I know. I'll wait. And then home to Boston for Thanksgiving."

I nodded, sitting back in my seat as I looked back up at Tiffany, "probably going to get that sequel, yeah." I heard her laugh as she walked away for the next person.


After we left the signing, we barely made it back in my apartment before we had clothes littered on the floor, "god I missed you Chris."

He nodded, moaning as he let her lead him to her bedroom, "me too love. I can't wait until you move to Boston."

"Soon Evans." I squealed as we fell onto the bed naked and I watched as he made his way to me, taking no time to enter me forcefully, making me scream out. "Fuck Chris, don't stop."

He grunted, feeling her wrap her legs around him as he trailed kisses down her neck and chest.

I felt him take a nipple firmly into his mouth, sucking and biting before letting go, causing me to moan louder.

He chuckled, "shh. You have neighbors love."

I laughed, "they're fine. As if I've never heard them having sex." I clutched onto his back, "just don't stop."

He moaned, nodding as he thrusted into her harder, watching the pleasure on her face as he did. He smiled, "yes mistress."

I squirmed, feeling it well up as he filled me, his mouth finding mine urgently; the orgasm tearing through me in a wave of intense electric passion as I heard him grunting, knowing he was close to emptying himself deep inside. "Fuck."

After he released, he laid next to her, out of breath. "Don't get too comfortable, we have dinner plans."

I looked over at him panting, "we do?"

He laughed, "you think I could come to New York and propose and us not have to see your father or Anna and Tommy after?"

I laughed, "I guess not." I groaned sitting up, "shower with me?"

He moaned, sitting up as he watched her walk to the bathroom. She turned to face him from the doorframe, making him groan, wanting her again.


Once we were dressed, I went next door and knocked to find Tommy and Anna dressed and ready for dinner. "So I guess you guys knew?" I was ecstatic when they decided to move to New York when I did, even finding an empty apartment next to mine.

Tommy smirked, "we did." He looked at Anna, "ready love?"

Anna smiled and nodded, "yes." She looked at Valerie, "we can't express how happy we are for you Val."

I nodded, "okay. Don't make me cry again. And thank you. I hope you guys know how much you mean to me; and how happy I am you guys are together. I love you guys."

They nodded, pulling her into a group hug. Tommy kissed her on the head, "we love you too Val."

Professor Series - Chris Evans 💙Where stories live. Discover now