Going home

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(Date: October 6, 2036)
Billie's POV:
I wake up to crying, and brooks voice. I get off the couch and I see brook struggling to change Lillian diaper.

"Brook, I got it, here look this is how do it" I say as I take the diaper from her and she watches as I change Lillian's diaper and I get her onesie back on.

"Im not cut out to be a mom" brook says, as i picks Lillian up. "You'll get the hang of it, don't worry" i say as I sign brook out of the hospital, and then I get Lillian into her car seat. Brook picks up her hospital bag and we leave. I get Lillian's car seat secured in the car and brook sits in the back with her.

Brooks POV:
I get in the back, and I hold onto my baby's little hand. She wraps her fingers around my finger and holds onto it. "Mom, I'm sorry" I say, rubbing my thumb across Lillian's tiny knuckles.

"Sorry for what baby" mom says, looking back at me through the rear view mirror. "For getting pregnant and having a kid, I don't even know how to care for her" i say, wiping my eyes so I don't cry.

"Don't be sorry, you know when you were born, I didn't know to go care for you, but look at you, I am here to help you, ok" mom says, reaching back and rubbing my leg. "Yea, thank you for supporting Me" i say, staring to fall asleep. "No problem hunny, go to sleep, I know you didn't get a lot of sleep" mom says as I fall asleep.

(Once they got home)
I wake up to the car stopping and crying. "Shit shit, shhhh, it's ok baby, mamas here, it's ok" I say as I quickly get out the car and go around. I take the carrier out and we go inside.

I put the carrier down and take Lillian out, supporting her head, as I get her calmed down. She's so tiny and cute. I can't wait for her to meet her dad. She starts crying and the cry sounded like a hungry cry so I go upstairs to my room. I close the door, then I pull my shirt up, taking off my bra. I help her latch and after a few try's she latches and starts feeding. "Hey brook when your done, can I show you the new Lego set i built" I hear alex say from outside my door.

"Sure" I say as I sit on my bed and I watch as my baby feeds. After 20 minutes she latches off so I burp her and then I place her down on my bed. I put my bra back and she starts crying again. I pick her up, and she starts to calm down. I leave my room and I go to Alex's room. "Sup so where the Lego set" i say and alex looks at Lillian.

"Can I hold it" he says, putting his hands out to touch Lillian. "Hey, she has a name, it's Lillian and if you want to hold her then wash your hands" i say and alex goes to his bathroom and I watch him wash his hands. "Ok sit down" i say and he sits in his chair. "Ok when you hold her, support her head, and don't kiss her" i say as I pass her to alex.

"You know, alex jr would have been a great name" alex says, looking at me, as Lillian starts crying. "Ok one no and two let me see the Lego set" i say as I take Lillian back from alex and I rub her back. "Oh yea, here it is..." he says as he shows me the Lego set and explains it to me. "Cool, now where the bucket of legos you said I could have" i say and he passes it to me.

I leave his room and go back to my room. Lillian starts crying and she smelt bad. She pooped. I leave my room and I go downstairs. "Dad where can I change her" I say and a smile appears on her face. "Follow me" she says so I follow her and we walk up stairs to the room next to mine. She opens the door and it was a nursery and it looked like this:

 She opens the door and it was a nursery and it looked like this:

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I was stunned. It was amazing. "Did you do this" i ask dad as I look around. "Yup" dad says, hugging me. "Thank you" I say hugging back.

I place Lillian on the changing table gently and I take off her onesie. I change her diaper and then put her onesie back on. I pick her pick up, placing a binky in her mouth. She started falling asleep and after a few seconds she was asleep so I place her gently in her crib. "Good night my angel" i say grabbing one of the baby monitors, leaving the room, closing the door.

I go downstairs and I see mom and dad talking. "Where is Lillian" mom asks, looking at me. "She's sleeping in her crib" i say as I go to the fridge and I grab a water bottle. I go back upstairs and go to my room.

(Time Skip 2 hours later)
there was crying over the baby monitor. I go into Lillian's nursery and I walk over to her crib. I pick her up and I calm her down. My phone started ringing and it was Abigail. I pick up and I kept Lillian out of the view. "Hey" i say as I leave the nursery. I go to my room and Lillian started fussing. "Shhh it's ok baby, your ok" I say as I lay down in bed.

"Who are you talking to" Abigail asks, her face confused. I turn off my camera and I take off my shirt and bra. I take off Lillian's onesie and I place her on my chest. I pull a blanket over us and she started to calm down. "BROOK" Abigail screams startling Lillian. "What" I say, Turing my camera back on. "Who are you talking to and where is your shirt" she asks, moving her camera.

"I was talking to Lillian, and I don't have a shirt on because I'm calming Lillian down" i say, instantly regretting it. "Who is Lillian" she asks, trying to understand what's going on. "So umm Lillian is my newborn, she was born 3 days ago" i say and Abigail looked at me like I was crazy. I move my camera so she could see Lillian's head. "How the fuck did you have a kid" she says, I'm going to lose this friend. "Turns out I was pregnant" i say and she hangs up. Fucking hell. Lillian starts crying again, startling me.

"Shhh it's ok angel, mamas here" I say, kissing the top of her head, and she calms down. I saw a small smile appear on her face making me happy. I don't need Abigail. She called me a slut and whore anyways. I rub Lillian's back as she started to fall asleep. I slowly get up out of bed, still holding Lillian to my chest, one hand on her bum and back holding the blanket, and my other hand supporting her head. I grab her onesie and I leave my room.

I go to her nursery, and I place her on the changing table. I put her onesie back on, and then I place her in her crib. I leave her nursery closing the door and going back to my room. I put my bra and shirt back on and then I put the baby monitor on my side table. I put my phone on charge and I get in bed, and fall asleep.

Ok so I hope y'all liked this chapter, please some ideas in the comments, but as always stay fruity ❤️bye loves❤️
1330 words

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